Page 34 Covenant law where we try to discover the rules of God in the Bible and then do our best to carry them out. That is Old Covenant living. You and I have something far better. The book of Hebrews makes very clear that God has done away with Old Covenant living and has given us a new and better covenant by which to live (Heb. 8-10). The promise of the New Covenant is that God has put His laws in the minds of His people, and He has written them on their hearts (2 Cor. 3:2-3). Under the New Covenant, the will of God has become something internal and living. We can say it this way. The Christian faith is not a moral religion as was Judaism. As Christians, we are outside the realm of rules and laws. The Christian walk is a Person. We are driven by a life form that is not our own. That life form is Divine. This is not just a doctrine or a theology. God Himself has taken up residency in our very being. He lives inside of us. We have an indwelling Lord who moves, speaks, and leads within us. This is the same God who walked throughout Galilee in the first century. His name is Jesus, and He lives in us by the Holy Spirit. Put differently, we have God’s very life dwelling inside of us. And that life has a nature. Do you remember what that nature is? It is love. God is love. Love is what governs everything God does. You and I have a Lord who lives in us, and His driving nature is love. That nature seeks to benefit others at the expense of ourselves.
Kindness makes a person attractive. If you would win the world, melt it, do not hammer it.
Alexander MacLaren