Page 40 leading of the Lord into God’s moral will–will never contradict the written Word of God. It will never contradict the revelation of Christ that is revealed in the Scriptures. It will always be in harmony with it. I remember years ago meeting a woman who was following a certain ,prophet. This prophet had very impressive gifts of the word of knowledge, predictive prophecy, and healing. The woman was married. The prophet told her that God showed him that she had married the wrong man. He said she was to divorce her husband (not officially, but ,before God) and marry him (not officially, but ,before God). The woman believed the prophet and followed his leading. Now, he was a ,prophet. He had signs and wonders following him. God gave this revelation to him. The indwelling Spirit revealed this to him. Do you believe that? If you say ,no, how do you know you are right? How do you know that God didn’t tell him this? We know on two counts. One, the life of Jesus Christ inside of you will tell you that such a word could not come from God. Why? Because it violates the way of love. This woman’s husband suffered untold agony over this. If you are in touch with your spiritual instincts, you know that this prophet’s ,revelation could not come from Christ, for He is Love. Only pain, chaos, and deep hurt could come out of such a revelation if acted upon. Two, the Scriptures condemn such a practice. The record of
Leaders take lessons from the past, but never sacrifice the future for the sake of mere continuity. People of vision gauge decisions on the future; the story of the past cannot be rewritten.
Oswald Sanders