Page 41 God’s life in Jesus the Son of God while on earth condemns it. His teachings, which are ,spirit and life, condemn it. The testimony of Paul of Tarsus, whose writings Peter calls ,Scripture, condemns it. Let me press the point: When it comes to discovering God’s moral will, both the internal witness of the Spirit and the outward testimony of Scripture will always go hand in hand. That’s a lesson you ought never to forget. Further, the Scripture discloses to us God’s ultimate intention or eternal will. It reveals to us what Paul called ,the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27). In the Greek, the word ,counsel in this passage means ,purpose. Knowledge of God’s eternal purpose–His central aim–is like a large compass that always points us in the direction of the Lord’s will. It is a frame of reference for Christian living. For God’s moral will is always in line with His eternal purpose. It is no accident that Ephesians has more references to the will of God than any other New Testament letter (Eph. 1:1, 5, 9, 11; 5:17; 6:6). The governing theme of Ephesians is the eternal purpose of God. Understanding God’s purpose, then, goes a long way in providing direction for our lives.
Christ became a curse for sinners. We become blessed in Christ (Galatians 3:13). He “sealed my pardon with His blood” by bearing our guilt and punishment. He grounds our final righteousness before God by His own perfect obedience. Consequently, justification not only deals with past guilt, but also secures for us a complete and final (or eschatological, to use the technical term) righteousness before God. This is what it means to be justified by faith.
Sinclair Ferguson