Page 49 Should I save? Invest? If so, how and using what method? What bank should I use? Should I use credit cards? Which and how often? How should my spouse and I divide up the division of labor in our household? (E.g., who’s going to cut the grass, wash the dishes, take out the garbage, etc.?) Should I buy or lease a car? What type of car and how many? Christians have gone bonkers trying to find ,the perfect will of God in these matters. And they don’t need to. I repeat: As long as you are in God’s moral will, the above decisions are left to your choice. That statement alone should remove a load off your shoulders. Let’s take the question of ,which job should I take? An illegal job that would compromise your honesty would be outside of the parking lot. We can safely say that to make your career selling illegal drugs is outside of God’s will, for instance. But the many jobs that have no immoral implications associated with them are all within the parking lot. The choice as to which one to take is left to you. Now that still leaves us with a question: By what criteria should we choose between parking spaces? Do we expect God to give us some special revelation on these matters? Or do we just throw up a coin and choose based upon which side the coin lands?
To whatever we look for any good thing and for refuge in every need, that is what is meant by “god.” To have a god is nothing else than to trust and believe in him from the heart… To whatever you give your heart and entrust your being, that, I say, is really your god.
Martin Luther