Page 50 The Lord has not promised to give us special revelation on these non-moral issues. He has promised to lead us into His moral will, as we have already discussed. But when it comes to the plethora of non- moral decisions that are constantly before us, He has given no such promise. It is for this reason that many Christians become frustrated with God when He doesn’t provide guidance on these issues. Remember the story of Jack. Handling Objections ,But Frank, what about Proverbs 3:6 where the Lord says, Acknowledge the Lord in all your ways, and He shall direct your paths? The original Hebrew of that passage says ,He shall make your paths smooth or straight. That is not a promise that God will direct you in every decision you will ever make. It is a promise that if you trust in your Lord instead of yourself, the Lord will make your paths smooth. ,But what about what God says in Isaiah 30:21, Your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, `This is the way, walk in it.’ Whenever you turn to the right hand and whenever you turn to the left? According to the context of this passage, Israel was in rebellion against the Lord. So God disciplined His people by giving them ,the bread of affliction, and the water of adversity (Isa. 30:20). This discipline was to bring Israel back to the place where she would
Our Divine Husband through the Holy Spirit has the primary goal of progressively making us more holy, making us more like Himself. Men, that is how we are called to best love our wives as Christ loves the church. Men, we should be in full cooperation with the Holy Spirit to be used as a tool to see our wives become more holy, as a result of us, not in spite of us. Here are some practical thoughts: Bringing her to the Word. Giving her time to be in the Word. Discussing what she is learning from the Word. Bringing her to church. Finding answers for her biblical questions. Protecting her from the world’s contamination. Doing nothing that might lead her to sin. Carrying her spiritual burdens. Making and explaining decisions on the basis of Scripture. Praying for her. Maintaining a positive spiritual atmosphere in the home. Commending her for the biblical traits you see in her. Encouraging her in her spiritual growth. Keeping your critiques only to spiritual issues and sharing them in love. Setting a godly example.
Randy Smith