Page 57 being tempted left and right. I’m having a fierce struggle with my thoughts and desires. It would be profoundly foolish of me to make a vow to the Lord that I will be celibate my entire life! Are you following me? That’s just plain moronic. You, sir, don’t need God to reveal to you in a dream, by an angel, an inward impression, or a Divine sign that you ought to seek marriage. Wisdom will give you that knowledge. Now if you are a Christian man or a Christian woman, to marry any Christian of the opposite sex is within the parking lot of God’s moral will. Paul said that he had the liberty to marry a sister in the Lord and take her on his ministry trips, as was the practice of Peter and the other apostles (1 Cor. 9:5). So Paul was free to marry a sister in Christ. But let me tell you something. You would be very foolish to pick just any sister or brother as a marriage partner. It requires wisdom to discover which sister or which brother you will be compatible with for the long haul without constant misery. So if you marry a Christian, you are within God’s moral will. But you would be very wise to marry a Christian who is compatible with you. Consequently, you do well to acquire wisdom for such decisions. Wisdom asks, ,What is going to be spiritually advantageous to me and to others? What decision will best promote the kingdom of God? What decision will be best for all involved, including myself? There may be many decisions that are of equal spiritual benefit. It
All repetitions are not 'vain repetitions.' Souls in agony have no space to find variety of language: pain has to content itself with monotones.
C.H. Spurgeon