Page 58 matters not which one you pick. They are equally wise. On the other hand, there are those decisions that will mean great profit or great loss for many years depending on your choice. And when it comes to the realm of single adults who are eligible for marriage, this is not a case of equal options. The question of when to marry also requires wisdom to make a prudent choice. In short, the Lord has not promised to lead us supernaturally in non-moral decisions. But He has promised to grant us wisdom. So how does one acquire wisdom in making a non-moral decision? One way is simply to ask the Lord for it. This does not mean that He’s going to give you some kind of supernatural revelation, sign, or impression. Wisdom involves discernment; it involves sound judgment. God gives us wisdom most typically through the experience of life (often by our own mistakes or the mistakes of others). When we are young, we are wise to gain wisdom from those who are older than us (Prov. 13:20). We are wise to learn from those who have more experience in life. Proverbs is a book that is filled with the wisdom of King Solomon, who was the wisest man on the earth before Christ entered human history. Solomon’s wisdom is recorded for all of us to glean from. There is also wisdom in the Body of Christ. The Body includes those servants of God who have gone before us (through their writings and their testimony). It also includes those living saints with
Do not stop to ask the writer if God has granted all his prayers. He has not. To have said “Yes” to some of them would have spelt curse instead of blessing. To have answered others was, alas! a spiritual impossibility – he was not worthy of the gifts he sought. The granting of some of them would but have fostered spiritual pride and self-satisfaction. How plain all these things seem now, in the fuller light of God's Holy Spirit!
Unknown Author