Page 66 and Jen went to a Christian life seminar that lasted a week or so. In it, they were taught that God’s will is for all Christians to have large families. They were also taught that God is against any form of birth control. Further, they were taught that God wants all Christians to homeschool their children because public schools are evil. Consequently, Jim and Jen began having children immediately. Jim has always had trouble nailing down steady work, so he’s moved from job to job. Jim and Jen have more than five children. However, they have an enormous struggle meeting their bills and caring for their children. Consequently, they live in constant debt. Further, Jen homeschools the kids, as she was taught in the seminar. But she’s not very good at it. Her children are less mature and less educated than children of the same age who attend public school. Add to that, Jim and Jen have great trouble handling their children. They don’t seem to have the patience or the emotional resources to handle their little army. They did fine with two children. But when the family grew beyond that number, life began to break down. There is constant fighting, bickering, conflict, and stress in the home. So we have two different couples making the same decisions for different reasons. I leave you with this question: Which couple used wisdom to make their decisions and which did not?
A true and enduring identity is a complex gift of Christ’s grace. He gives a new identity in an act of mercy. Then His Spirit makes it a living reality over a lifetime. When you see Him face to face, you will know Him as He truly is, and you will fully know who you are (1 Cor. 13:12).
David Powlison