Page 67 CHAPTER 4 SHARING THE LOT WITH FELLOW CHRISTIANS We have learned that God has promised to lead and guide us into His moral will. And we discussed how He leads us into His moral will. We also pointed out that God’s will is a lot like a parking lot. In addition, we discovered that in non-moral areas, God leaves the decision to us. The non-moral decisions of life can be likened to the parking spaces that are within the parking lot of God’s moral will. The Lord has also promised to give us wisdom in making such decisions. But what happens when Christians who fellowship together hold to different views on the boundaries of the parking lot? That is, what do you do if your brother or sister in Christ believes that a particular practice that you regard as a legitimate parking space is outside of God’s will? That’s the subject of this chapter. I will say quite candidly that if you can wrap your arms around
Christians should be the most diligent people on the planet. Sadly this is often not the case as we are outspent, outthought and outperformed oftentimes by the very opponents of the Gospel. Is there any cause greater than fighting for the eternal salvation of souls? Is there any book more accurate and relevant and thrilling than the inspired Word of God? Is there any power greater than the Holy Spirit? Is there any god who can compare with our God? Then where is the diligence, the dedication, the determination of His people?
Randy Smith