Page 70 to never dance unless it is to Christian worship music. to never drink alcohol. to never see a psychologist or psychiatrist. to speak in tongues. to never speak in tongues. to never see a doctor, but to believe God for healing. to not use medicines, only herbs and natural supplements. to never eat meat. to keep the Sabbath (Saturday) holy. to keep Sunday holy. to tithe to their local church from their net income. to tithe to their local church from their gross income. to give as they have purposed in their heart to give. to avoid the unclean foods listed in the Law of Moses. to not watch the news or read newspapers. to never spend more than $30 on a watch. to read their Bible every day. to pray at least one hour a day. to never buy a lottery ticket. to witness to at least one unsaved person each day. to not celebrate Christmas (they shouldn’t have a Christmas tree, lights, or exchange presents). to not allow their kids to participate in Easter egg hunts or go trick-or-treating.
The problem with Christians is nobody wants to kill them anymore.
Unknown Author