Page 71 to not own expensive vehicles. to not own insurance. to not lock their car doors. to not lock the doors of their house. God’s will is for Christian women . . . to never wear jewelry. to wear a veil on their heads in church gatherings. to never cut their hair. to wear clothing that never exposes their legs. to be silent in church meetings. to never wear a bikini. The Limitations of Personal Conscience In Chapter 2, we discussed the conscience. The conscience is an internal guide into God’s moral will. However, the conscience is limited by knowledge. Every person has an internal line that is drawn by his or her conscience. If you cross that line, you have sinned. Yet because the line drawn by our conscience is limited by our knowledge, the line of some Christians will differ from others. Consequently, I may engage in a certain behavior that my
I wish I saw more of this understanding of God’s grace among people who profess to be God’s children – the forbearance, love, mercy, gentleness, forgiveness, the humility, the ability overlook sin if appropriate and the absence of legalism, haughtiness and self-righteous spirits. I’m tired of the condemning remarks, the fight to win attitudes, the always expecting my way pursuits and grace-less relationships that are too frequently seen in Christian marriages. No wonder a young girl in a church once prayed, “Lord, make the bad people good and make the good people friendly.”
Randy Smith