Page 72 conscience condemns. That certain behavior is sin to me. However, you may engage in that same behavior, and your conscience will not condemn you. Thus it will not be a sin for you. Why is this? It is because the conscience is limited by knowledge. For example, I knew a man once who was taught as a young child that the movie theater is the house of devils. Consequently, if this man even walked into a movie theater, his conscience would condemn him. For him, to do such a thing would be willfully sinning against his Lord. For other Christians, this is not the case. They could walk into a movie theater without wincing. And they can even glorify God in doing so. The conscience is the current standard of God’s will for our lives. It must be obeyed else it will condemn us. Typically, mature Christians have more freedom than do immature Christians. This is because mature Christians tend to have more knowledge. As Paul said, ,Unto the pure all things are pure . . . (Titus 1:15). ,All things are lawful, but not all things are spiritually profitable or edifying (1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23). Food Fights and Sabbath Wars The New Testament gives us two instructive examples of how Christians can encounter conflict over issues of conscience. One was
While first-century witnesses to Christ's authentic miracles walked away from them and from Him (John 9:13—22), twenty-first-century Christians seem to be curiously drawn to experiences that are not even worthy to be compared with Christ's miracles.
John MacArthur