Right And Wrong

Right And Wrong

But maybe you don’t care about heaven and hell. Maybe you don’t even claim to be a Christian, so you don’t think Genesis has anything to do with you. You’re wrong; it affects you too.

Suppose you saw someone committing a murder or molesting a child. You’d try to stop them, wouldn’t you? Or suppose your teenage daughter wanted to go out on a date wearing a see-through blouse with no bra underneath. Would you let her? I doubt it. You have standards of right and wrong.

Have you ever thought about where you got those standards? Probably from your parents, who got them from their parents, etc. But at some time in the past, somebody decided what was right and what was wrong and began to pass it on. And where did they get their standards? If they lived in almost any country in the Western Hemisphere, they got them from the Bible.

If evolution is true, you’re in trouble! Whether you like it or not, your standards of right and wrong originated in the Bible, which is saturated with references to the Genesis account of Creation and the Flood. But evolution means that Genesis is either just a man-made myth or else a divine riddle whose meaning you can’t ever really be sure you understand correctly.

Either way, you’ll have to discard Genesis as a guide for living. You’ll also have to reject all the other parts of the Bible that refer to it as literally true. Say goodbye to:

  • Everything Moses wrote. This includes not only Genesis but also the Ten Commandments and all the rest of the moral laws on which most of our civil laws are based;
  • Most of the Old Testament;
  • All four Gospels;
  • Fourteen other books of the New Testament.

Well, that wipes out almost the whole Bible. And even if you call yourself an atheist, that’s still where most of your moral standards originally came from. If evolution is true, then, your standards are firmly rooted in nothing. You have no basis to believe in right and wrong! All you have is an opinion.

Of course you’re entitled to your opinion. But guess what? So is everybody else. Everybody. For example, Hindus have a right to believe that killing cows is wrong, so if you go to India you’ll probably have to abstain from beef. Harmless, right? Wrong!

Let’s be logical. If everybody else has a right to their opinion, so do the satanic cults. Some of them practice human sacrifice, which you doubtless think is wrong. But remember, if Genesis is not reliable, then your moral standards are ultimately based on a myth. Who are you to say that they (or Hitler or Stalin) are wrong? It’s just your opinion against theirs!

How about your kids? What right do you have to tell them not to use drugs, or steal, or beat up old ladies? And what about your teenage daughter? Who are you to tell her that it’s wrong to wear a micro-mini skirt (or go naked, for that matter)? After all, your children are at least as highly evolved as you are. They have as much right to their opinion as you do!

It all comes down to this: if there is a God who made the universe, He has the right to make the rules. But has He told us what His rules are? Assuming Genesis to be unreliable, the answer is NO.

The Bible can’t be trusted. Since you can’t be sure what God’s rules are, everybody else is free to make up their own. You have nothing to say about it. You have no right to impose your opinion on anybody – if evolution is true. And if it is, you might as well start your own religion, because Christianity is worthless.