- Is obedience to God’s law # De 6:25 Ro 10:5 Lu 1:6 Ps 1:2
- God loves # Ps 11:7
- God looks for # Isa 5:7
- CHRIST 4a) Is the Son of
# Mal 4:2
4b) Loves # Ps 45:7 Heb 1:9 4c) Was girt with # Isa 11:5 4d) Put on, as breast-plate # Isa 59:17 4e) Was sustained by # Isa 59:16 4f) Preached # Ps 40:9 4g) Fulfilled all # Mt 3:15 4h) Is made to his people # 1Co 1:30 4i) Is the end of the law for # Ro 10:4 4j) Has brought in everlasting # Da 9:24 4k) Shall judge with # Ps 72:2 Isa 11:4 Ac 17:31 Re 19:11 4l) Shall reign in # Ps 45:6 Isa 32:1 Heb 1:8 4m) Shall execute # Ps 99:4 Jer 23:6 5) None, by nature have # Job 15:14 Ps 14:3 Ro 3:10 6) Cannot come by the law # Ga 2:21 3:21 7) No justification by works of # Ro 3:20 9:31,32 Ga 2:16 8) No salvation by works of # Eph 2:8,9 2Ti 1:9 Tit 3:5 9) Unregenerate man seeks justification by works of # Lu 18:9 Ro 10:3 10) The blessing of God is not to be attributed to our works of # De 9:5 11) SAINTS 11a) Have, in Christ # Isa 45:24 54:17 2Co 5:21 11b) Have, imputed # Ro 4:11,22 11c) Are covered with the robe of # Isa 61:10 11d) Receive, from God # Ps 24:5 11e) Are renewed in # Eph 4:24 11f) Are led in the paths of # Ps 23:3 11g) Are servants of # Ro 6:16,18 11h) Characterised by # Ge 18:25 Ps 1:5,6 11i) Know # Isa 51:7 11j) Do # 1Jo 2:29 3:7 11k) Work, by faith # Heb 11:33 11l) Follow after # Isa 51:1 11m) Put on # Job 29:14 11n) Wait for the hope of # Ga 5:5 11o) Pray for the spirit of # Ps 51:10 11p) Hunger and thirst after # Mt 5:6 11q) Walk before God in # 1Ki 3:6 11r) Offer the sacrifice of # Ps 4:5 51:19 11s) Put no trust in their own # Php 3:6-8 11t) Count their own, as filthy rags # Isa 64:6 11u) Should seek # Zep 2:3 11v) Should live in # Tit 2:12 1Pe 2:24 11w) Should serve God in # Lu 1:75 11x) Should yield their members as instruments of # Ro 6:13 11y) Should yield their members servants to # Ro 6:19 11z) Should have on the breast-plate of # Eph 6:14 12) Shall receive a crown of # 2Ti 4:8 13) Shall see God’s face in # Ps 17:15 14) Of saints endures forever # Ps 112:3,9 2Co 9:9 15) An evidence of the new birth # 1Jo 2:29 16) The kingdom of God is # Ro 14:17 17) The fruit of the Spirit is in all # Eph 5:9 18) The Scriptures instruct in # 2Ti 3:16 19) Judgments designed to lead to # Isa 26:9 20) Chastisements yield the fruit of # Heb 12:11 21) Has no fellowship with unrighteousness # 2Co 6:14 22) MINISTERS SHOULD 22a) Be preachers of # 2Pe 2:5 22b) Reason of # Ac 24:25 22c) Follow after # 1Ti 6:11 2Ti 2:22 22d) Be clothed with # Ps 132:9 22e) Be armed with # 2Co 6:7 22f) Pray for the fruit of, in their people # 2Co 9:10 Php 1:11 23) Keep saints in the right way # Pr 11:5 13:6 24) Judgment should be executed in # Le 19:15 25) THEY WHO WALK IN, AND FOLLOW 25a) Are righteous # 1Jo 3:7 25b) Are the excellent of the earth # Ps 16:3 Pr 12:26 25c) Are accepted with God # Ac 10:35 25d) Are loved by God # Ps 146:8 Pr 15:9 25e) Are blessed by God # Ps 5:12 25f) Are heard by God # Lu 18:7 Jas 5:16 25g) Are objects of God’s watchful care # Job 36:7 Ps 34:15 Pr 10:3 1Pe 3:12 25h) Are tried by God # Ps 11:5 25i) Are exalted by God # Job 36:7 25j) Dwell in security # Isa 33:15,16 25k) Are bold as a lion # Pr 28:1 25l) Are delivered out of all troubles # Ps 34:19 Pr 11:8 25m) Are never forsaken by God # Ps 37:25 25n) Are abundantly provided for # Pr 13:25 Mt 6:25-33 25o) Are enriched # Ps 112:3 Pr 15:6 25p) Think and desire good # Pr 11:23 12:5 25q) Know the secret of the Lord # Ps 25:14 Pr 3:32 25r) Have their prayers heard # Ps 34:17 Pr 15:29 1Pe 3:12 25s) Have their desires granted # Pr 10:24 25t) Find it with life and honour # Pr 21:21 25u) Shall hold on their way # Job 17:9 25v) Shall never be moved # Ps 15:2,5 55:22 Pr 10:30 12:3 25w) Shall be ever remembered # Ps 112:6 25x) Shall flourish as a branch # Pr 11:28 26) Shall be glad in the Lord # Ps 64:10 27) Brings its own reward # Pr 11:18 Isa 3:10 28) Tends to life # Pr 11:19 12:28 29) The work of, shall be peace # Isa 32:17 30) The effect of, shall be quietness and assurance for ever # Isa 32:17 31) Is a crown of glory to the aged # Pr 16:31 32) THE WICKED 32a) Are far from # Ps 119:150 Isa 46:12 32b) Are free from # Ro 6:20 32c) Are enemies of # Ac 13:10 32d) Leave off # Am 5:7 Ps 36:3 32e) Follow not after # Ro 9:30 32f) Do not # 1Jo 3:10 32g) Do not obey # Ro 2:8 2Th 2:12 32h) Love lying rather than # Ps 52:3 32i) Make mention of God, not it # Isa 48:1 32j) Though favoured, will not learn # Isa 26:10 Ps 106:43 32k) Speak contemptuously against those who follow # Ps 31:18 Mt 27:39-44 32l) Hate those who follow # Ps 34:21 32m) Slay those who follow # Ps 37:32 1Jo 3:12 Mt 23:35 32n) Should break off their sins by # Da 4:27 32o) Should awake to # 1Co 15:34 32p) Should sow to themselves in # Ho 10:12 32q) Vainly wish to die as those who follow # Nu 23:10 33) The throne of kings established by # Pr 16:12 25:5 34) Nations exalted by # Pr 14:34 35) BLESSEDNESS OF 35a) Having imputed, without works # Ro 4:6 35b) Doing # Ps 106:3 35c) Hungering and thirsting after # Mt 5:6 35d) Suffering for # 1Pe 3:14 35e) Being persecuted for # Mt 5:10 35f) Turning others to # Da 12:3 36) Promised to the Church # Isa 32:16 45:8 61:11 62:1 37) Promised to saints # Isa 60:21 61:3 38) Exemplified 38a) Jacob # Ge 30:33 38b) David # 2Sa 22:21 38c) Zacharias # Lu 1:6 38d) Abel # Heb 11:4 38e) Lot # 2Pe 2:8