Running For The Prize Title: Running for the Prize Text: Heb. 12:1-3 (against background of Heb. 11) Tracing: Preached at PM Service at SDCC on 5/27/90. Topic: Faithfulness Theme: Help in running the race of faith
Prim Goal :
Intnd Aud.:
Intro.: Nice ÿto ÿbe recognized for things you have done ÿ– ÿÿgraduation, military ÿservice, ÿÿhonors (Jeremy & Wendy in ÿoration ÿcontests, Robert in Graphic Arts), etc. Heb. 11 is like a plaque on the wall honoring those who made a contribution or who deserve to be recognized. ÿBut Heb. 12 ÿopens by reminding us that the plaque is not full — there is still a place on it for your name! Just as they ran the race (and ran it well), we also ought to run the race of faith. Body: There are three keys to running the race well. I. Be Encouraged by the “Witnesses”. Two interpretations: 1) ÿWitnesses as in courtroom – since so many have told us and shown us of God’s faithfulness, ÿwe ought to heed them and imitate by being faithful as they were. 2) ÿWitnesses as spectators – since so many great people ÿare watching ÿand ÿcheering us on, ÿwe ought to be ÿmotivated ÿnot ÿto embarrass ourselves by giving up. ÿWe’ve all seen races where one competitor was impossibly behind yet refused to quit — isn’t that more honorable? This is encouraging to those with loved ones who have gone ÿon and ÿis ÿgiven credibility by the writer’s use of ÿ”cloud” ÿrather than “crowd”. II. Be Unencumbered by Sin and Distractions. 1st century garments were long and flowing – unsuited for athletic activity – original olympic athletes were unclothed (not for titilation but to allow the best performance). Illus.- Racquetball — blue jeans not appropriate for a SERIOUS game. WHEN PLAYING FOR LIFE OR DEATH, WE SHOULD LAY DOWN OUR BURDENS! Two types of burdens: encumbrances – major problems, alcoholism, etc. and easily besetting sin – the “little” sins and habits. III. Be Inspired by the Pioneer. Illus- ÿFour-minute mile seemed the upper limit of man’s speed until broken, then everyone seemed to be breaking it. Pioneer and Finisher of faith – Jesus, ÿin order to obtain the joy ÿset before Him (that having accomplished salvation ÿfor ÿus), endured ÿthe ÿcross ÿin faithfulness and was ÿrewarded. ÿÿLet ÿus imitate ÿhim ÿin seeing the reward available for us ÿand ÿenduring anything in order to receive it. Conc.: Are the “witnesses” proud of your race? Are you running freely, with no encumbrances or do you have your pockets filled with your favorite distractions? How close to Jesus’ model are you getting?
Comments: Prepared by Scott L. Purcell Minister of Stokelan Drive Christian Church 1501 Stokelan Drive Malden, MO 63863 (314) 276-2343 Reproduce, modify, and use freely for the glory of God and the Growth of the Kingdom! If these outlines are of some benefit to you, a note, postcard, or phone-call would be most welcome!