God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
Few things should be more encouraging for the believer than the teaching on hell. We know and have embraced a Savior who has rescued us from that terrifying destination. We know this was the primary purpose for Jesus’ coming. We know God in His love and mercy provided a way for forgiveness through the work of His Son. We know Jesus, being God Himself, lived a perfect life and thus qualified to stand in our place as a sinless human. He took our sins upon Himself and faced the wrath of God on the cross that we deserved. He took our hell so we would not have to and gave us His life. Justice for sin was accomplished on Christ. Through His incredible love offering, those who receive Jesus Christ can be forgiven and thus saved, saved from hell and enjoy the promise of everlasting life with Him in heaven.
Randy Smith
Bible – russian – Синодальный перевод Псалтырь 116