Sabbatine Privilege
BASIC R.C. BELIEF Early liberation from Purgatory through Mary’s intercession. Roman Catholic commentators disagree about this special indulgence. Some say sabbatine refers to a time after death (a rest) and only indicates Purgatory will be brief. The classic belief is that a person, having complied with certain conditions, is to be released from Purgatory by the Blessed Virgin the Saturday after his death.
The conditions include wearing the brown Scapular or a scapular medal, observance of chastity in accord with one’s state in life and a daily recitation of a litany to Mary. If one cannot read, abstinence from meat on Wednesdays and Saturdays may be substituted. Certain other priests can grant other substitutions.
POST VATICAN II In Modern Roman Catholicism, these practices are dying out, and are often denied.