Salient Verses I n II Kings

Salient Verses

Last month we learned a tremendous truth about Old Testament salvation under the law by studying the case of Joab, whose faith in the “shed blood of the lamb” availed him absolutely nothing. We continue with the salient verses in 1 and 2 Kings.

1 Kings 3:27–Appears to be referring to the woman who wanted the baby killed, but the key to the application lies in the fact that when Solomon speaks (v. 27) he quotes the first speaker. Note: “the living child.”

1 Kings 4:30–The verse should be noticed for the wisdom of “the East” is THE wisdom according to Buddhists, Rosicrutians, New Age Aquarians, Alexandrians, Greek philosophers, Descartes, Spinoza, Hegel, Nietszche, Confucious, et al. You can discard it. The man who wrote Proverbs and Ecclesiastes went by them like an X-15 going by a tricycle.

1 Kings 3–The paragraph markings divide the first and second advents without knowledge of the translators or publishers. These will not be found in the “originals” if we are to believe Harkavy, Delitsch, Gesenius, Kahle, and Ginsburg. Observe: 1st petition, two vetses (31, 32); 2nd petition, two verses (33, 34); 3rd pedition, two verses (35, 36); 4th petition, SEVEN verses (37-43).

What is this!? The 5th petition takes up two verses (44, 45), the 6th takes four verses (46-49), and the 7th runs four verses (50-53). Why a break of seven verses between the 4th and 5th petition? Easy. Revelation 2 has FOUR churches, Revelation 3 has THREE churches. The Lord’s prayer has FOUR petitions followed by THREE petitions. In Genesis 1, FOUR days take place before life appears (Gen. 1:20). God divides SEVEN into four and three. This dates the advents of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ and Solomon is dedicating the temple on the date of both advents: September-October (the Feast of Tabernacles). “Accidently” the prayer was laid out in the King James Bible to indicate the date of both advents!

1 Kings 10:29 and 1 Kings 11:1–Note the violation of TWO commandments given to the kings of Israel in Deuteronomy 17. This marks Solomon as a type of not only Christ (see 2 Kings 10), but also a type of the Anti-Christ (1 Kings 10:14 and 2 Chron. 9:13). This is one of the only two places in the scriptures where this double typology is found. CYRUS the king of Persia is the other type.

1 Kings 13 is the greatest chapter in the Bible on Christian higher education. It shows what has been going on in Christian colleges, seminaries and universities in America since 1901. It should be read and nearly memorized by the Bible believer. This portion (with Ezek. 13 and Num. 22) shows the “modus operandi” of the faculty and staffs of Christian schools. They will get you killed, and they will turn you over to the “lion” (see v. 28 and compare it with 1 Pet. 5:8) by giving you THEIR VERSION of what God “said.” The brave militant young preacher could stand up before an apostate king and his army, but he was no match for a retired professor who could talk him out of his belief in WHAT GOD SAID. He talked him out of it and got him killed.

1 Kings 15:5–The verse is remarkable for it shows that God’s estimation of David was that he had lived a perfect life with the exception of ONE incident. (Blessed is the man who earns a reputation with God like that!) No mention was made of running from Saul, getting Jonathan to lie, taking the shewbread, Iying about his “mission” to Abiathar and Ahimelech, defecting to the Philistines, feigning madness before Achish, breaking a vow he had made and swore by God to kill Nabal, refusing to execute his son for a crime punishable by death, or his “numbering” of the people! ONE incident is mentioned. God never gave Solomon that much credit and he never committed adultery or murder.

1 Kings 16:22–A nice subtle way of saying a man was murdered. Read the text.

1 Kings 17:22–Note the case of a death, temporarily. The SOUL had left but it returned. Sometimes these cases are reported in books like “Life after Life.” Many times the soul has not left but in a coma or catalyptic seizure pulse cannot be detected.

1 Kings 18:28–Note Roman Catholic “PENANCE” as practiced today by Communist Catholics in Spain, Mexico, and the Philippines.

1 Kings 18:43–Note the tribulation reference to the “rain” mentioned in Psalm 68, James 5, 2 Samuel 23:4, and numerous other places that the Hebrew and Greek commentators missed.

1 Kings 20:28–A good verse to remember when you are “poutin’ in the valley” instead of “shoutin’ on the mountain.”

Christ is not the “lily of the VALLEY.” He is the “LILY OF THE VALLEYS.”

1 Kings 21–Note twelve details of the life and death of Christ in the chapter.

1 Kings 22–The greatest chapter in the Bible (with Ezek. 14) to show how false doctrine originates, is propagated, and believed. God is the source (see 2 Thess. 2:6-10) for He does exactly what Bible rejectors and Bible critics swear that He will not do: He deceives, on purpose.

Here the reader should obtain Stewart Custer’s monumental goof called “The Truth About the King James Controversy” and read his remarks on Christ’s personal characteristics. Custer is a modernist and just as liberal as Bishop Pike or Dean Weigle when it comes to believing what the Book SAYS about the PERSON of Jesus Christ. Deceived apostates find it impossible to believe that the Lord Jesus would be sarcastic, vicious, vengeful, insulting, unkind, or deceptive. Like nuts in the nut house they are optimistic all the time and fashion a god after their own “powers of positive thinking.”


1 Kings 22:22,28–We have commented on this before; notice the operation. It explains how people can be genuinely deceived.

1 Kings 22:26–Make a special note of the peculiar circumstances under which the infamous AHAZIAH (2 Kings 8:26) is operating. JOASH does not follow Ahab or Jehoshophat; Ahab is followed by another Ahaziah (see 2 Kings 1), and Jehoshaphat is followed by Jehoram (2 Kings 8:16). “Joash” is said to be Ahaziah’s son (2 Chron. 24:1, but he is only one year old when Ahaziah is killed. He cannot be the Joash of 1 Kings 22, for more than eight years pass between 1 Kings 22 and 2 Kings 8.

2 Kings 1:12–This is the prototype of Revelation 11:5, where Elijah will “do it again.”

2 Kings 2:11–Notice, spirit horses (see Isa. 31:3) of FlRE. These will be the steeds at Armageddon described in Joel 2, Habakkuk 3, and Revelation 19.

2 Kings 5:14–The “AIDS” of Daniel’s Seventieth Week will be LEPROSY. The “seven times” here points to the tribulation and Christ’s mention of Naaman (Luke 4) in regards to His first advent points clearly to both advents for they would have both occurred before 70 A.D. if the nation had accepted Him in the Book of Acts. The “spot” of leprosy is the tribulation “sore” (see Rev. 16, 2 Pet. 2, Jude, Eph. 5, 1 Pet. 1, Lev. 13, Lev. 14, etc.). (Never mind the “scholars”; they don’t know what they are talking about and they never have and never will.)

2 Kings 7:2–Note the peculiar subject of UNBELIEF the attendant picks. It is the item mentioned in Genesis 6 and again in Malachi 3. It is supposed to be figurative; but here a man DIES for not taking it literally. Watch your step. “Science” (1 Tim. 6:20) can keep you from finding the truth. That is why the NKJV covered the word up so it could “getcha.” Ditto the NIV, ASV, NASV, RSV, and NRSV.

2 Kings 9:36–Note the source of the expression, “She’s gone to the dogs.”

2 Kings 10:22–Note the choice of words “vestments.” Hence the Catholic term and the “vestryman” who is in charge of the Baalite robes.

2 Kings 13:19–A brilliant demonstration of how the Holy Bible is treated by those who use it without believing it. Tna king didn’t really believe his arrows WERE the LORD’S “deliverance frm Syria,” although he had just been old they were. See Simon Peter, in the same mess, after having the scriptures quoted to him (Mark 14:27-29). Evidently Peter had a “verbally inspired original” that didn’t match the translation, for the scripture Christ quoted was not present anywhere in any original autograph at the time Christ quoted it (see also Luke 4). Peter’s point is, “I don’t care what is written ‘in the scripture,’ because the ‘original autograph’ is not here to read, so I will give you MY opinion of what the ORIGINAL said. It said, `All of you shall be offended in me except Simon Peter.’ ” Peter’s problem was a low evaluation of the power and authority of a copy of a copy of a translation. Mark 14:27 is a TRANSLATION and it is neither original in its wording or the source from which it was taken. Think about that a few years.

2 Kings 17–The chapter is a study on what happens to any nation through a period of years and the results of that degeneration. America, Germany, England, Spain, Italy, Russia, Japan, and China are in the context throughout. See verses 9,10,11, 12,14, 15,16,32,22,23,and 40.

2 Kings 20:18–This is a reference to Shadrach, Meshach, and Nebednego (Dan. 1) who come as great, great, etc. grandsons but are still referred to as “thy sons that shall issue from thee.”

2 Kings 21–One of the greatest pictures of GRACE in the entire Old Testament, for this man outdoes Ahab when it comes to wickedness, at least for Judah. Note after the list (verses 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7) he gets right and God restores him (2 Chron. 33:11-16). This is the classic illustration of Ezekiel 18:21, 27. To say that this type of grace is New Testament salvation is to talk like a perfect idiot. The man in Ezekiel 18:27, as Manasseh, saves his soul “alive” by WORKS. This is what The Sword of the Lord calls “New Testament salvation.” Rubbish. Rubbish with manure.

2 Kings 24:8–This is the first “contradiction” that an apostate faculty member at BBC, BJU, PCS, etc., will pull on a young man. They hope all he sees is 2 Chronicles 36:9. To insure that he is blindly guided into a ditch by the blind, the blind guide refuses to show him Jeremiah 13:18; 29:2, and 2 Kings 24:12. I have a dozen letters from Malone College, Hyles Anderson, Liberty University, Bob Jones, and BBC where the jackass in the professor’s chair (or the “head of the Bible department”) pulled this off. You may conclude: once a reprobate, always a reprobate; but better a “godly” reprobate than an ungodly one.

1 Chronicles 1:10–Observe that Nimrod (rebel or panther) is the thirteenth from Adam, and as the first Gentile ruler he is in Genesis 10:10. Ten is the Gentile number. See Acts 10, Romans 10, Luke 10, Revelation 10, as well as Isaiah 10:10.

1 Chronicles 16–Observe three inspired accounts that do not match word for word. This chapter is reproduced in Psalm 105:1-15, Psalm 96:1-13, and Psalm 106:47,48. Whenever you find some silly little nit picker like Gary Hudson or Doug Kutilek or Bobbie Scumner, or…(fill out your own list, they all roost in the same nest) claiming that “ye” doesn’t match “they,” or “she” doesn’t match “he,” in some editions of a King James Bible, just go fishing; it’s more profitable.

1 Chronicles 21:5–Supposedly contradicts 2 Samuel 24:9. Activated troops and reserves are never the same. (The only thing that is constant is infidelity and stupidity.)

1 Chronicles 28:9, 10–Two of the greatest verses in the entire Bible, for they contain a sermon outline into which could be condensed the entire Book. If a man expanded the content of the verses he would have a minimum of five hundred sermons running sixty minutes each. 1) Getting to know God. 2) Getting to know the right God (the God “of thy fathers”). 3) Serving Him (boy! what THAT covers!). 4) Serving Him with the right heart attitude. 5) Serving Him willingly (see 1 Pet. 5). 6) God’s knowledge of man’s inner life. 7) What will happen if you seek God. 8) What will happen if you don’t seek God. 9) Admonitions to be careful and diligent. 10) What to do if chosen of God for a task. 11) How to do it.

1 Chronicles 29:14–A great New Testament truth in regards to what a man accomplishes in the ministry, what a man is able to put up with and thank God for, what a man is able to build or accumulate, what a man is able to give or donate, and what talents or abilities a man has.

2 Chronicles 7:1–Notice this is the last time there is a visible manifestation of God’s power in regards to sacrifice. It happened before with David (1 Chron. 21:26). Only Elijah is able to produce this later and he does it outside the temple area on a makeshift altar not prescribed in Exodus 35-39.

2 Chronicles 9:18,19–Note the Anti-Christ’s number agumented with six steps and six lions on the left: 666.

2 Chronicles 11:4–The verse contains four words that will go into Romans 8:28 like a hand into a glove: “FOR THIS THING IS DONE OF ME.”

2 Chronicles 34–Mark the following verses carefully: 15, 18, 19, 21, 26, 27, 30, and 31. This is the required response of Isaiah 66:2 and it explains why God never showed a man like A. T. Robertson, Philip Schaff, J. G. Machen, Kenneth Wuest, Trench, or Thayer (or ANY Bible correcting Fundamentalist between 1700 and 1990) ANYTHING. The Lord ignores such people. What recognition they get they must get from men who follow men instead of God (John 5:41,44).