This entry is part 3 of 11 in the series THE DEVOTIONS of BISHOP ANDREWS

O LORD, be gracious unto us, for
we have waited for thee. Be thou our
arm every morning, and our salvation
in the time of trouble.

BLESSED art thou, O Lord, who, as
on this seventh day, didst rest from all
thy works, and didst bless and hallow
it for a memorial of the creation; for
a sign of the covenant made with thy
peculiar people; for thankful remem-
brance of their release out of the E-
gyptian bondage.

O may I always most thankfully ac-
knowledge my absolute dependence on
thee, and thy great goodness and bounty
to me and all thy creatures: May I al-
ways adore and bless thee for all the
gracious dispensations of thy provi-
dence, and wonderful mercies and deli-
verances vouchsafed unto thy church
and people in all ages.

Blessed art thou, my God, and my
Saviour, who wast content to lie this
day in the bowels of the earth; and be
like to them that are slain, who sleep in
the grave, and pass out of remembrance.

Give to me, Lord, and to all who are
baptized into thy death, grace so to
mortify our corrupt affections, that we
may effectually be buried with thee;
and finally, through the grave and gate
of death, may, by thy merits, pass to
our joyful resurrection.

An Act of Confession.

O MY God, I am ashamed, and blush
to lift my face unto thee; for my in-
iquities are increased over my head,
and my trespass is grown up unto the

From the time of my youth, until this
very day, have I been in a great tres-
pass, and cannot stand before thee be-
cause of this.

My sins are more in number than the
sand of the sea, so that I am not wor-
thy to look up to heaven; neither is
there any rest in my soul because I have
provoked my God to wrath, and have
done that which is evil in his sight, by
refusing his will, and departing from his

Now therefore, behold, I bow the
knees of my heart, and humbly implore
thy mercy.

I have sinned, O Lord, I have sin-
ned; but I acknowledge my grievous
and manifold transgressions.

Good Lord destroy me not, nor cut
me off in my sins; let not thy jealousy
burn like fire for ever, neither condemn
me to the prisons of darkness; for thou
art the God of them that return: Shew
forth thy infinite loving kindness upon
thy unworthy servant:

So shalt thou save me in the multi-
tude of thy mercies, so shall my mouth
be filled with thy praise, and I will sing
of thy glory and honour all the day

Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make
me clean. Speak the word only, and
thy servant shall be healed. Lord save
me. Carest thou not that. I perish;
Jesus, Master, have mercy on me! Je-
sus, thou Son of David, have mercy on
me! Say unto my soul, thou art loosed
from thine infirmity: O say, my grace
is sufficient for thee.

Remember not my old sins, but have
mercy on me, and that soon, for I am
come to great misery.

Help me, O God of my salvation,
for the glory of thy name: O deliver
me, and be merciful to my sins, for thy
name’s sake.

Impart to me thy grace, that I may
add to my faith virtue, and to virtue
knowledge, and to knowledge tempe-
rance, and to temperance patience, and
to patience godliness, and to godliness
brotherly-kindness, and to brotherly-
kindness charity: That so, not forget-
ting that I have been purged from my
old sins, I may be fruitful in good works,
and give all diligence to make my call-
ing and election sure.

An Act of Faith.

I BELIEVE in thee, O God the Fa-
ther: If thou then be a Father, and we
be children, even as a Father pitieth his
own children, so have thou pity upon
us, O Lord.

I believe in thee, the only Son, our
Lord: Therefore, since thou art our
Lord, and we are thy servants, as the
eyes of servants look unto the hand of
their masters, even so shall our eyes
wait upon thee, until thou have mercy
on us.

I believe that although we were nei-
ther children nor servants, but dogs on-
ly, in our Master’s house: Yet even so,
some hope might be allowed to eat the
crumbs which fall from their master’s

I believe, that Christ is the very-
Lamb of God: O Lamb of God, that
takest away the sins of the world, take
away mine in particular.

I believe that Jesus Christ came into
the world to save sinners: O thou who
art come to save sinners, save me a
grievous, a miserable sinner, yea, even
the chief of sinners.

I believe, that Christ came to seek
that which was lost: O thou, who cam-
est to seek that which was lost, suf-
fer him not to perish whom thou hast
found and brought into thy fold, and
ransomed from destruction.

I believe, that the Holy Ghost is the
Lord and giver of life: O thou, who
hast breathed into me the breath of life,
grant me not to receive this living soul
in vain.

I believe that the Spirit sanctifieth
the heart by his grace: Grant that I
may never resist, or quench, or defeat,
or be unprofitable, under his sanctifying

I believe the same Spirit maketh in-
tercession for the saints with groanings
that cannot be uttered: Let me, dear
God, have a part in the benefit of those
groanings, and that intercession.

OUR fathers hoped in thee, they trust-
ed in thee, and thou didst deliver them.
They called upon thee, and were hol-
pen: They put their trust in thee, and
were not confounded.

As thou didst heretofore deliver our
forefathers; so do thou now deliver us,
who likewise put our trust in thee.

An Act of Intercession, as on Thursday.

[Then add,]

May the power of the Father govern
and protect me! May the wisdom of the
Son teach and enlighten me! May the
influence of the Holy Ghost renew and
quicken me!

O Lord, I beseech thee, watch over
my soul; strengthen, and sustain my
body; exalt and refine my appetites;
compose my passions; regulate my
manners; bless my undertakings; ful-
fil my petitions; suggest to me holy
thoughts; pardon what is past; direct
me in what is present; prevent me in
what is to come.

Now unto him that is able to do ex-
ceeding abundantly, above all that we
on ask or think, according to the pow-
er that worketh in us; unto him be glo-
ry in the church, by Christ Jesus,
throughout all ages, world without end,

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