Segregated Schools

Since the days of the CIVIL
RIGHTS ACT (1964) the news media, EN
TOTO, has been very careful to avoid
telling the country what happened. To
this day, you cannot find out what
happened in the public schools by
reading the newspaper or watching CBS or NBC or ABC. However, occasionally, the terrible truth leaks out, and here,
after twenty-four years of attempting to mix the races, we have some statistics
on what happened in the PUBLIC SCHOOL
SYSTEM at the cost of four thousand
lives and four billion dollars in
hospital bills and payment for

From U.S. News and World Report we learn that of the sixty major
metropolitan areas in America, the
twenty most SEGREGATED are:

  1. Gary-Hammond, Indiana–THAT’S A NORTHERN CITY. (That’s where people have no “prejudice against blacks,” where there never have been any “Jim Crow” laws, where blacks have always been able to use the “white drinking fountain,” etc. THIS IS A NORTHERN CITY, in Indiana, that never had a Ku Klux Klan in it and nobody was raised in slavery.)

Guess what the second most
segregated city in the United States is.

2. Chicago, Illinois–THIS IS A NORTHERN CITY that never bought any
slaves, never was guilty of anything
that went on in Roots, and never had
“Bull Connor” turn the firehose on

Guess what the THIRD most
segregated city is in America.

3. Cleveland, Ohio. Missed it
again, didn’t you? Segregation is not
characteristic of SOUTHERN civilization. It is characteristic of NORTHERN
civilization. The most segregated
people in the world are Yankees.

4. Detroit, Michigan.

5. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

6. New York City, where there
are more blacks than you can find in the capital of South Africa, Johannesburg.
The fact is, blacks as well as whites
choose to segregate, always have, and
always will.

Quoting from The Citizen, Oct.- Nov. 1988, we read, “On college campuses with as few as two or three percent
black enrollment there is invariably a
`black student union’ or a `black
student caucus’ for black `rights.`
Such rights include almost anything.
They demand and get curriculum changes, separate quarters, more black family
members, the cessation of South African investments, anything they want. They
disrupt classes with boycotts, they take over buildings and intimidate college
administrators who are already doing
everything in their power to keep them
BLACK STUDENTS? Only a fool would go on a recruiting drive to increase the
number of people who carry on such
activities. That’s educational

As Carolina Davis, a black
senior at the University of California
at Berkeley, says, “On the whole, blacks and whites don’t have relations with
each other on this campus.” What she
neglected to say was that the
separateness on all these campuses is a NATURAL THING OF MUTUAL CHOICE. The
thing is whites desire segregation, and blacks desire segregation. The only
people that desire integration are leftwing radical Democratic socialists, and,
of course, the news media which has
always been “left” of Jim Jones since
the days of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.