This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Sexual Abuse Of Children

Sexual Abuse Of Children 1

Sexual Abuse of Children, Part One
by Dr. George Sharpe (June, 1985)



Child sexual abuse has been with us for as long as history records itself. Only in recent years has it come to be discussed as a crime in that its final victim, the child, is recognized to be in severe danger. It is widespread: All economic levels are affected. All ethnic groups are affected. Any relationship within the family can be involved. The most common offender likely to be involved in cases of incest is usually the natural father, next is the step-father and then the boyfriend of the mother. The next most common in order of decreasing frequency is grandfather, uncle, brother, sister and mother.

It is often difficult to encounter a circumstance where we might say “Why didn’t she tell someone about it? It had gone on so long!” The child is not at fault. They are a victim, not necessarily of overt sexual satisfaction, but certainly of a person who has used the child to fulfill an emotional need or deficient relationship. Before the children are actually subject to molestation, several steps may occur to bring the child into a state of compliance.


Tricks or games are used to deceive or fool the child. They are encouraged to do this to make the offender “feel good”. They are asked to do it for the good of the family. The child may be subjected to pressure, being asked to do it to hold the family together or to not make mother worry. At times photographs will be taken and the child threatened with exposure if she tells …”I’ll show these to mommy and she’ll know that you are a bad girl”.

Direct threats are also used to entice a child into sexual molestation. All forms of threats may be used depending on the psychological advantage of the offender over the child. such as desertion of the child, withdrawal of affection, or even direct violence. It is rare in cases of incest to see actual physical violence being used.

The enticement process is usually in a gentle loving manner. A lot of children will fail to realize until much later that things are not okay and this is not what happens to their friends. A closeness with the child will be developed by the offender, looking at television together, going to the store or on business trips.



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