O God, the Father, who knowest our feeble
frame, and who hast such pity toward us as
an earthly parent has for his child:
Have mercy on me.
O God the Son, who didst Thyself take our
infirmities and bear our sicknesses:
Have mercy on me.
O God, the Holy Ghost, the Lord, and
Giver of life, the Comforter of the Sorrowful:
Have mercy on me.
Let the sighing of the sick come up before
Thee, O Lord; and hear Thou my cry.
Heal my soul, for I have sinned against
Let Thy merciful kindness, O Lord, be
upon me, as my trust is in Thee.
Thou, who camest in humility to save
me; come now graciously to deliver me.
Smite, as seemeth good to Thee, my health
and my life; but sustain me under Thine
afflicting hand.
Cast me not off in the midst of my sins,
nor suffer me to die in impenitence.
Make me, O Lord, ready for Thyself; that
whether I pass from life to death, or from
death to life, I may dwell with Thee in peace.
Chasten and correct me, O Lord; but give
me not over unto death. For Thou art the
Hope of the afflicted, the rest of those who
are weary and heavy laden.
Thou canst illumine the shadow of death
into the light of life; and turn the gloom of
the grave into the glorious morning of the
Help me, O Lord, to submit to Thy will,
to fear Thy judgments, to hope in Thy mer-
cies, and to rest in Thy gracious promises,
in sickness and in health, in life and in
death; through the blessed merits and the
glorious mediation of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Out of the depths I cry unto Thee, O Lord.
Lord, hear my voice: let Thine ears be
attentive to the voice of my supplications.
If Thou, Lord, shouldst mark iniquities,
O Lord, who shall stand? but there is for-
giveness with Thee, that Thou mayest be
I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait,
and in His word do I hope.
O Lord, in Thee is my hope; for with Thee
there is mercy, and plenteous redemption.
Thou shalt redeem me from all mine iniqui-
ties, and deliver me from all my afflictions.
Show me the light of Thy countenance,
and let Thy peace be upon me.
Thou, O Lord, art my Refuge, a very pre-
sent help in trouble.
Though I walk through the valley of the
shadow of death, I will fear no evil;
For Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy
staff they comfort me.
O God the Father, who hast created me,
preserve and keep me.
O God the Son, who hast redeemed me,
help and strengthen me.
O God the Holy Ghost, who dost sanctify
me, assist and defend me.
O God, the holy Trinity, Creator, Re-
deemer, and Sanctifier, the only living and
true God, grant me Thy love, grace, and fel-
lowship; that I may safely pass the waves
of this troublesome world, and come to the
land of everlasting life, there to join with
all those who have come through much tri-
bulation, and washed their robes in the blood
of the Lamb, in giving unto Thee all honor
and worship, world without end. Amen.