Signs Of The Coming One World


Rev. Paul Obinger

A recent article, appearing in the Duluth Sunday paper for July 18th has provoked this little study. It had to do with a secret meeting of the Bilderberg group of about one hundred men, the super-rich, liberal intellectuals, world-prominent political figures, etc., in Vermont last April. I had read about them before in Christian periodicals, but never in a secular newspaper. Newsmen were not permitted at this meeting. As stated by the Duluth Tribune, the tight security suggested an evil flavoring, as this, “secret of super-rich, leftist Internationalists” met for their annual meeting. One observer said they were convinced the Woodstock Vt. meeting was held to plot the overthrow of the American government and the establishment of a world government.

Now the “AMERICAN MOVEMENT FOR WORLD GOVERNMENT” has been formed, circulating their literature as “the first step toward the creation of a climate of opinion within nations which favors some relinquishment of sovereignty of national governments.” They boldly assert that when the educational job is done, then the day for political action will arrive.

Some of the essentials stated are: “A Constitution with a Bill of Rights. A popularly elected legislature to enact World Laws. A WORLD COURT to interpret these laws with COMPULSORY jurisdiction over world disputes. The control of all weapons by world government with the disarmament of all nations. . . Carefully defined and limited power of taxation to support those functions . . . with reasonable provision for amendments to the constitution.”

Angie Brooks, president of the United Nations, speaking in Minneapolis recently suggested World Government as the only solution for the problems of our day. Also, speaking before the Kiwanis in Minneapolis, E. Stanley Jones emphasized that World Government was the only answer and that nations must be willing to relinquish national sovereignty.

All this fits into the mold of prophecy. The Bible has much to say about World Government and the coming WORLD RULER. And to thus regiment the peoples of the world, he will introduce a universal boycott, a food embargo that will affect every son and daughter of Adam. Rev. 13 says he will compel every person to take a mark on the forehead or right hand, without which man cannot buy or sell. Thus he will control the economics of the world. He will use the Mark of the Beast to facilitate his evil program.

Conditions in the world are most suitable for his appearance. Look anywhere and see if you can detect one single person who stands out as a possible leader in world affairs. There is not one. Yet soon to appear will be the most powerful personage this world will ever see apart from Christ.

With lawlessness and anarchy rearing their ugly heads in every part of the world, accompanied by moral decadence, human desperation and a false hero worship, this man will suddenly emerge with panaceas for the tinder box of the Middle East, the war of Southeast Asia, the unemployment problem, etc. Then, too. with the ever-increasing threat of Russian aggression and their growing power and influence in the world, the Western Nations will be driven by fear and desperation to form an alliance that heretofore would not have been possible.

Jesus said to the Jews of His day, “I have come in My Fathers name, but you would not receive Me, but another will come in his own name and him ye will receive” (John 5:43). The world awaits the coming of this man. The moment the restraining influence in the world, the True Church indwelt by the Holy Spirit, is removed at the coming of Christ, the Rapture, this Man of Sin will be manifested to the world. Daniel 11:21 says he will come in at first by flatteries with promises of peace, thus concealing his true identity. He will be that Rider on the White Horse of Revelation 6, a bow in his hand but no arrow, yet a crown on his head, suggesting victory. And in order to regiment all the peoples of the world, he will employ the Mark of the Beast, a unique numbering system that will greatly facilitate the prosecution of all business. It will be a number tattooed on the right hand or forehead of every individual. We have our credit card numbers, our zip code numbers, our telephone area code numbers, our Social Security numbers, etc. All this foreshadows the numbering program yet to be introduced by the Antichrist.

It is possible that before translation, we will be assigned one identity number. It could very well be our Social Security number. This is already true of every college student, teacher and administrator in Minnesota. This includes the Minnesota University as well as every college. The military are also known only by their Social Security number. However, the number of the Anti-christ will not be assigned until after every Christian has been removed from this scene.

I could dial 555-5556 (number changed by J.L. – CfC #22) and never get my sister in Phoenix on the phone. But if I prefix that number with 602, the area code number, I have made contact. So it may be in the tribulation that as a person goes through the turnstile of a supermarket, their number will be exposed by some specially designed light. If their Social Security number is not prefixed by ‘666’ or its equivalent, they will not be in touch with the computer, Thus, they cannot buy or sell.

Already, we live in the day of computers. There is a computer that can make 55 billion computations in one second. It can take a 10 digit number and multiply it by another 10 digit number and do it in one millionth of a second.

When we filled out our census questionnaire a year ago last March, we were not told it was part of a WORLD census. That information has come to us from foreign newspapers. Information concerning every person in the world is sent to the statistical office in New York and fed into a central computer. Thus, information concerning every person in the world will be available to the coming WORLD DICTATOR upon a moment’s notice.

Willard Cantelon, who has made a study for 12 years concerning the NEW WORLD MONETARY SYSTEM has said, “Don’t buy GOLD. Tomorrow it may not even buy your lunch.” A Minneapolis minister, pastor of one of our larger churches told me personally he heard Willard Cantelon speak in a church in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and he told the Christian audience, “Don’t hoard your money. Give as much as you can to the work of the Lord and use it also for your needs. Tomorrow you may not have any.”

A cartoon recently appeared in the Minneapolis paper showing a flag flying at half mast, only it was not the U.S. flag. Rather, it was the American DOLLAR. The caption read: “Distress Signals.” And other papers have been full of reference to the devaluation of the dollar on the world market. Everything fits perfectly into the prophetic mold.

We now have 10.5 billions in gold bullion at Fort Knox. The Common Market nations hold 47 billions in notes, payable on demand, redeemable in gold. When Richard Nixon wanted to bring home some of our 300,000 boys stationed in Europe, they said that if he did they would demand payment on those notes, in American gold. It’s amazing how man is troubled with one problem after another for which he cannot find a solution. The world situation is getting beyond his control.

We believe the reason for man’s troubles is found in the words of Paul in Romans 1: “Even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not even to be mentioned . . .” As man refuses to acknowledge God, his heart becomes the habitation of demons resulting in rank degeneracy. The decay accelerates at such an alarming rate that we can only conclude that the countdown of history has already begun. The ZERO HOUR is momentary. You cannot reject deity and retain decency. Any skeptical person ought to be convinced these times are not commonplace; they are most unusual, the times are perilous.

Consider INFLATION. Inflation today is unlike anything that has ever occurred before. Why? Because it is not merely American inflation: it is WORLD INFLATION. And as Dr. Webber of Oklahoma City so aptly put it: “Only “THE MARK OF THE BEAST” is going to stop the spiraling world inflation. As a result of the Bretton Woods United National Monetary and Financial Conference in 1944, four consequences have opened the way for ONE-WORLD ECONOMICS:

(a) Destruction of the value of the dollar by depleting the U.S. Gold reserves.

(b) Building up the industrial capacity of other nations at U.S. expense.

(c) Destruction of U.S. competitive commercial superiority on land and sea.

(d) Dependence of the U.S. upon the policies of other nations.

The program is on schedule.

Dr. Willard Cantelon, while living in Europe heard the financial leaders of the world within the Common Market answer the question, “Do you intend to cancel old existing currencies?” with a most emphatic, “YES, we must establish one universal medium of exchange.”

Let me quote this man, so well versed in the realm of economics: “I have sat for hours in conversation alone with men chosen to advise the President of the U.S. I have weighed their deductions and examined all their sayings. It is one message. We are moving toward a world system, a NUMBERS SYSTEM run by computers, that will one day be under central control. If we follow the immediate tempo of inflation and the exploding population, you can almost measure the acceleration yourself and determine when the new system will come. There is not a conversant person in the world with whom I have spoken who would argue that such inflation would not bring a new system soon and take the world presently beyond the point of no return. No longer is the question, ‘Is a new system coming?’ The question is . . . ‘WHEN?’

Even the WORLD CHURCH applauds and assists in the establishment of this new economic system. Dr. Eugene Carson Blake of the W.C.C. predicted in the book, Church Wealth and Business Income that the Church before long would control all business. Perhaps that answers why the HARLOT church of Revelation 17 rides THE BEAST.

The words of James 5 are so appropriate today, “Go to now, ye rich man . . . howl and weep for your miseries that shall come upon you. . . . Your gold and silver is cankered. . . . You have heaped treasures together for the last days.”

Do it today. Repent, and surrender your life to God.

“Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” II Cor. 6:2b.

Receive Christ into your heart by faith, and become His child.

“But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” John 1:12.

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