Simon Peters Tears


How the great lesson he leaned near the outset of his spiritual life can be a help to us who are God’s gathered-out people.

PETER – Started Well – John 1:42

  • Fell – Mark 14:37, 66-71
  • Ran Well – His Epistles
  • Finished Well – John 21: 18-19

O, the bitter tears of Peter,
When he saw what he had done,
Just denied his blessed Saviour,
Brought dishonour on the Son.

Thrice denied he even knew Him,
Warmed himself at this world’s fire,
Mingled with them, even cursing,
Forgetting now his first desire.

He had boasted of his fervor,
Offended of Thee – no! Not I,
Gladly would I now die with Thee,
Rather than Thy Name deny.

But when Jesus looked upon him,
With those eyes of love divine,
He remembered what was told him,
And it made his heart repine.

O, how often, we deny Him,
Just like Peter did of old,
Though we think we’d never do it,
When our heart grows lax and cold.

And we too take things for granted,
Thinking we are right with God,
When we truly are not walking,
In the path that He has trod.

Can we look at television,
Watch it hour after hour,
And still have communion with Him?
Can we still maintain our power?

It’s as true today as ever,
Light and darkness cannot blend,
Nor can we join hands with sinners,
And not grieve the sinner’s Friend.

O, beloved brother, sister, take
This little glimpse and see,
That bless’d look that melted Peter,
And may it too, again melt thee.

This same Jesus soon is coming,
Soon to take His people home,
May we then in separation,
Seek His company till He come.


Simon Peter was a man
Just like you and me;
Simon Peter loved the Lord
As everyone can see.
Though he was impetuous
His love was always there,
And though he sometimes made mistakes, He always had a care.
For God’s own sheep, and
God’s own lambs, for all
The church of God.
And ere his pathway ended
The steps of God he trod.

May this be our ambition
No matter how we fail,
To cleave to Him, go on, and on
Till safe within the Veil.

Read Matthew 26:31 to 75

I Peter 1:3 to 9

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