Some Love To Sin “At The Cross” devotions by Frank Cooke Anawah Ministries, Inc. 319 W. Choctaw – P.O. Box 489 Sallisaw, OK 74955 Voice (918)775-6615 BBS (918)775-2282 (c) Copyright 1990 by Anawah Ministries, Inc.

Permission is automatically granted for use of this material for noncommercial use that is to the glory of God and Jesus Christ.

Some Love To Sin

One thing that I have observed in people, is that there are two types of people who are leading lives of sin. One is the type of person who loves it. This type of person consciously rejects everything that is good and right around him because he loves the thrill to his senses that rebellion and evil gives him.

The other type of person is one who does not particularly love it but has for one reason or another been deceived and trapped by it. This person did not intend to go this direction, but because of mistakes made, and not knowing the right direction to go, ends up there nevertheless.

Our problem is that as human beings, we have a built-in bias towards the sin and evil that is all around us. We just naturally drift that way when left to our own resources. My sister has a two year old son who is rather typical of two year old boys. She recently commented, “they sure learn to lie early”, as the kid was trying to get out of trouble for something that he had done.

How did he learn this behavior? He didn’t. It just came through naturally as part of his human nature. To do good is something that has to be learned as truth comes from God and is not natural to our human condition. David said in Psalms 51:5, “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me.”

Our next problem is that because we cannot bear the burden that our sins place on us, we try to justify ourselves by a multitude of excuses or by shifting the blame onto someone else. “My Mother and Dad didn’t raise me right” or “The old-maid schoolteacher in the second grade had it in for me” or “My boss at work is always trying to pick on me by giving me all the dirty jobs. Any of these sound familiar?

However, the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ is that we no longer have to justify ourselves to cover up our guilt feelings as He has justified us before God and has given us a way out. This way comes by dying to ourselves (the lusts and passions of our bodies that drag us down) so that we can then begin to live to Christ. The sixth chapter of Romans shows us that since Jesus died on the cross for us, we can now live by believing in Him and in the end live forever with Him.

We no longer have to fool ourselves by saying that “I’m really not so bad, look at ole’ Joe over there. That’s really bad” when if we stopped to compare ourselves with the only righteous human being, Jesus, we are old ‘Joe’ over there. It is only when we allow Him to clean us up and make us new that we can face the Judge of heaven and earth and give account for every word uttered and deed performed. It is only then that we can say, “Come Lord Jesus!”

Frank Cooke

Christianity Is No Game

I have a game on my computer that simulates an airport tower with you as the Air Traffic Controller. Watching the computer screen is like watching a radar screen as the little figures of aircraft move along in and out of the airport.

The game is really quite sophisticated as when you operate the controls, a voice talks for you to the plane and then the pilot talks back to you receiving his instructions. If you want him to repeat back his instructions, he can even do that. Sometimes storms blow through or more aircraft come through than you can handle causing one to crash or have a near miss.

Sometimes someone will come into the office and kiddingly say “Are you playing games again?” Then I jokingly reply that “This is very serious business as the lives of the people in these airplanes are in my hands.” (And no, that isn’t all that I do). Even though the game is both interesting and fun, I doubt very seriously that I will ever become a real Air Traffic Controller. After all, it is only a game.

There are some who seem to think that Christianity is also a game. Religion is just for old women or emotional cripples. It is certainly not for a he-man type who likes to drink beer and bass fish. Oh, it might be all right to go to church when it is convenient. Or if the old lady nags too much and the wind is too high to go to the lake anyway.

Yet Christianity is anything but a game or cheap. What costs God the life of His Son Jesus should never be taken for granted. We can worry about the few years of retirement that we may or may not have on this earth, but never have a thought about where we are going to spend the rest of our life after we die. We can put our money in the bank to have it for a rainy day without ever thinking how much we are depositing the Lord’s bank for when we will really need it. We get our lives and our homes insured by Prudential or Farmers or Travelers but rarely give a thought to having a policy with Jesus Christ Mutual Life, the real FIRE insurance.

Now I know that there are some who think that we Christians are narrow minded for thinking this way, but that is all right as we are traveling a narrow way. It is true that if we are wrong and we just die and that is it, we have wasted our chance to just eat, drink and be merry. But what if we are right?

Frank Cooke

God Or Mammon

Over the years, it seems like I usually have to learn things the hard way as I am sure many others do also. One of the hardest though is the value of faithfulness. When a friend of mine took a job as the Music Minister of a church in another state, his pastor paid him a tribute that has continued to stick with me as he was credited with being faithful in everything that he did. I thought what better a testimony could a man receive from his friends.

Elisha was such a man. A prophet of God, he walked the length and breadth of his land fighting against the idolatry that was taking over the hearts of God’s people. When his predecessor, Elijah, tapped him out to be a prophet, he was plowing on his fathers farm with 12 yoke of oxen. When he realized that he was being selected to succeed Elijah, he asked if it would be all right if he could first go and say good bye to his parents before leaving.

Elijah responded by saying basically that he had done what God had told him to and what Elisha did was up to him. Elisha, however, realized that this thing was too important to blow it, so he built a fire with the farming equipment and slaughtered a yoke of the oxen to serve as a sacrifice to God. He then followed Elijah without ever turning back.

Throughout this story in I and II Kings, Elijah tries to shake him knowing that God is going to take him bodily into heaven without dying and he isn’t sure that Elisha is supposed to see it. Elisha, however, doesn’t give up and even asks that he be given a double portion of the Spirit that Elijah has. Faithfulness.

After Elijah is taken up into heaven, Elisha is now the prophet of Israel but he gains a servant who is of a different breed. Gehazi, no doubt, could have also been a man of God, but he is given to greed. After his master Elisha heals a Syrian Army Commander named Naaman and takes no money in return, Gehazi becomes greedy and collects a little on his own.

When Gehazi returns to his master’s house, he is confronted by Elisha as to where he has been. Gehazi then lies by saying that he had not been anywhere. Elisha is not fooled as he saw what his servant had done by way of a vision and so he pronounced the leprosy that Naaman had upon him.

So what we have here is the son of a rich man valuing the things of God so much that he would become a poor prophet yet another man who thinks so little of the things of God that he became greedy and falls into sin. We can only learn from this if we ask ourselves where our own heart is? Jesus said that we can’t serve two masters. We must choose between God or riches.

She Liked To Fish

The church needed a new pastor, so the Bishop decided to assign a new woman minister to replace the retiring former pastor. Several of the men in the congregation, however, were very opposed to the Bishop’s assignment.

On her first Sunday, wanting to put the people at ease, she explained that she was just an ordinary type of person and liked to do the same type of things that they did like fishing or whatever. Since the men were planning to go on a fishing trip the next Saturday, they decided to give her a chance by taking her along. To their surprise she accepted their invitation.

After driving to the lake and launching their boat, they rowed out to the middle of the lake and started to get their tackle ready to fish. It was then they noticed that they had left all the bait back in the truck. They were pretty disgruntled as they now had to row all the way back to shore before they could start.

The new minister suggested, “No reason to row all the way back, I will get the bait.” She then proceeded to step out of the boat and walk upon the top of the water towards the bank. One fella then said to the other, “Isn’t that just like a woman preacher, doesn’t even know how to swim”.

I have heard some who criticized the Apostle Paul because of his teaching in I Timothy 2:11,12 that women are not to teach or usurp authority in the church over the men, that he must have thought that women were inferior. They seem to feel that since he was a single man, that he was down on women. I suppose that some might feel the same about me as I am single even though we have long had a ministry to woman in need. But such is not the case.

I think rather that what Paul is saying here is that in the church it is not a matter of an inferior/superior relationship between men and women but rather one of each recognizing the proper place in which God has placed us and being thankful for His wisdom in the matter. Nothing is gained by resenting that which we had no control over nor should we allow our pride and ambitions to color our thinking. Isn’t it better for us to be ourselves and let God make us into what he wants us to be.

While I most certainly agree with Paul as I do with the rest of scripture, it also seems a shame that there is not more opportunities in the work of the ministry for women to serve full time other than marrying a preacher and getting the M.R.S. degree. This system is evident in that seminaries oftentimes have more women enrolled than men even though they mostly do not receive pastorates.

A few churches have made some strides in this area of service for women, but by and large, evangelical protestant christianity has not. To be forced to take the un-scriptural role of teaching when the scriptural roles of women’s ministry to the needy and the sick go undone and un-rewarded, is in itself a testimony to our times.

God’s Army Still Marches

Israel has often had wars with their neighbors, but one with Syria about 875 b.c. speaks to us today about how God is concerned for His people.

II Kings 6 gives the account of when the King of Syria decided to invade Israel. His plans, however, were continuously foiled as Israel seemed to know their every move. He first thought that he must have a traitor on his general staff who was informing his enemies of their plans but after asking around, he was told that what was really happening was that Israel had a prophet who was telling them “the words that you speak in your bedroom.”

After finding out that the prophet was currently in Dothan, the king sent his chariots and a large number of foot soldiers to come in at night and surrounded the city. The next morning as the prophet’s servant went outside, he saw the great army surrounding them he cried out in fear to Elisha, “Alas, my master! What shall we do?”

Elisha was not worried about it, however, as he understood what the real score was. He responded to his servant by saying, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Elisha then prayed and said, “‘Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.’ Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”

Elisha then prayed that the Lord would strike the Syrian army with blindness. The Lord heard and answered Elisha’s prayer, throwing the army into confusion and they didn’t know what to do. Elisha then said to them that “This is not the way, nor is this the city. Follow me, and I will bring you to the man whom you seek.” Elisha then led them into Samaria.

Elisha prayed again and the blindness left them. They regained their sight to see that they were surrounded by the armies of Israel. The King of Israel inquired of Elisha if he was supposed to kill them all, but the seer answered, “You shall not kill them. Would you kill those whom you have taken captive with your sword and your bow? Set food and water before them, that they may eat and drink and go to their master.” After having a great feast, the Syrian army went back home and never came again to war with Israel.

Many times today we find ourselves worrying about what our enemies are doing. We worry about the Communist’s military build-up or about the threat of nuclear war. We worry about all kinds of things, but fail to see the Armies of God. Is our God any less powerful or concerned for His people today than he was for Elisha? Of course not. Our only trouble is that we put our confidence in our own abilities and schemes rather than in His Son Jesus, who gave His life for us. Surely if God was concerned enough for his people that he heard the prayers of his servant Elisha, how much less will he hear the prayers and intercessions of His own Son who is now at His right hand! In Luke 12:32, Jesus says, “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

They Suffered But Overcame

A mission is a place where christians reach out to people who have problems and need help. Sin and ignorance cause many to fall into captivity by Satan and end up in the bondage of poverty, drunkenness, drugs, and various perversions and lusts. The good news is that Jesus has opened the way all of us to return to a useful and productive life. We often find ourselves being held back. Even being opposed by ridicule, discouragement, treats, lies, compromise, slander or treachery.

Nehemiah ran into these same problems when the local officials around Jerusalem tried to keep him under their thumb. Because of sin, the people of Judah had been carried off as slavers but as God brings them back into the land, they find that Satan is trying to defeat them through their neighbors.

For the work of restoration, God chooses Nehemiah, who is the cupbearer to the Persian King Artaxerxes. Nehemiah is burdened about his people’s homeland and petitions the king to let him return and rebuild the city of Jerusalem. The king favors Nehemiah and grants him his wish.

After entering Jerusalem, Nehemiah organizes the others and they start work on the walls. As they work, they are noticed by the neighboring officials who start harassing them so that they will lose hope and quit work.

In chapters 4,5,& 6 of the book of Nehemiah, we see how they first suffered the opposition of ridicule. They said “what do you feeble jews think you are doing? … Why, if even a fox jumps on your wall, it will fall down.”

Then they were threatened by an attack and became discouraged. The people pray, however, and set up guards by taking half the people to stand watch while the other half wear their weapons while they worked. They stayed ready and didn’t even undress except to wash their clothes. The people then faced by the problem of corruption and extortion from their own brethren.

Their enemies even tried to get them to stop work so that they can compromise by having a conference but the ruse didn’t work, so they started a slander campaign against Nehemiah. This also doesn’t work so they lastly try treachery by sending a false prophet to lie to Nehemiah so he will lose face before the people.

God wants to desperately to bless His people and free them from their bondage to sin. Satan tries to keep them there. Nehemiah and the people, however, built their wall because they bathed their efforts in prayer and willingness to do what was required. We too can have victory if we are willing to stand in prayer and do what is required. James 4:7 says, “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”

Marilyn Wore A Mask

Marilyn Monroe died 25 years ago on Aug. 5, 1962 at the age of 36, a lonely and heart-sick woman. Many hailed her as being dynamic and vivacious but after having achieved fame and money, there was still something lacking in her life. This lack drove her to use drugs and eventually caused her untimely death. A death that came too early because she did not know that the void in her soul could only be filled by God.

Born as Norma Jean Mortenson, she lived through a troubled childhood and and insecure marriages to die alone because of a drug overdose. In recent ceremonies of her death, she was hailed as being “a legend assured of immortality.” Unfortunately, her only immortality will be among late night movie buffs.

Marilyn was admired by everyone as vivacious and warm but she was really wearing a mask so others couldn’t see her troubled heart. She was no different than so many today. Lonely and desperate and not able to cope with life and what eternity holds. They too wear different kinds of masks, giving the image on the outside that all is well, but filled with pain on the in.

Many criticize the excessive make-up worn by Tammie Fay Bakker but here too is only a mask. She didn’t wear the mounds of make-up until after her time of family trials with Jim. It is not to make her beautiful as she presumes, but is only a mask for insecurities. Men also hide themselves by wearing unusual styles of clothes or long hair, etc. All masks.

Pastor Church Smith of Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, California in the early 60’s exposed the masks of many young people who were written off by others as just a bunch of dirty hippies. Many churches would not even allow them inside because they appeared to be no good. He and his wife used to park their car at the beach where many gathered and pray for them that God would fill their hearts and give them new life through Jesus. They prayed because they realized that the flowers and wild clothes and drugs were just masks. They prayed because they knew that they needed to know Jesus. Their little church of 25 people is now over 14,000 and has seen over 400 other churches start up by the same long haired hippie kids that they had prayed for.

Romans chapter 1 tells us that everyone knows that God is because his “invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead so that we are without excuse.” Even so, as believers we are to pray for everyone around us in spite of their masks. Inside they need what we have found. By our lives they may know that we are different, but how can they understand it if we can’t explain it to them. A mask can come off.

He Didn’t Have To Do It

It was a cold and snowy day on January 13, 1982, when an Air Florida 737 on takeoff from Washington D.C.’s National Airport in ran into trouble. Only seconds after the jetliner lifted off the ground, ice on the control surfaces forced it back down where it crashed into a bridge and sank in over 25 feet of water in the Potomac River.

Only 1/2 mile from the Pentagon and 1 1/2 miles from the White House, 74 people in the plane and four others who were in cars on the bridge died. Only five people escaped the tangled wreckage to find themselves fighting again for survival against the freezing waters and swift currents of the river.

As the crowds gathered along the shore and the rescue efforts began. A news helicopter hovered over the struggling passengers trying to pluck them out of the water by letting them grab onto its landing skids and hauling them to shore. Through all the confusion and fight for survival, one of the male passengers helped a woman passenger grab the skid while he waited for the next trip. However, he couldn’t last and sank to his death seconds later.

A young Defense Department worker on his way home left the crowd of onlookers and waded out into the water to grab another woman, pulling her to shore when he saw that she didn’t have enough strength to make it.

What made one man risk his life and another give his up for the sake of total strangers. They both had families who loved them and depended on them very much. Neither man had in mind making the headlines for their acts of heroism. Each man had in mind only that someone else was desperately in need and they were in a place to help.

Jesus showed us the same type of concern and love after suffering the incredible extremes of Roman punishment. Having been beaten several times and hanging upon a wooden cross by nails that were driven through his hands and feet. Suffering not only the physical tortures that men’s evil minds could conjure, he also suffered untold agony by carrying the sins of the world on his shoulders. Yet through all of this, he had the time to reach out to one of the two criminals hanging next to him.

One criminal ridiculed Jesus by saying, “If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us.” Even though he was asking for help, it was not serious but abusive. The other man responded by saying, “Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into your kingdom.” And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.

Many times we too find ourselves suffering various trials in life but one thing that I like about the Christian way is that there is always time for compassion for others around us in need. Without the love that only Christ can give, what a rotten place this world would be to live in.

Some Favorite Verses

Recently I recently wrote about what I considered some of the most ignored verses from the Bible. This time, however, I would like to put forth some of my favorites. Unfortunately, space only allows a few of them, but may they can be as much a blessing to you as they are to me.

Joshua 1:8,9 (N.I.V.)

“Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

II Samuel 24:24

“But the king replied to Araunah, ‘No, I insist on paying you for it. I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.'”

Psalm 25:4-7

“Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Remember, O Lord, your great mercy and love, for they are from old. Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O Lord.”

Ecclesiastes 10:20

“Do not revile the king even in your thoughts, or curse the rich in your bedroom, because a bird of the air may carry your words, and a bird on the wing may report what you say.” (I looked for years for that little birdie that told my parents everything I did!)

Isaiah 55:6,7

“Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and let the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.”

Haggai 2:23

“On that day,’ declares the Lord Almighty, ‘I will take you, …. and I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you,’ declares the Lord Almighty.”

Matthew 6:31-33

“So do not worry , saying,’What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Matthew 11:29,30

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Acts 5:32

“….and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey him.”

Romans 1:16

“I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.”

Romans 2:6-8

“God ‘will give to each person according to what he has done.’ To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. But for those who are selfseeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger.

They Didn’t Know The Power Of God

Only three days before Jesus was arrested and taken to the cross, He was teaching the crowds gathered in the temple grounds. The preachers and politicians didn’t like all the publicity that Jesus was getting, so out of jealousy they tried to debate with him trying somehow to prove Him a fake and show Him up. What they just couldn’t admit was that He was indeed who He said He was.

The story is recorded in Matthew 22:23-33. Now the Sadducees who were a denomination of the Jewish faith at the time and they tried to test him by giving a theoretical or “what if” question concerning marriage and how it would be recognized in the kingdom of heaven. In verse 29 Jesus hit the nail on the head when He began His response by saying that, “You are mistaken (or deceived), not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God.”

How that short little verse speaks to me as well as so many others in our day with so many different half-baked religious groups around. Even though I was raised in the church, at 17 years old I was drawn off into a cult that believed what they called the doctrine of eternal progression. They taught that God was at one time a man just like you and me until He earned his right to be God. Also that as His children, we too could earn by our good works the right to become a god like He is and create our own worlds and universes.

Soon after leaving this group, I had a roommate who studied the Word of God with me. I loved this brother dearly, but he fell into another weird group that made the mistake of saying that since Paul was the apostle to the gentiles, only those portions of scripture that were written by him were valid for us. The rest of the Bible was written for the Jews only.

I don’t know what finally happened to my friend, but I found that as I started to read the Bible for myself instead of depending on what others were always telling me that it said, God started to open my eyes and I began to understand what it really said. As I started to learn who Jesus is, I also found that by submitting myself to Jesus and inviting the Holy Spirit of God to come and live within me, I began to experience the power of God. The power to desire for God to make me into the kind of man that He wanted me to be.

As I see it, it was when I stopped trying to use the Bible to prove what I believed already and began to study it so that I could bring what I believed into line with what God was doing, that I started to move ahead.

Even today in my ministry, the challenge is still to find out what God is doing rather than wanting Him to bless what I am doing. If your plans seem to be going nowhere, try getting into His plan. It works.

Being Broke Doesn’t Always Mean Being Poor

When Peter and John went to the temple (Acts 3) to pray, they ran into a man who had been crippled since his birth. Every day his friends carried him to the temple gate so he could ask alms or beg from the people as they entered. When he saw the two apostles about to go in, he asked them for a hand out.

Now Peter and John were no doubt generous men, but they happened at the time to be broke. Even though they were fishermen by trade, they were now preachers and didn’t make very much. They did, however, have something that was worth a far more than just a little spare change. They knew the power of God to heal. As they fixed their eyes on him and told him to look at them, they healed him in the name of Jesus Christ. Taking him by the hand and lifting him up, strength came to his bones and he walked for the first time in his life. The beggar walked and leaped all the way into the temple praising God.

Many today are cripples too, even from birth. Not just physical handicaps, but spiritually crippled. The only thing that they know about the church is to come to the door for whatever handouts that they can get. They spend their whole lives begging at the door but never enter in.

The temptation is to write these people off as impossible to reach. We want to just give them a few bucks and a sandwich, hoping that they will move on and still we can feel that we have helped. We forget that God doesn’t require us to be middle-class to be saved. There is no such thing as an impossible case to Jesus. Jesus said that He died for the ungodly.

When I first came to the Lord in the early 70’s in Denver, the Jesus Freak revival was still going strong. I was privileged to meet quite a number of hippies who had come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. They came to church with cut-off jeans and were often barefoot. If there was no place to sit, they didn’t mind sitting on the floor. Many had not yet cut their long hair or shaved shaggy beards. Their love, however, for Jesus was beautiful. They were quick to witness to anyone who would listen and if you didn’t hold your arm out, they would hug you before you knew what was happening.

I remember those days fondly and it is my prayer that somehow God will do it again for the wino’s and bums and drifters and the homeless and troubled poor that live, even here. I hear so many say that the economy is so slow that they can’t help but then I remember that Peter and John didn’t have any money either. Their economy was slow too but they knew a Jesus that was not bound to money and handouts. Their secret? They were always either coming from or going to a prayer meeting. We too can see people healed if we will pray and seek God for His people.

Many Have Forgotten

The children of Israel came out of 450 years of desperate slavery at the hands of the Egyptian Pharaohs. They were delivered by some of the greatest miracles that God has ever done, but still they weren’t content. They all too quickly forgot what God had done for them. It took them 40 years to make the 11 day journey from Egypt to Palestine.

They were settled in a land of milk and honey. A land rich in every thing that they needed to live a life of plenty. Those that Nebuchadnezzer of Babylon did not kill, were hamstrung and their eyes poked out and once again taken into slavery. They again forgot.

After 70 years they regained their freedom and were allowed to go back into their homeland. But some years later. The Roman Legions entered Palestine and made them a slave state. They cried out again to God for a deliverer. Once again a good and loving God sent them one. They killed Him. In 70 A.D., after the death of Jesus, they were driven to the four winds to be without a homeland for the next 2,000 years. They had forgotten.

After this brief summary of Biblical history, my point is that it seems that we too have forgotten. I was born in 1944 during the closing days of World War II and I grew up on stories of how tough it was when during the days of the Great Depression and the of the Dust Bowl and of Ration Coupons to keep “our boys” in the battles of Europe and the Pacific.

I grew up hearing the stories of hunger and privation on the battlefields or barb-wired camps where P.O.W.’s existed on a skimpy gruel of turnips or potatoes. Of cold C-Rations and bathing in helmets.

Today we have been so blessed and care so little, that I can only come to the conclusion that we have forgotten. It seems like we no longer know what it is to have children with bowed legs due to rickets or the gray skin of malnutrition or have to stuff newspaper into ragged shoes to walk miles to school or work in the cotton fields in 100 + weather. Eating cold beans with no pork, or baking soda biscuits made with water on the sides of the field.

In our wealth, we have now shoved these memories to the back of our minds. We celebrate them in ways that are to our shame. We have a bean dinner cornbread for a church dinner, and boast about having been there, but forget all the while that there are others who are still there.

In Matthew 25:42-45 Jesus said, “For I was hungry and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink; I was a stranger and you did not take Me in, naked and you did not clothe Me, sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.” Now really, did you forget?

But Salvation Is Forever

A Tulsa based evangelist recently startled the news media by saying that through the power of the name of Jesus, he had raised someone from the dead in one of his meetings. People have reacted to these claims in various ways. Since I was recently asked what I thought about it, I could only give my personal opinion, that I don’t know as I wasn’t there and don’t know anyone else who was there either. I do believe, however, that God is certainly capable of doing many great and marvelous things through the name of Jesus Christ. He is no less God today than He was back then when the Bible was being written. I also believe that our Father is doing even greater things today.

In the gospel of John 14:12, Jesus while talking to Phillip said that “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also and greater works than these he will do,” It is easy to understand the healing of sicknesses and casting out demons that Jesus was doing because these are things that touch the physical body. They are readily visible. I couldn’t however, understand what could possibly be greater.

The Lord opened my eyes to see that when Jesus touched someone’s body, He was only giving them temporary healing as they still died in the end. Even those brought back from the dead, died again. What He was doing was trying to show them, and us, by what they could see that He did indeed have the power to forgive their sins and give them new life to their spirits which they couldn’t see. It is a good thing for a man to have health during his time of this life, but how much better it is for him to have the life that will carry him through eternity.

Jesus then explains how this happens when He finishes the verse by saying, “because I go to the Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, THAT THE FATHER MAY BE GLORIFIED.”

Everything that Jesus does and consequently everything that we should be doing centers around bring glory to our Father. We do this not because God is on some kind of ego trip, but because what He has done for us is worthy of everything that we could possibly give Him. Long before we were even thought of by our parents, He gave His own Son as a sacrifice and sent His Holy Spirit so that we can live together forever with Him and not have to die in hell.

Since He did that for me, then surely I owe him everything that I am, and everything that I have or hope to have, even my life itself. If I praise Him and work to glorify Him, it is the least that I can do. To reach out to someone in need, to pray and cry with them in their time of trial is then not a burden, but a joy so that by whatever means, some will come to know the same God that I have been privileged to know these past 15 years. It is our reasonable service.

We Must Humble Ourselves

The unpardonable sin has been a concept that has caused a great deal of pain and misery throughout the ages of the church and even today so many are plagued by whether or not they have committed the “biggie”. This verse is found in Mark 3:29 and reads, “but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation.”

I have heard a number of preachers tell those who are concerned about if they have committed this sin, that “if you are troubled about having committed this sin, then you have not committed it.” I am sorry, but to me, this is a spiritual cop-out. It is to completely leave God out of the decision and try’s to convince that person merely by human logic. To use reasoning rather than the word of God.

Rather than making their mistake, lets see what the word of God, the Bible has to say. Hebrews 6:4-6 says, “For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the powers of the age to come, if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and put Him to open shame.”

This passage obviously refers to those who are genuine believers as they are “partakers” of the Holy Spirit. They have been born again and have known the fellowship of God through Jesus Christ, but have for some reason or another, rejected that fellowship to return to their old life of sin and shame. They have not merely backslid a little, but have made a complete turn-around. They have not considered fellowship with the Holy Spirit of the living God worth anything and have then treated Him as something unclean. They have committed that same sin that the scribes did when back in Mark, when they said that Jesus had an unclean spirit.

For an example, Acts 5:1-11 gives the story of Ananias and his wife Sapphira who in giving their offerings to the Lord, sinned by claiming to have given it all but held some back. Peter said to them, “…. Why have you conceived this thing in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God.” It was then that they fell dead. No time for repentance.

Then in Hebrews 12:15-16, “looking diligently lest anyone fall short of the grace of God;…. lest there be any fornicator or profane or godless person like Esau, who for one morsel of food sold his birthright. For you know that afterward, when he wanted to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place for repentance.

Hebrews 10:26-39 explains this walk of faith by saying that “For is we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries.”

What then should we do? The obvious answer is that we should humble ourselves and fall down in prayer before a merciful God to see if there is to be forgiveness for us. That is what King David did after committing adultery with Bathsheba and then murdering her husband. He found forgiveness and was known as a “man after God’s own heart.”

Do You Put Your Lamp Under A Basket?

When Jesus was alone with His disciples, he asked them an important question that is mentioned in Mark 4:21-23. He said to them, “Is a lamp brought to be put under a basket or under a bed? Is it not to be set on a lampstand? For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”

Now, I would like to say that we should witness or we should live our lives as a good example to others and that everything will be cheerful and rosy. That’s what I had intended, but I found myself carried in my spirit back into the Old Testament to the Book of Job. Job, probably the earliest written book in the Bible.

Job was from the time of the Patriarchs which means that he lived only a few hundred years after Noah’s Ark landed and the population re-established. Job was quite wealthy but was also a godly man and shunned evil. He had seven sons and three daughters and had possessions that consisted of 3,000 camels, 7,000 sheep, 500 yoke of oxen, 500 female donkeys and a large household so that he was the greatest man of all the people of the East. Then tragedy struck!

Job became caught in the struggle between Satan and the Lord God. His family destroyed, his fortune lost, everything gone. Through it all, Job still worshipped and praised God. He was then hit by painful boils that covered him from head to toe and reduced to the only medical remedy known in those days, sitting in a heap of ashes and opening the boils with sharp pieces of broken pottery. Even then, he wouldn’t deny his faith in God.

His wife tried to get him to just “curse God and die.” His friends tried and tried to reason with him that since he was having a hard time, he must have done something wrong or sinned. Job remained faithful through this whole time of testing. When it was all over, God again blessed him more than ever with worldly possessions and family, but more importantly, with an intimate knowledge of God himself.

Now back to Jesus and the lamp. Jesus is trying to tell us that we all suffer many trials and problems just as He did, but if we remain faithful, our light will shine out. Our lights only fade when we cover it by our unfaithfulness when we give in to those around us who do not know either the scriptures or the power of God.

“There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.” Even though the light looks very dim during our troubles, at the very time that our understanding is trying every trick in the book to figure out what is going on, still when it is all over, the reasons will become evident. Our light will once again shine brightly and we will be all the closer to our Heavenly Father. Jesus will be all the more real to us because the obstructions to our faith are cleared away. “If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”

Is This Not The Carpenter’s Son?

Jesus had traveled all over the region of Galilee and had been greatly received. The crowds had flocked to him in such numbers that he and his disciples oftentimes didn’t even have time to eat. They were a down trodden people, but through the miracles of Jesus, they were beginning to find hope. To believe that God really did care about their situation.

Jesus had performed miracles right and left even to the point of raising the dead and casting demons exceeding two thousand in number from a man. A man so crazy that he would break even chains that he was bound with. All Miracles that left little doubt that God was with him. Then he decided to go home.

After arriving in his own country, he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day with his disciples so that he could teach. A surprise, however, awaited him as the peoples response was anything but good. Looking in the sixth chapter of Mark, we read in verse two that the people were really astonished that God was actually using him to perform these miracles. And then in verse three, they said, “Is this not the carpenter, the Son of Mary, and brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?’ And they were offended at him.”

Because the peoples attitudes were so negative, Jesus could not do any great miracles in the same area where the people lived who knew him the best. He was no doubt grieved, but he realized what was going on. In verse 4, he said, “…..A prophet is not without honor except in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his own house.”

It is oftentimes the same today as the ones that should know what is on our hearts are the very same ones who give us the most difficulty. In starting my own ministry, I often had to buck the well meaning advice of family and friends to do what I knew God would have me to. I do rejoice in the fact that eventually they came around to see that what I was doing was right but it was a struggle.

I am not saying this to give them a hard time as I too have been guilty of the same, but I want to encourage others who may be having difficulty now, to persevere, to continue on, to keep doing what you know is the will of God for your life. Don’t let others discourage you with their “sound” advice. Once you know what his will is, then jump in the middle of it. You may make some mistakes, but if your heart is right, He will see you through it. It’ll work.

And Jesus Had Compassion

Crowds just couldn’t help gathering around Jesus as He taught and ministered their sick. At the same time His disciples were sent out on a training mission to learn to do the same all over Israel. When the news of the death of John the Baptist reached them, they reassembled to share what they had learned and to rest up. They desperately needed this rest as their were so many coming and going, that they didn’t even have the chance to eat.

They used their boat to try and get away from them, but the crowds followed along the bank and gathered again when they landed. As Jesus looked out over the crowd, He was moved with compassion for them as they were “like sheep, not having a shepherd. So He began to teach them many things.”

This account is found in Mark 6:32-44 and we find that at the same time that Jesus was moved with compassion for the crowds, His disciples were in a different frame of mind. They were tired and hungry and just wished that the people would go away. In verse 35 & 36 they said to Jesus, “This is a deserted place, and already the hour is late. Send them away, that they may go into the surrounding country and villages and buy themselves bread; for they have nothing to eat.”

At first, it would seem that the disciples were concerned about the welfare of the people. But at second glance, we see that their concern was more about themselves. Their request to Jesus was just a ruse to get Him to quit teaching. Jesus, however, didn’t fall for it because He responded by telling them that they should feed the crowd.

When Jesus said this, they couldn’t believe their ears. It would take two hundred denarii to buy enough food to feed this crowd. A denarii was what the average man earned for a day’s work and so two hundred denarii was nearly a years wages. Surely Jesus couldn’t be serious. After all there were five thousand men there not counting all of the women and children. No way! Unreasonable!

But Jesus was not to be undone by their lack of faith. He told the people to sit down on the grass in groups of fifties and hundreds. When they found that they had five loaves of bread and two fish, he gave thanks to God and broke it. As He continued to break it, the food multiplied so that everyone had enough to eat and at the end of the dinner, they gathered up twelve baskets of leftovers.

Once again, the disciples had failed to reckon on the endless supply of concern and compassion that Jesus has for those who come to Him. It wasn’t that they didn’t know that He could do it, but rather the difficulty that they were having in putting their eyes on Jesus rather than on themselves. It works for us today just the same as it did for them.

I No Longer Call It Ministry

I have been following the problems of Jim and Tammie Bakker as I am sure many of you have with a great deal of interest. Being an evangelist myself, I am concerned when something happens to cast a shadow on our calling.

Jim is not the first evangelist or preacher to fall into the trap of adultery (even though preaching is the only profession where you are fired for it), but what I have been looking for is some sign of true repentance on his part. He has lost his ministry and had his ordination pulled, yet he still seems only to grieve the loss of his paycheck.

I hope that you don’t mind if I editorialize a little because I am more than a little disturbed. I just read in the papers about Jim and Tammie’s latest efforts (I no longer call it ministry). I thought that Oral had hit a low in saying that the Lord would call him home if he didn’t raise 8 million dollars, but Jim and Tammie have gone even lower.

What I am talking about is the news that during the Christmas season, they are going on a 19 city tour that is being headed up by a tour promoter. They will present a two hour show of “singing, dancing and preaching” all for the low price of only $20 a head. I don’t know of any other preacher that currently charges a fee for people to come and hear them preach. Not Billy Graham, nor Jimmy Swaggart, nor even Oral Roberts. It is bad enough that gospel singers do it. (This effort soon failed)

In 2 Corinthians 2:17 Paul the great Apostle says about his ministry that, “We are not, as so many, peddling the word of God; but as of sincerity, but as from God, we speak in the sight of God in Christ”. Evidently they were having the same problem in his day as now. It is unfortunate that there are those who still see the gospel as just a way to make a buck.

Ever since the movie “Elmer Gantry”, evangelists have been trying to show people that we are called servants of God, but once again an honorable calling has been drug through the dirt. I don’t know what you think about evangelists, but I only ask you not to reject our message just because some have smudged the name. There are still those who are seeking the kingdom of God rather than their own position. There are still those who are concerned about peoples lives rather than their pocketbooks. There are still those who plan to meet Jesus face to face without having to apologize for their labors.

We Have To Have Grit

Mattie Ross hired Rooster Cogburn to find her father’s killer in the movie because he had “True Grit”. Grit, sand, salt. A person with nerve who is not afraid to move in the face of danger. Jesus had the same thing in mind when he talked about those who follow him.

“Salt is good”, Jesus said in Mark 9:50. “but if the salt loses its flavor, how will you season (with) it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace with one another.”

In cooking, salt is a key ingredient that we use for flavoring. There is very little food that you can buy in the market that does not have some in it and the reason is simple. Food is tastier with it and our bodies need it. It is one of the basic building blocks of our physical make-up. It is so important in fact, that people have even gone to war to have it and have even used it as money.

What happens then, when the salt loses its flavor? What is it good for? In Matt. 5:13 Jesus said that it is only good to be used as paving to walk on. As christians, we have the same choice. To flavor the world around us or to be walked on. When Jesus said that we are to have salt in ourselves, he meant that we are to be an active influence for godliness to others. And if we don’t have that ability to flavor the world around us, then what good are we?

Then we are to “have peace with one another.” Even though salt is a mineral that flavors the food, it is not so over-powering that it clashes with other seasoning. It complements almost any kind of food as well as accepting pepper, oregano, basil, parsley, etc. It goes with most everything yet remains distinctive. In the same way we are to pursue peace with one another.

We remain ourselves yet accept in friendship others who may disagree with us. Paul in his letter to the Colossian church said that (4:6) we are to “let our speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one (those outside the church).”

Then Paul’s letter to the church in Rome (12:18) says that “if it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.” Then in the fourteenth chapter (v. 19) he says “Therefore let us pursue the things that make for peace and the things by which one may edify (or build up) another.”

What Paul is saying is that we are to be active in our pursuing peace. One thing that can be said about the lives of the early christians is that they had salt. Their faith meant so much to them that they certainly were not bland and complacent in what they believed. From Paul to Martin Luther to John Wesley. When they spoke, the people listened, or threw rocks. One thing is sure, they weren’t ignored.

He Could Always Hit The Bullseye

He was known all over the county as a crack shot. Just ask anybody. You could go by his place anytime and see targets that he had fired at with the holes dead center.

His reputation as a marksman was far and wide until an avid sportsman decided that he wanted to see him shoot. However, ever time that he asked the man to let him watch him shoot, the man always found some type of excuse to get out of it.

Real early one morning, the sportsman hear gunfire coming from the man’s house and so he silently slipped in close so that he could watch. Something was wrong. The target was blank. Then after firing, the man ran up to the target and started painting a big black bulls eye around the bullet hole. Finally the man’s secret was out and he fell into ridicule and scorn.

Our religion is the same way. Many people have a belief just as there are many guns around. It is rather what we do with it that counts. If a man wants to be good at shooting, then he knows that he must practice. In the same way, if we want our faith to grow into something worthwhile, then we must exercise it in the smaller things.

Jesus loved to use farming terms in explaining this principle and said that if we have a seed and want it to grow into something, then first we must plant it. But even that is not enough as it needs watering and nurturing for it to blossom and be fruitful.

Then too, wherever people are, some are going to want to take short cuts. They don’t want to take the time and patience that it takes to study and try things, so they resort to shenanigans to simulate the real thing. At first, it looks real good, but when it is tested, it won’t hold up. Just as the man tried to fool people with his shooting, these characters try to present themselves as holy, but their hearts are evil. They are fakes.

P.T. Barnum believed that there is a sucker born every minute and William Randolph Hearst believed that newspapers were to entertain rather than speak the truth. Religion sometimes tries this, but God is not fooled nor mocked. Even though some fall prey to these guys, the real thing is still there and available for those who are willing to grab hold of it. This is a decision that each and everyone of us must make. I personally like the decision that Joshua made over three thousand years ago. “Now therefore, fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served … But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:14,15.

Does A Treaty Mean Peace?

The treaties now being signed between the Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbechev and our President Ronald Reagan are drawing praise from everyone for being a great move to peace. On the surface, it appears to be a good thing to get rid of some of our nuclear weapons, but why is Gorbechev so enthusiastic.

The Russians have never been known for doing anything without wanting something in return and probably are not being pacifist now. It seems rather, that they are wanting to kill our ability to retaliate so that they can further their own ends in the middle east. It may even be the beginning of the plan mentioned in Ezekiel 36-39.

Verse 38:10 says that, “On that day it shall come to pass that thoughts will arise in your mind, and you will make an evil plan.” This plan is possibly now in motion as strategically, it calls for a conventional invasion of Israel by trying to over-run her rather than by using nuclear weapons. To make this plan happen, Israel’s friends would need to be stripped of their ability to retaliate.

Ezekiel tells us that God is restoring the nation of Israel in the end times and that His people will be brought back into their own land. That has been happening since 1948 when Israel was reestablished as a homeland for the Jews. There is also a large move for Russia to release their Jews so that they can return. (Just think of it, Bible prophesy being fulfilled in our own time.)

Chapter 38 then speaks of a confederacy of nations that God will come out of their land against Israel. This confederacy is known as Gog and the land of Magog. Gog will come along with the princes Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal. These men are briefly identified in Genesis 10 as grandsons of Noah through his son Japheth. They originally settled on the southern side of the Black Sea in Armenia, now Turkey. They then gradually migrated north to populate the current Union of Soviet Socialists Republics including Eastern Europe which the Bible calls Gomer. This union is then completed by alliances with Persia (Iran), Ethiopia, and Libya. All nations now having Soviet sympathies.

Moving through Iran to avoid most nations of the middle east, to the Persian Gulf, it says that Sheba, Dedan (Kuwait and Oman near the mouth of the Persian Gulf) and the merchants of Tarshish (oil or mineral merchants) want to know if they are coming to take their wealth. What they intend is to sail around to the Red Sea by Ethiopia and through the Gulf of Aquaba with the help of Libya to invade Israel by conventional means from the south. This would give them a strangle hold on the whole middle east as well as the Suez Canal.

But God says that He will destroy them on the mountains of Israel. Through a massive earthquake and raining fire and brimstone as happened to Sodom and Gomorrah. Their troops will even turn on each other until they are destroyed. This destruction will be so bad that it will take Israel seven months to bury the dead.

Why is God doing this? Allowing such a devious plan to go into action? Ezekiel 38:23 says, “Thus I will magnify Myself and sanctify Myself, and I will be known in the eyes of many nations. Then they will know that I am the Lord.” Not only will the Jews be given a new respect and faith, but the current wave of atheism will be twarted. People will once again know that there is a God who is in control of this world.

A Room Must Have A Door

“Though the fig tree may not blossom,
Nor fruit be on the vines;
Though the labor of the olive may fail, And the fields yield no food;
Though the flock be cut off from the fold, And there be no herd in the stallsYet
will I rejoice in the Lord,
I will joy in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength;
He will make my feet like deer’s feet, And He will make me walk on my high hills.” Habakkuk 3:17-19

I know what hard times are. I know hunger even to the early stages of malnutrition. But the worst hard times of all are when we are working and striving as hard as we can and things still go wrong. To experience the feeling of hanging onto the edge of a cliff by only the fingertips. To feel trapped in a bottle with someone holding the lid on.

In my ministry, I run into so many others who are hurting and feel like they have been closed in a room without doors or windows. Many have been there so long that they not just believe there is no other way, but that their prison cell is the whole world.

Jesus suffered Himself on the cross and felt the weight of our sins so much that He felt utterly alone and forsaken. It was then that He cried out, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?”

There is, however, good news for hurting people. There is a way out. Jesus knew the way out and led the way for us. He believed God. He believed that God, His Father, did not want to leave Him there. He believed after all the suffering was said and done, there was nothing but good in store for Him. He knew that the suffering was only a door to the righteousness of God.

I too, found the same thing. When I took my mind off of my problems and started to look to God, by calling on the name of the Lord, though all seemed lost, the suffering became for me a door. A door that once entered, has become far more than I ever dared to believe possible.

The key is just as the prophet Habakkuk wrote in the above verses. Even though our fig trees do not blossom, and our fields and orchards do not yield a crop or our flocks and herds are lost from the barns. In other words, everything is going wrong in our life. Then let us come to the Lord. Even though we are be sad, we can rejoice. By taking refuge in our God, we will find the strength to continue on. To not give up so that in His time, He will make our feet like deer’s feet. Feet that do not stumble over rocky ground and can hold to the path through the densest thickets or the narrowest cliffs. We can then walk on God’s high places without fear.

The message then is to those who are still caught in their traps of despondency. There is a door that leads out. Though you might not be able to see it, it is there nonetheless. It only requires that we come to God by following the way out that Jesus showed us. By following Jesus, we too can find real life and not be swallowed up by defeat. Then we can all know that Jesus was already there at the door knocking and waiting for you and I to just open it.

I Never Knew That It Could Be This Good

“Life is just a bummer.” “It doesn’t matter what I do, it just isn’t good enough.” “I work all week to make a paycheck and the government takes too much. I pay the bills and there is nothing left over.” “I end up spending the weekend just trying to get into the mood to go back to work Monday.” The kids scream all the time and I just can’t stand it any more.”

“I wonder why other people seem to make it just fine and I can’t?” “Why do other people seem happy when I am bursting on the inside?” Why can’t the wife (or husband) just leave me alone and quit nagging me all the time?” “Can’t you kids see that I’m busy, quit all that fighting and go play in the freeway or something?” I wonder if God would send me to hell, like some say, if I just ended it all?”

“God?” “I haven’t thought about him for some time.” “I really wonder if he cares.” “I wonder if Jesus might have really been the Son of God?” “If that’s so, what would that have to do with me?” “I’ve got a Bible around here somewhere, I wonder what that book really says?” “I don’t guess that I have ever really read it.” “Come to think of it, I really don’t know anything about God or Jesus except what they told me when I was a kid, back when my parents forced me to go to church.”

“Let’s see, now.” “John 3:16 & 17 says that God gave us his only son so that we wouldn’t perish but live forever with Him.” “Just think, he didn’t come to condemn me, but to save me.” “If anyone needed saving, it’s me.” “There has to be a way out of my situation.”

“What’s this?” “I John 1:9 says that if I will just admit to my sins, then he will forgive me for what I have done and he will then help me to do it right.” “The Lord knows that I have done enough wrong in my life.” “It just seems like I can’t do anything else, no matter how hard I try.” “Maybe there is hope for me after all.”

“Wow, this is great.” “In Romans 10:9 it says that if I will just confess and be open with others that Jesus is the Lord of my life, he will save me.” “It can’t be that simple.” “On the other hand, that may not be that simple since so many have lost their lives for believing in Jesus.” “But then too, it’s got to be better than what I’m going through now.”

“Lord Jesus, I want what you have to offer.” “I need to know you so much, will you take me too, as you have saved so many others?” “Would you give me your Holy Spirit to guide me so that I can finally do something with my life.” “Whatever you want me to do just to be right.” “I give myself to you.” “Make me into a servant.”

“I can’t believe it.” “Jesus has accepted me.” “Finally I have a reason to live.” “It’s kind of scary not knowing everything that the Lord has in store for me, but Lord I trust you to do what is right.” “After all, you made me and you know what is going to happen in the future.” “Whatever you want or ask of me has got to be all right.” “There’s still a lot to learn, but this is great.”

When You Pray

One time while witnessing to a woman who was recently divorced, she told me that she had tried to pray but God didn’t answer her prayers. She had been raised in a christian home but she had not paid much attention to God until she got into trouble in her marriage.

As I thought about her disappointment and what I could say to her about why God didn’t rush to help her, I thought, “Why should He?” If she didn’t have time for God, then why should He put himself out for her? Sure God loves us, but He is not someone that we can order around just to suit our whims. He is rather our Father. And as any parent, in His love He responds to help his children more readily when they are obedient and loving to Him.

Isaiah 58:13,14 sums it up by saying, “If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on My holy day, and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy day of the Lord honorable, and shall honor Him, not doing your own ways, nor finding your own pleasure, nor speaking your own words, then you shall delight yourself in the Lord; and I will cause you to ride on the high hills of the earth, and feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father. The mouth of the Lord has spoken.”

I once had a friend who steadfastly refused to even listen to the radio or watch t.v. on Sunday as He wanted to be in a proper frame of mind to worship God without being hindered by worldly thoughts. I have never gone that far but it is good that we always put the Lord ahead of worldly pursuits.

Of course some worship on Saturday, as the Sabbath, and some on Sunday the day of our Lord’s resurrection and some consider every day as an equal opportunity to serve Him. But whichever the day, what counts is the state of our heart. Being thankful to our loving Father and God. If we will pay attention to Him and the things of God, He hears our prayers and will open the way for us through our problems through His Son Jesus Christ.

Why Church?

The mother came in to arouse her sleeping son. He needed to hurry and get up as it was Sunday and it was nearly time for church.

The son responded by whinning “Oh, mom, I don’t want to go to church today. I would rather sleep in.”

She replied to her grumbling offspring by saying, “Now son, you know you can’t sleep in. Now get up and get dressed.”

The young man countered saying, “Mom, I really don’t want to go. You know how all those people are there at our church. All they want to do is fuss and fight and I can’t stand it. The only time that they don’t fuss is during the service and then it’s only because half of them are asleep. Mom, give me three good reasons why I should bother getting up to go to a church like that.”

The mother responded to her complaining son by saying, “Okay, first of all, you know that they are all basically good people even though they fight some. Secondly, you know that they are learning and it takes time for people to grow. Lastly, son, you have to go as you are the pastor.

As an organization, the church is like no other. When you look at it on the surface, you might wonder why anyone in his right mind would want to get up on their day off and get all dressed up just to go to a meeting where all they do is sing a few songs and listen to some guy give a speech. Why not do something fun like go to the lake or go shopping or even just lounge around the house?

Of course everyone has their own reasons for going to church, some good and some not so good. There is the business man who goes to make contacts for his enterprise. Perhaps the older person who goes to ease their conscience for things done in the past. Or even the young couple that drags their children to Sunday School just because the influence “can’t hurt them.” Like one father I heard say to his son, “Religion is all alright if you don’t take it too seriously.”

But for what other reason do we go. First of all, because we believe that God is indeed real and that we need a relationship with his son Jesus. Then too there is fellowship. All week we are dealing with people who often see things differently than we do and we need to spend some time with others who see it like we do. We also have a need to serve others. There is an old expression that says, “What goes around, comes around.” If we want to have our personal needs met, then we must be willing to be a blessing to someone else in their time of need.

Think about your reasons for going to church. If they stack up as not so good, don’t quit going but rather look for ones that are better. As Jesus put it in Matthew 5:20, “For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Marriage For Everyone

I have only been in the ministry 8 years but during that time I have given the wedding vows to 69 different couples. I don’t have any way of knowing how many have kept their vows, but I feel priviledged to have given them the chance to live together in the way that God intended. In the standard ceremony that I use I ask if they will take the other as their wedded husband/wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do us part.

Of course to some these words are just something to say to satisfy the law but to others they are held sacred and they try to live their whole lives by their vows until “death do us part”. Their word is their bond. Likewise when we become christians we have taken a vow. At the time we came to believe in Jesus we entered into a love relationship that says that we desire to spend our life in fellowship and service to Him and in return He will provide our needs as well as watch over and protect us from all harm. Our marriage ceremony was when we entered the waters of baptism and identified with the sacrifice that He made by dying on the cross and spending 3 days in the hell of the grave. Then as we were lifted from the water, just as He was lifted from the grave, we look to be resurrected and be with Him and the Father in heaven.

In our earthly relationship, the marriage is consumated by the oneness of sex. This union seals the marriage and eventually blooms into the fruit of bearing children. Of course sex is an earthly function and doesn’t enter into our relationship with Jesus, but in our heavenly marriage as his bride, we consumate our vows by partaking of His blood and flesh as we drink the wine or grape juice and eat the unleavened bread of communion. A beautiful reminder that the fruit of our relationship is living eternally with Him in the kingdom of God.

Then too as the marriage relationship is given by God for all mankind of the earth to participate in, the heavenly marriage of Jesus and His church is given for all who will. Jesus opened the way for us to come to Him when two thousand years ago he suffered the shame and torture of dying on a cruel wooden cross for our sins. Once He opened the way, all is left is for us to trust Him enough that we want to enter into a heavenly marriage with Him.

Preachers A Sorry Lot

As a general rule, we preachers are a sorry lot. We are all too often concerned about the outward appearances of ourselves and our flocks while inwardly we are slowly rotting to the core.

Every preacher knows that to make it in our line of work there is a certain image that we need. First off, we must have the proper degrees. We are expected to be scholars and learn all the latest theology where we can then make sermons that are amusing and entertaining to people who could usually care less. Then if you want to pastor a really big church, you must have the word ‘doctor’ in front of your name so that it sounds impressive.

Unless of course you are Catholic, the next expectation is that you need a darling little wife who can sing and play the piano. In due time, two or three cute little children won’t hurt either. This allows everyone to feel like you are the all-American family and that ‘Father Knows Best’.

Then of course a preacher is expected to be against divorce, gambling, smoking, drinking, playing cards and dancing. It is all right for him to preach against these things as long as he doesn’t get personal and expect the congregation to live up to these standards. Then he’s meddling.

A few years ago ‘Dear Abby’ published a letter about a church board that was looking for a new preacher and was having a hard time finding one that fit their expectations. One Board Member brought in an application from a man that had a stormy ministry and had even been jail and beaten a few times. The only thing that could be said for this man’s ministry was that he had been faithful to his calling during this time. The other board members were horrified and wanted to know who this presumptious preacher was. The application was signed, “The Apostle Paul”.

According to a recent Gallup Poll, a third of the people who do not go to church say that religion is very important in their lives. Why are they not in church? Could it not be that the church is not meeting their needs. A common complaint in this same poll is that the church is too concerned with organizational needs, as opposed to theological or spiritual issues. Also more then 40% feel that churches are not concerned enough about social justice.

Personally, I feel that these complaints are valid and I am as guilty as the rest. The real work of Christ and His church is not our image and it is not our organizational abilities. It is ministering to the poor and hurting people who are all around us. I am certainly no expert at this any more than any one else, but we must still try. It is easy enough to throw a little money (and it is very little) at the problem and feel that we have done our best, but this will never touch the hurting or needy person inside where he needs the help the most. Jesus, show us how you did it, we have got to know!

Worm Theology

Some people call it “worm theology”. A term meaning that we think of ourselves as nothing while Jesus is everything. It is used as a derogitory term because they think that through pride and self-esteem in ourselves everything will be alright. Sounds good in theory, but it doesn’t work.

Many reject this thinking where we look at ourselves as a “worm” or as nothing in God’s sight and a new doctrine is becoming ever more popular. A system that is called “New Age” thinking. Even in the church, this system is gaining popularity. Teaching that we are really not bad at all. God is in all of us and if we will just work at it, we can get better and better. They say that we can turn this world around until everything is beautiful. If we attain this kind of perfection, we will have no more worries and will be healthy and wealthy.

Taught by all kinds of seminars and meetings both in and out of the church. Wrapped in psychological and counseling terminology. This idea is nothing more than ancient paganism. A system that is a lot of things, but definitely not Christian.

What the gospel teaches is that instead of getting better and better, we actually getting worse and worse. God proved this when before the flood of Noah, He allowed man to live 10 times what we do now. The Bible says that “The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of his heart was only evil continually.

New Age or not, the heart of man has not changed. Only the labels. It is only when we begin to realize our deplorable state and how we need God. Only through God’s Son Jesus can we find help in our fallen state.

In a hymn that is a favorite of millions, John Bunyon wrote “Amazing grace … that saved a wretch like me”. Reverend Bunyon had spent his early years working on a slave ship and had met the wretchedness of man face to face.

Psalm 22 which is a song written by King David of ancient Israel, is about the coming Messiah. He says in verse 6, “But I am a worm, and no man…” In Philippians 2:5-8, the Apostle Paul says, “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, … taking the form of a servant … He humbled himself … Therefore God has highly exalted Him …”

Jesus showed us that by humbling ourselves, God would lift us up. It is a very simple message. One that shows us that if you are content our position in this life, then go right on. But if you are hurting and in need, look up to heaven. Your God has sent His Son Jesus to give you a way out. Simply humble yourself and repent your sins or misdeeds and call on Jesus and He will lift you up. What do you have to lose but hell.

Ask, Seek and Knock

I had a friend once who came to realize that his life was empty and there was a need there that could only be filled by God. The need was there but the question remained, “How does one find God?”

In Luke 11:5-10 Jesus said, “Which of you shall have a friend, and go to him at midnight and say to him, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread; for a friend of has come to me on his journey, and I have nothing to set before him.’; and he will answer from within and say, ‘Do not trouble me; the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give to you’? I say to you, though he will not rise and give to him because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs.”

And I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”

My friend decided to try these verses out because he really wanted to know if there was any way that God could help him. He first of all decided that he had to ask, seek and knock. This also meant that God wanted him to be persistent in doing it. This was necessary as it helped him to set his priorities or to decide what was really important to him.

To ask of God meant that he should be willing to spend some time in prayer. The man in the parable wouldn’t have won his friend over if he wasn’t willing to spend time in talking and reasoning with him. Prayer helped him to express what he really felt about things. It was so easy for his thoughts to just whirl round and round in his mind until he learned to express them out loud.

Then to seek God seemed to mean that he should be willing to spend time in reading the scriptures. How else was he going to find out what God had to say. To see how God had dealt with others throughout time helped him to see what God was like and what He expected from him. Likewise his friend responded to his pleas because he left the comfort of his own home to go out in the darkness to seek out the one person who could help him.

He also had to knock to announce to his friend that he was there. Even though his friend didn’t want to get out of bed, he did because of the knocking. Even today, people will drop most anything that they are doing to answer the door or the telephone. To hear the ring or a knock, it gives us a sense of urgency.

To make a long story short, my friend did find God and is still serving Him today. You, too, can find peace and fellowship with Him if you really want it. Just ask, seek and knock and be persist.

If this column has been meaningful to you, we would like to hear from you. Please take the time to drop a card to “At The Cross”, P.O. Box 489, Sallisaw, OK 74955.

Astrology For Today? I Don’t Think So

As early as 5,000 years ago, man has been studying the stars for guidance. Only a few years after the flood of Noah, man settled in the “land of Shinar” which is fifty-four miles south of modern Baghdad, Iraq. At this time all people spoke the same language and to avoid being split up, they decided to build a large tower “whose top is in the heavens”.

Through modern archeology we now know that this tower was for the purpose of observing the heavens or stars for guidance and the worship of their gods. The true God was not impressed and consequently mixed their languages causing them scatter all over the earth. Even today there are over 3,000 languages and dialects around the world.

When God gave His law to Moses, He warned the people of Israel, “And take, lest you lift your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun, the moon, and the stars, all the hosts of heaven, you feel driven to worship them and serve them, which the Lord your God has given …”

Even King Nebuchadnezzar of ancient Babylon had his star-gazers killed because they couldn’t do what a prophet of God could. Recent news has startled many people with the recent news that Nancy Reagan uses astrology in setting the President’s schedule. In his 1965 autobiography, Ronald Reagan said that a Los Angeles astrologer was a good friend and that “every morning Nancy and I turn to see what he has to say about people of our respective birth signs.” Then in April of 1969 when astrologers were predicting that a large slice of California was going to slide into the ocean, Governor Reagan had to issue a press notice that he had been planning for some time to take his vacation outside the state during that month. When a christian President and his wife consults an astrologer it makes the news, but is it all that uncommon?

Not when you consider that nearly every major newspaper in the country carrys a daily horoscope (horror-scope) column somewhere in their pages. In 1970, over 1,200 newspapers carried a horoscope while only 20 years before that only 100 papers did. A tremendous explosion of interest in the stars for a christian nation. Even a recent editorial in a local daily expressed the feelings of many about astrology horoscopes when it said “Big Deal”. Then commenting about reports that Nancy Reagan was superstitious and avoids walking under ladders and knocks on wood, they said, “So what? Who doesn’t.”

The answer is that it is a “big deal” and “I don’t”. As a serious follower of Christ, I see no reason why I should the consult the stars for advise when I can pray and ask the creator of those same stars anytime I want. And why would I want to resort to superstition when my heavenly Father controls everything? No reason that I can think of.

Genesis 11:2, N.K.J.V. The Biblical World by Charles F. Pfeiffer, Broadman Press, PP. 124.
Liberty Bible Commentary by Jerry Falwell, Executive Editor, Old Time Gospel Hour, P. 41.
Deuteronomy 4:19, N.K.J.V.
Daniel 2:13, N.K.J.V.
Southwest Times Record, Fort Smith, AR., Associated Press article, May 5, 1988, P. 12-A
Southwest Times Record – Fort Smith, AR, May 6, 1988, p. 4-A What About Horoscopes? by Joseph Bayly, David C. Cook Publishing Co., P. 18
ibid, P. 8.
Southwest Times Record – Fort Smith, AR, May 6, 1988, P. 4-A

Rescue Missions – An Old Idea

From the earliest days of Christianity, believers have been mindful of the teachings of Jesus in regards to taking care of people who are in need. Even our popular legend of Santa Claus comes from the fourth century bishop, Saint Nickolas, who was lived in Myra of Asia Minor and was known for his generosity to the poor men and women of his time.

The sixth chapter of Acts records the first organized efforts towards christian charity. The apostles took up collections and distributed the food daily to the widows and those in need. Because a dispute arose over how they were handling it, they decided to appoint seven men over the work. This would allow more time could be devoted to the work while the apostles would have more time to devote to prayer and preaching. Obviously the early church considered physical ministry to people’s needs as an important part of the the churches mission.

This system continued to grow in the early church over the years. The Roman emperor Constantine made christianity the official religion in the fourth century. When Julian, his nephew, became emperor in 361, he tried to bring the empire back to it’s pagan roots while keeping at the same time some of what he considered the best parts of christianity. In a letter that Julian wrote to Arsacius, High Priest of Galatia, he said, “Why do we not notice that it is their kindness to strangers, their care for the graves of the dead and the pretended holiness of their lives that have done most to increase atheism (i.e. Christianity)? I believe that we ought really and truly to practise every one of these virtues. And it is not enough for you alone to practise them, but so must all the priests in Galatia, without exception …

Arsacius was to set up hostels on the Christian model: ‘In every city establish frequent hostels in order that strangers may profit by our generosity; I do not mean for our own people only, but for others also who are in need of money … For it is disgraceful that, when no Jew ever has to beg and the impious Galileans (Christians) support both their own poor and ours as well, all men see that our people lack aid from us …’

In our own day, much of the needs of the poor are taken care of by our governmental agencies. As good as this care is, there are still many who fall through the cracks of even the best program. That is why as believers in Christ Jesus, we are still reaching out to the least, the last, and the lost of our fellow creation.

Acts 6:1-6 N.K.J.V.
The History of Christianity, Richard A. Todd, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., PP. 137,138

We Must ‘Know’ Jesus

Jesus had to go back to Galilee from Judea and decided to take a short cut through the region of Samaria. As he neared the city of Sychar, he was tired and decided to stop at Jacob’s well. His disciples went on into town to buy some food while Jesus stayed by the well. As He rested He struck up a conversation with a local woman who had come to draw some water.

In talking with the woman, he revealed things about her life that he couldn’t have known. He then proceeded to teach her about the kingdom of God. Convinced that Jesus was indeed the Son of God, she rushed into town to tell everyone that she knew about this stranger. The townspeople rushed out to hear for themselves what Jesus had to say. They too then became convinced that Jesus was the long-awaited Christ and so they said to the woman, “Now we believe, not because of what you said, for we have heard for ourselves and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world.”

Our lives are often much the same way. All around us we hear about Jesus but we really don’t know Him for ourselves. The unfortunate thing is that many times we really don’t care. We don’t consider the news of the Christ as something worth enough to go and see for ourselves. We seem to feel that church membership or being born to christian parents is enough.

You have probably heard the expression ‘to know Jesus as our “personal Lord and Savior”. In fact we have heard it so often that it ends up as just another clique. The reality though is that if we would find eternal life, we must come to know Jesus personally.

My own faith happened much the same way. Baptized at 8 years old, I was 27 before I was able to get right with Him. All my life I have heard about Jesus but He didn’t become real to me until I came seeking Him for myself.

It was then that I could say with the citizens of Sychar, “I have heard for myself and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world.” This offer is available for you too. Simply look for Him while He may be found and He will give you eternal life also.

Wives to be Submissive

I was pleasantly surprised at the positive comments I’ve received about last weeks article on submission in the family. All comments that were from women and agreeing that it was important that the wife be submissive to her husband. My wife encountered one group of ladies who were in the middle of discussing the article and they asked what she thought about the matter. She answered them by saying that she felt that way about marriage long before she ever met me. In fact, this was one of the first conversations that we had soon after we had met.

One sister in the Lord told me that she could agree that the wife should submit to her husband, but, “What is the woman supposed to do if her husband refuses to accept his God given leadership of the family?” Hers was a good question and one that I had anticipated being asked since this is often the case in many marriages.

When the scripture says that the wife is to submit to her husband, we need to realize that this is the ideal situation as God designed marriage to be. Unfortunately, life doesn’t always live up to God’s ideal plan for mankind, so we must deal with matters as they are so that hopefully we can with His help, come up to the ideal that He has set for us. Still, we come up painfully short.

For many men, it is just not in their nature to take the leadership role. Because we live in a sinful world and are far less than we should be, they haven’t developed that side of their nature. Then because decisions must be made, the woman is pressed to take the lead for the sake of the family.

We also run into families where the woman is a believer in Christ and the husband not. Not being a christian, he is probably not concerned with what God wants. The wife then must take charge in areas in which he is lacking. Then too some husbands may have jobs that require extended absences from their families, or many times the family is disrupted by major illness or even death and the wife is forced to take charge.

The difficult part for many women in this is being able to step back again into submission again when the husband is once again available and wanting to fulfill his role. She likes the feeling of independence and may refuse to step back. The danger is that if she goes too far in this search for independence, the husband may get the feeling that he is not needed any more and the marriage dissolves. These feelings of rejection may cause him to start looking elsewhere so that he can once again feel that he matters to someone.

Of course we have not covered all the different problems or situations that can happen in a family but these are ones that are all too common. We can perhaps even see where we need to face up to some of these things in our own families. Together we must start to look to Jesus and only then can we begin to put our families into the order that God intended all along. It may not be easy, but I will guarantee that it will be better.

Me And God, We Be Mates

Throughout the history of mankind, people have worshipped God. Shortly after Seth had his son Enosh, in Genesis 4:26, it says that “Then men began to call on the name of the Lord”. Men knew to seek God and call on Him but man soon became corrupted. Only a few thousand years later, he had changed what was right until it says of them in Genesis 6:5 that “… the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that He had made man …”

In only two thousand years, man had messed up so badly that God was ready to destroy him. Fortunately Noah was a good man and found grace in God’s eyes. It was then that God made a deal (or covenant) with Noah to never again to destroy the earth by water.

Up to this point, man’s knowledge of God was very limited. God, however, started to reveal himself little by little to man so that we could not only worship Him but do it in a personal way. As we move through the Scriptures, we see a loving God revealing Himself until he gave us the ultimate expression of Himself by having His Son Jesus born into human flesh. Even after Jesus suffered death on the cross and ascended into heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit to keep that expression alive in our hearts.

Jesus explained to Phillip when he asked to see God in John 14:9 that “He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?” Jesus, as the ‘only begotten Son’ of the Father, has inherited the same nature and expression of God the Father. All that God has and is, He gave to His Son. Nothing was held back. Therefore, when we look to Jesus, we see God. And it is only through Jesus that we can know God.

But how well can we know God? The Jews in Jesus’ day were very upset with Him when He referred to God as His “Father”. Not only did He do that, but Jesus even taught His followers to pray to “Our Father, who art in heaven.” They failed to see that when we believe, we become not only children of creation, but children with a personal relationship with God. He cares for us as our Father and at the same time, we respond to Him as our Father. A deep and personal relationship.

This relationship may mean different things to different people, but we once we accept God’s Son as our Lord and God as our Father, we can say like Paul Hogan did in his role in “Crocodile Dundee.” “Yep, it’s straight to heaven for Mick Dundee, … me and God, we be mates.”

Faith To Be Healed

In Paul Scott’s novel “The Jewel in the Crown”, blind Sister Ludmilla describes a conversation she once had with God. They talked about the old woman’s disabilities:

“I’m sorry about your eyes,” He said, “but there’s nothing I can do unless you want a miracle.”

“No,” she said, “no miracle thank You. I shall get used to it and I expect You will help me.”

“Anyway, when you’ve lived a long time and can hardly hobble about on sticks and spend most of the day in bed, your eyes aren’t much use. I would need three miracles, one for the eyes, one for the legs and one to take twenty years off my age!”

“Three miracles for one old woman! What a waste! Besides … miracles are to convince the unconvinced. What do You take me for? An unbeliever?”

In her humility Sister Ludmilla was hesitant to ask God for a miracle but I am afraid that I have no such problem. Personally, I am thankful that God cares about me enough that He is interested in what my problems are and wants to help. Miracles do not necessarily have to be big or flashy ones, but big problems require big answers.

To show us that God is indeed interested, Jesus told us that we shouldn’t worry about our food, clothing or shelter as the Gentiles did, because “your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.” Matt. 6:32. He is not saying that these things are not important, but that we should first keep our priorities straight. These things are real needs, but we should “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (v. 33)

The apostle Paul then reinforces this teaching in Phil. 4:19 where he says, “And my God shall supply all your need …” God is indeed concerned about our every need, and there is no real limit to what he is doing for us as He gives “according to His riches in glory …” But He also does it in His own way since everything He does is “in Christ Jesus.” God is very pleased with His Son and works only through Jesus.

Many would like to be able to come to God in some other way, but He doesn’t recognize them. That is why so many prayers go unanswered and so many needs unmet. No, it was Jesus who came to live and die on this earth with us and it is he that is now at the right hand of God the Father speaking on our behalf. If you have needs for your life and need answers, Jesus will open the door so that we can, “… come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Heb. 4:16.

A Martyr Mentality

I have been following the recent news about the hostages on the Kuwait Airlines 747. Ten Moslem radicals held a number of people hostage on board the plane for 16 days as they tried to get Kuwait to release 17 of their comrades out of prison. When their demands were not met, they killed several people in cold-blood and dumped their bodies out the door onto the tarmac.

A tragic event brought on by their Moslem beliefs that if one dies while fighting for a cause, they will go straight to heaven. A “martyr mentality” that has caused the deaths of many innocent victims as terrorists the world over kill and maim with little regard for life.

At the same time, some Christians have made this same mistake by falling into the idea that we are trying to build the kingdom of God here on the earth. They think that we are looking forward to a New Age and somehow it will get better. The Bible is clear that they are sadly mistaken.

It is always a mistake to force our religious and political beliefs on others regardless of how right we may be. Of course we have the responsibility to defend ourselves in case of attack and we should always help others who may be in need. But we must see that the scriptures plainly teach that as believers, we are to engage in spiritual warfare rather than physical battle. As individuals, we are to seek God’s heavenly kingdom through Jesus Christ rather than any earthly kingdom.

Jesus laid this idea out for us in John chapter 18 by His own example when He allowed the soldiers to arrest him. Peter tried to prevent His arrest by drawing his sword and striking the high priest’s servant. The others asked Him if they were to fight, but Jesus healed the servant and commanded them to put up their swords. He told them that if they lived by the sword, they would die by the sword. Jesus had always taught in the open and was obviously not leading any rebellions against the government.

In verse 36 Jesus responded to Pilate’s inquiry about the charge that He claimed to be a king by saying that “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place.” Jesus did not call us as believers to try and change this world that we live in. Rather, since this world is passing away, we are to try and rescue everyone that we can from the evil of this world and into his blessed kingdom. Even the angels of heaven rejoice over one sinner who repents and enters into His kingdom.

The Law Was Spritiual

Parts of the Law of Moses were given to the people of Israel by the direct command of God, but the bulk of the law was given as Moses was moved by the Spirit of God to teach the people rather than by commandment. One of these was his instructions regarding the types of animals that the people were allowed to eat.

Some of these that they weren’t to eat were pork, rabbits, weasels, an eagle or a hawk, a crow, or any fish that didn’t have scales such as a catfish. Most of us no longer believe that we are bound by these dietary laws, but we still wonder why they were given in the first place. Everyone likes a little bacon with their breakfast or all the catfish you can eat for $4.95?

What we need to understand was that Moses was teaching the people spiritual principles by using the things of nature that most everyone was familiar with.

Barnabas, a co-worker with the apostle Paul wrote a letter that explained what he felt some of these things meant. In this letter he explains that swine were forbidden so that believers should not attach themselves or make agreements with people who live like the pigs. Their nature being such that while they live in pleasure, they forget their God; but when their needs pinch them, they suddenly know the Lord just as the sow doesn’t know her master while she is full; but when she is hungry she makes a noise; and being again fed, is silent.

Like the eagle, the hawk or the crow, there are those who do not know how to get food for themselves by working, but provide by scavenging off the labors of others. They hang around just plotting and planning how to set a trap for those who they can take advantage of while at the same time they appear to be perfectly innocent of any wrongdoing. They become destructive through their wickedness.

Then some are like the fish without scales who wallow and tumble in the dirt in the bottom of the lake. And those who like the rabbit which knows nothing other than conceiving. Or like the hyena and the weasel that is an adulterer and goes around corrupting others, not knowing whether it is male or female itself.

Since these things were given to us as examples of those things which displease God, what should we do when we find ourselves guilty of these sins? The obvious answer is to seek God’s forgiveness through Christ Jesus. Once we have found that forgiveness we are then washed clean and are free to live our lives as one of the creatures that God has called clean.

The apostle Peter answered this question in Acts 10:9-15. In his vision of a sheet that was let down from heaven that was full of unclean animals, he was told to get up and eat. Peter answered, “Not so, Lord! For I have never eaten anything common or unclean.” The voice from heaven responded by saying, “What God has cleansed, you must not call common.”

Just as Cornelius the gentile was then accepted into christian fellowship, let us in the church today make sure that we do not despise those who have sinned before God but have found His forgiveness. Once God has called them clean, who are we to ever again call them common?

1 Deuteronomy 4:1
2 Deuteronomy 14
3 The Lost Books of the Bible, World Bible Publishers, (C) 1926.