Some Things God Cannot Shake


Father, tonight, we pray, God, as we look to your word. We need comfort tonight. Father, we need some things that would help us. Lord, we think about our servicemen tonight, who are over there fighting right now even tonight, God, a battle, Lord, that for some reason we’re there. Lord, our country’s a little confused about it. Lord, the majority of it, and we thank you for that, is behind our troops and behind our President. And, Father, we pray tonight, God, as we study the Scriptures, that we might see some things, Lord, that would help us to understand more about what’s going on in the world. And, Father, we pray tonight that you might be with those families who are away from one another, God, and the heartache and the heartbreak that can happen. And, Lord, families tonight who in the morning may hear the worst news they could hear–that they’ve lost a father or husband or brother or sister. And, Father, we pray that, God, these things may be horrible, these things may be a part of this life, and it’s something, God, that you use to strengthen us and guide us. And, Father, we don’t like it. We don’t rejoice in it. But, Father, we do realize that you do somethings, Lord, to shake us up. We pray tonight that you would bless this message that it would find a place in our hearts, that would give us wisdom and understanding about the things and the way you work. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Notice in our text here in Hebrews chapter 12, verse 26, it says, “Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven.”

Tonight I want to talk to you about some things in the Bible that can be shaken, and the things tonight that God’s doing.

God, whether we like it or not, from time to time shakes up this world with war. Now, He has always done it, and will continue to do it. And I’m not blaming God for war. I say that war is inevitable. People always say, “There’s got to be a peaceable means to have our conflicts ended.” And I say to you tonight, according to our history, according to who we are and what we are, that we cannot have peace in this world until we fight a conflict. It has never happened; it will never happen.

Ask the Indians about it. Ask the Sioux Indian. Ask the Navajo. They never had any peace until they fought the white man. And we took their land away from them. Ask the Korean. Ask the Japanese. Ask any of them. We have never had peace in this world until we have fought a conflict.

Now, I want to say this tonight. God is going to shake this world, and He’ll do it through war. In Mark chapter 13 it talks about wars in diverse places, of earthquakes, and famine, and it tooks about the beginning of sorrows. And, brethren, tonight we see sorrows.

And God shakes things up. He does it purposely. And He uses those things.

And we’ve already told you and read you reports about the number of hundreds and even thousands of our servicemen, who normally would not have darkened the doors of a church, and who had such a “macho” attitude. And, now, all of a sudden, when they hear somebody preaching, or hear the word of God, or somebody asking where they’re going when they die, it means something to them. Now, more than ever, they are interested in where they are going to spend eternity.

And some say it’s “foxhole religion.” But, I remind you, someone told me that when I got saved in Vietnam. They said, “It’s just foxhole religion. It’ll wear off.” It ain’t wore off, man! It’s getting better and sweeter all the time!

And so God uses these things. But God shakes some things. And now, there are some things in the Bible that God shakes. The Bible tells us in Hosea that God shakes Israel. He promises to shake them. And they messed up, and He shook them; He scattered them. He brought them back, and He shook them and He scattered them. And now, Israel’s back in the land, but according to the Bible, God is going shake them and scatter them one more time. I found out today as I was looking through the Bible, Matthew 24 and Mark 13, Luke 22, God says that when you see the abomination of desolation, depart from Israel. And those Israelites will again depart and be shaken out of the nation of Israel. But it won’t happen here; it’ll happen in the Tribulation.

But God promised to shake Israel.

God promised to shake heaven. Here He said He’s not only going to shake the earth, but He’s going to shake the heavens. And there are some things in heaven that can be shaken.

Not only that, but take your Bibles and look at Revelation chapter 6. In the Tribulation, God is going to shake this earth so hard that it’s an amazing thing. If the Bible be true–which I believe that it is–God’s going to do something in the Tribulaton that is going to set this world up for the millennial reign of Jesus Christ. Look in Revelation chapter 6. And, in Revelation chapter 6, notice verse 13. Now, this is in the Tribulation. This is when the sixth seal is opened. Revelation 6:13: “And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.”

Verse 14, now watch it: “And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together.” Now, watch it: “Every mountain and island were moved out of their places.”

You say, “What does that mean?”

Well, when you move an island out of its place, it’ll sink. You know what will happen to a mountain when you move it out of its place? It will crumble. You know why you’re going to have that? Because in the Millennium, you won’t have any mountains. There will be such a mass population, that during the Millennium, you won’t need any mountains. It’s all going to be flat land.

But God said He’s going to shake this earth so hard, that islands will actually sink beneath the sea, and that mountains will actually crumble to dust–and never be a mountain again.

I sometimes read that verse and drive down Highway 126, and see all that mountain range up there. And, buddy, in the Millennium, it’s not going to be there. It’s going to be just flat land. You’re going to be able to look right over into Fillmore; there won’t be any South Mountain, or anything like that.

The highest mountain in the world is going to crumble down. You say, “Why?” Because God’s going to shake the earth! He’ll shake it in the Tribulation.

Notice something else He’ll shake. He’ll shake you and me. Look at Luke chapter 22. This is something that is kind of a dangerous thing; we don’t appreciate it. I know I don’t appreciate it. But I’m not always spiritual, either; I’m pretty carnal at times. And I read these verses like this, and it just makes me realize that God does some things.

Luke chapter 22, verse 31: “And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat.” You say, “Well, the Lord didn’t do that!” No, He didn’t. But, I’ll tell you one thing. The devil couldn’t do anything to Peter unless the Lord told him he could do it.

And, brother, that’s the way it is with our lives. We have the Holy Ghost’s protection, we have God’s protection on us, and we can’t die until God says it’s time to die. We can’t go home to glory until God says it’s time to go home to glory. Hey, listen, and the devil can’t mess with you until God says, “O.K., it’s time to mess with him!”

If you don’t believe that, read Job chapters 1 and 2. The devil had to get permission from God to do something to Job. And here, the Lord kind of warns Peter, “The devil wants to take you, Peter, and sift you as wheat.” You say, “Why is that?” God allows some things to be shook up in your life.

He shook Peter. You know what? Look at the rest of that passage. He says down here in verse 32, “But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.” You know what Peter did? He wrote two books to strengthen the brethren. And, in one of them, he said, “Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Whom ye resist steadfast in the faith.”

And so the devil is always after our faith to make us fail and to shake us up. But, brother, we shake up–and you can get shaken up–but, thank God, we can get shaken back in the right direction.

Now, there are some things in the Bible that cannot be shaken. There are some things in the Bible that, no matter how bad things get, they cannot get shaken up. Go back to the Book of Hebrews, Hebrews chapter 12. The first thing I want to say to you tonight that cannot be shaken, no matter how bad things get–and I want to tell you something! Those fellows over there, those Iraqi armies–so far I’ve heard that 5,000 of them have not even fired a shot; they’ve raised their hands and raised up the white flag. You say, “What happened?” Man, over there, they’ve put so many bombs on those guys, that they absolutely just had nothing but a rumble and roar, like an earthquake, from the B52s.

That’s devastating!

And those guys couldn’t wait. They were probably praying that one day that we’d invade them, so they could raise their hands up and quit. Maybe the whole thing’s a paper tiger; I don’t know.

But, I know this: In 1970 and 1971, when I was in Vietnam, and Richard Nixon let the B52s go across the DMZ and bomb Hanoi, we sat there one night, and, from where the bombs were falling, we were 250 miles away. And, honestly, we put our feet on the floor, and we could feel the vibration coming down through the ground! One fellow had his back out and needed to see a chiropractor; he could actually lie down on the ground at night, and his back would move around, and he would get it back in place from the vibrations from that bombing 250 miles away! Bombing that was going on!

Now, I want to tell you something. You can’t stay under that kind of bombing and be all shaken up–and come out with your mind and your brain in the right place and say, “O.K., I’m ready to fight a war.” It won’t happen!

And so God has shaken some things up!

But one thing God says that can never be shaken, notice here, is the Kingdom, verse 28. Hebrews chapter 12, verse 28: “Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved.” That is, the kingdom that God has promised you and me, no matter if you die, you’re still going to make it. No matter if you don’t pay your taxes, you’re still going to make it. No matter how you live, you’re still going to make it. It’s the Kingdom that God has promised you and me.

You say, “Now, wait a minute, brother! I was promised salvation.”

But you were promised a Kingdom! Take your Bibles and look at the Book right after James, and look at what God promised here. First Peter chapter 1–and I don’t know all that this is. I know that we can add to it. But we’re promised a Kingdom. It’s the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. And it cannot be moved! No matter what happens in heaven, God cannot allow it to be moved. It’s steadfast.

First Peter chapter 1, look at verse 4; it says, “To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you.” You see, you and I have a reservation.

You ever go to one of those big restaurants where a reservation is required? I always wanted to do this; you know, I grew up with the TV era, and you’d always see these guys go in and pull out a five-dollar bill and give it to the maitre ‘d, and he’d say, “We don’t have anything available.” But then you’d show him that money, and all of a sudden: “Oh, yeah! We’ve found a table for you right here!”

I took my wife out one time, and we did that. Where was that? It was in Mexico. Yeah, Mexico. We went down there–this was a couple of years ago–and we said, “We called and made reservations.”

And they said, “We didn’t get any reservations.”

And I said, “Well, we called.” And I argued with him, and I was getting mad. And I thought, “You know what? I’m just going to check and see.” So I pulled out a five-dollar bill, and I wrapped it around and tried to put that thing in there in such a way that he’d think it was really something.

And I guess it was something. I remember walking up to him, and I dropped my hands over and had that five-dollar bill between my fingers, and I said, “Now, are you sure our reservations are not taken care of?”

I opened my fingers and there was that five-dollar bill. And he said, “Well, here it is, right here! We found it! It’s right here!”

You say, “What happened?”

I had a reservation!

But, brother, when I get to heaven, I don’t have to pull anything out of my pocket and say, “Look, Lord, are you sure you can’t find it,” and the Lord says, “Yeah, your name’s right here.”

We’ve got a reservation in Apartment Number 3! Right here, buddy! It’s all set up for you.

You say, “Where do you get that from?”

It’s an inheritance. And it’s in the Kingdom of God. And brother, whether you live like you want to live or whether you’re rotten and sorry and no good, and whether God has to take you home early–you’re going home to the Kingdom that cannot be shaken!

Something else that cannot be shaken–the KING of the Kingdom cannot be shaken! Look at Hebrews chapter 12, verse 2: “Looking unto Jesus…” man, I like that! “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

The King cannot be shaken!

No matter what you’re going through, or what the world situation is–and it’s very possible that you and I can possibly see the Third World War break out; it’s very possible. I’m not sure, but I’m just saying it is possible. It’s possible that we could see America go down the tubes and fall apart. It’s really possible.

Someone asked the other day, “Why isn’t America mentioned in Scripture?” You know, that’s always bugged me. And, finally, the other day God gave me the answer to that thing. You know why America isn’t mentioned in Scripture. Because I believe–and I say this with tongue in cheek–that America, for all practical purposes, is a Christian nation. We were founded on the Bible, our forefathers were Christians, that Mayflower Compact stated that their purpose was to set forth the gospel of Jesus Christ. No other country in the world has ever done that!

Well, listen, you know what happens after the Rapture to Russia? Nothing! Russia will still be Russia.

You know what happens after the Rapture to Germany? Germany will still be Germany.

You know what happens to Israel after the Rapture? Nothing! Israel will still be Israel.

You know what happens to Iran and to Saudi Arabia after the Rapture? Nothing! They’ll still be what they are.

But you know what’s going to happen to America after the Rapture? America will not be the same!

Listen, we’ve got a President right now–we’ve got four Presidents who are ex-Presidents, and one sitting President. Richard Nixon said he grew up in a Quaker home, and he knew Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. Hey, listen, Ronald Reagan said– and I heard him say it when he was governor of California–that as a young boy his mother took him to a gospel-preaching church, and he remembers taking Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. Hey, George Bush is a Southern Baptist who went to the Fellowship with Jerry Falwell. I wasn’t there, but several preachers said he preached just like a Southern Baptist preacher, and professed openly before a crowd over 100,000 people that he was a bornagain, blood-washed saint of God.

Now, you know what’s going to happen to America if the Rapture happens tomorrow? We lose our President. Jesse Helms has already let it be known that he’s washed in the blood. There are several other Congressmen who are in key positions. Man, we’ve got aircraft pilots, we’ve got generals, we’ve got admirals– we’ve got a Christian nation! No other country will allow a Christian to get into high places as in America! Now, they may be sorry Christians; there isn’t anything we can do about that. But they’re still washed in the blood, and when the Rapture comes, they’re going to be taken, and there are going to be some key places missing in our government!

You know why America isn’t mentioned in the Scripture? Because, like the church in the Old Testament isn’t mentioned– because it’s a mystery. And, brother, I’m going to tell you something; there has never been a country like us. We’ve outdone what England did in the days of the mission endeavor. We’re a mission-minded church. And, listen, our country is a missionminded country.

Do you this thing with Iraq? After this war is over with, Iraq will never be the same. Listen, the international world will never be the same. You know what Kuwait is already talking about? The Kuwaiti ambassador is already talking about democracy. You have to understand something about history. As history goes, so goes the gospel. And wherever democracy is set up, the gospel has a free reign. Now, Kuwait has never been a democracy. It has a monarch, and they have rules, and they have a state religion. And the Islamic religion says absolutely no other religion is allowed in. In fact, they’ll kill you for getting in there. And, already, this guy has said, “After this is over with, we see”–and he was on ABC with David Brinkley–“we see the effects of democracy opposed to what we have been, and we see the fallacies of our ways, and we see a way of democracy.”

Folks, listen. Our President and our state department is for democracy. You say, “Yeah, they do a lot of wrong.” But they are geared for democracy. You know why that is? Because America is a democracy. And wherever democracy goes, the gospel gets the free reign. Missionaries come in.

You know, I read this story, and it’s a true story. General MacArthur said he was a born-again Christian, and when he went to Japan and set up the Marshall Plan in Japan and fixed it all up, you know how he set that up? He set it up as a democracy. The emperor had to step to down; the empress had to step down; and then they had to have open elections. That’s democracy.

And you know what he said? He wrote back to the people of the Congregational Church and said, “Send missionaries. Send missionaries. Send missionaries!”

You say, “Why?” Because Japan was wide open for missionaries at the turn of the decade 1950.

You say, “What happened?” Missionaries went in there. And there is an influence that went out from America.

What I’m saying is this. The world is never going to be the same after this war is over with. But our King and our inheritance cannot be shaken. And God is doing something right before our eyes and our noses. And I want to say something tonight; we cannot be shaken from it, if we believe the word of God, if we have it true to our hearts.

And, tonight, the King cannot be shaken!

Now, I want you to notice something else. Look at Hebrews chapter 7, verse 25. The way to the King cannot be shaken. It says, “Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.”

You know, no matter how bad it gets, no matter how sorry the world gets, no matter how rough the road may get, we can always still point somebody to Calvary.

You know something tonight that would change your life, and change my life tonight? And I’m talking about some of us here who have been saved twenty years. Mrs. Johnson, I’m sure you’ve been saved over thirty years. There are some of you I can look around and see who have been saved a long time. You know, some of the most dangerous times in our lives–when we have been saved so long–is that we become calloused to the ways of God. And we kind of take church and prayer and the Bible and preaching–and all those things that used to thrill us so much–and let them become second nature.

You know the thing that would turn your heart around tonight? If you could point somebody to Calvary and see him get saved. Boy, that would make a big difference in your life. You know what you’d see? You’d see an individual to whom you could relate, and you’d see how excited and happy and joyful they have become, and what a thrill it is in their heart. And you could maybe look back to twenty years ago and say, “Man, I can remember just when I was like that! I can remember the thrill!” And after awhile, boy, you’ll get set aflame and set afire for God.

And, see, the way to God can never, ever, get shaken. God won’t allow it to shake up. And, boy, we tonight need to realize that and keep pulling people to Calvary, and keep saying, “There is a way that you could have, if you’ll humble yourself and call yourself what God calls you–a sinner, lost, undone.” And keep pointing them to Calvary.

Listen, if you haven’t led a soul to Christ yet in 1991, you ought to covet with this preacher. My prayer is, “God, let me win somebody to Christ. Lead me across to somebody who’s willing and ready, and let me witness to them. Let me show them how to be saved.”

You say, “Why?”

Because it will do them good to save them, but, boy, it will sure fire my old, cold heart up at times. And, listen, that ought to be our prayer. Because it cannot be shaken–no matter how bad it is. We can always point to that wonderful thing called Calvary and that wonderful place where Jesus ever liveth to make intercession for us.

Let me show you something else tonight that cannot be shaken. You know one other thing that cannot be shaken? The way to the throne of grace! Hebrews chapter 4, look at verse 16: “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”

You know, I’ve searched all over this Book. And, listen, I’m one of these “chapter and verse” guys! If you say it’s so, I want to know why it’s so. Show me why it’s so! Give me something in black-and-white. I learned that, and that’s kept me straight on the strait-and-narrow.

And I’ve looked all over this Book, and people keep telling me, “Hey! You know what? You’re gonna make it! Cancer ain’t gonna get ya! You’re gonna see it through!”

Well, show me something in black-and-white! Show me where God says He’s going to heal me! I’d like to see that!

I can’t find that, but, buddy, I can find a whole bunch of Scriptures that say God’s going to help me. A whole bunch.

(You’ve got to bear with me a little bit; the Advil’s kicking in!)

The other day, man, last week, I had a hard time. Boy, I mean miserable. And I’m just worried to death. Scared to death about this cancer! That it’s going to grow on me and get the best of me. And, man, I found myself just absolutely afraid to even go anywhere. Every little pain now just bothers me. I get a headache, and I think, “It’s a tumor.”

I mean, it’s everywhere. My legs bother me, and I say, “My God, am I going to lose my legs?”

I’m just becoming a nervous wreck!

And finally, boy, the other night, it was so bad, I couldn’t read, I couldn’t pray, I couldn’t study. And, boy, at 3:30 in the morning, I got into my ol’ car and just drove all over Ventura. I didn’t pray. I was just looking. Man, I don’t even know what I was looking at.

Finally, I came back home and lay down and went to sleep. And I got up that morning. It was Saturday morning. I got up and said, “God, it doesn’t seem like I’ve got any faith to believe that it’s going to work out for good. God, I just can’t believe that! But, God, I found a verse here that says, ‘Find grace to help in time of need.'”

And, boy, I got up and said, “God, I really need some help!”

And, boy, thank God for men who pray! Thank God that when I came down to church, I wasn’t alone. I had spent too much time by myself. My, my, when I’m by myself, my mind just thinks things it ought not to think. And, boy, that’s when fellowship is sweet. Whew!

And there were several men down here. And I wasn’t trying to be spiritual. I wasn’t trying to impress anybody. I just said, “Look fellows, I’m not making it. I’m not making it! I’m bugged! I’m afraid! And I don’t know.”

Boy, you know it just felt good just to have men who didn’t ask a lot of questions. They just said, “O.K.”

And they prayed.

And one by one, they started praying, “Lord, help the preacher. God, give him mercy.”

And, boy, I’ll tell you what. I didn’t have any cloud come down; I didn’t see any lightning. But when I walked out of this church, I was not the same as when I came in!

You see, the way to help is always there!

Whew! Man! What a blessing it is to be saved!

I’d hate to face this without Jesus Christ. I’d hate to face the future without other men and other Christians, and without somebody to help.

Thank God for the throne–that it’s there.

And, while I was all shaken up and didn’t know what to do, boy, when I knelt in prayer, I found out the sure way, and that throne would never get shaken.

The King would never get shaken.

The Kingdom would never get shaken!

Boy, what a blessing it was, when I got up and walked out, and there was something different inside.

I told them, “Man, I’ve always taught you, these last ten years, that when you don’t have the peace of God in your life, you need to stop and say, ‘What’s wrong? What’s wrong?'”

Boy, I’ve been too long without the peace of God. And I kept saying, “God, what’s wrong? What’s wrong?”

And I’ve learned now to trust God, not for the immediate, but for the ultimate.

And, boy, I’ll tell you what. Things are sweeter now. There’s a little bit more peace there. And I’ve learned to trust Him even more. It’ll get better.

Thank God that the way to the throne is always there; it’s never shaken. The walls don’t ever fall in. You won’t ever to climb any mountain. Because it says you can come boldly–it doesn’t say you can come with pride–but you can come boldly to the throne of grace and say, “God, I need your help tonight! And, God, I can’t get it nowhere else. The doctors can’t help me.”

Brother Ricky is always telling me, and it’s true, they they all practice–that’s all they’re doing, just practicing. They’re not sure.

The doctor says, “This is not a cure. We’re not sure!”

And boy, I’ll tell you, time and time again, sometimes that ripped right through me like a sharp sword. And I looked at him and said, “Well, you’re not sure, but, brother, I’ll tell you what. My God is sure! And He tells me I’ve got a sure way to Him to find out what’s going on!”

And God hasn’t promised me any healing. He really hasn’t. But He’s promised me some help at the throne of grace.

Let me show you one other tonight, and I’ll close. The word of God can never, ever, be shaken. Look at Hebrews chapter 4, verse 12. It says, “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

You know, one book was never my favorite book. I like the Book of Galatians, and I like the Book of Colossians, and I like the Book of Revelation. But one book was just never my book, and that was the Book of Psalms. I’d read that, and it always seemed like David was always crying and always begging God for help.

And, boy, I’ll tell you now–that Book’s become dear to me. I read that Book now, boy! Where ol’ David said, “He lifts up the needy out of the dust, and the poor off the dung hill.” Boy, I can relate to some of that stuff. I see now where David said, “I cried,” and then he said, “I have cried before thee all night, but joy comes in the morning.”

There’s something about this Book.

I wouldn’t want to face this world, this shaky old world, with wars and rumors of wars and with disease and with trouble on every side. I would not want to face this world without this Book. And I’m talking about THE BOOK–the only one I’ve ever had- -the WORD OF GOD.

Listen, I’ve never found what a dictionary can do for you. I’ve never found any encyclopedia that can do for me what this Book can do for me. Listen, I’ve never found a cookbook or Reader’s Digest that can do for me what this Book can do for me. And I’ve read some good stories out of Reader’s Digest! But, man, what this Book can do for you!

You know what it is? God will shake us up from time to time, and, like anybody else, I don’t appreciate the shaking. But all this shaking that’s going on–you know what God’s doing? It’s like a Christmas tree; He’s shaking off that fruit, that bulb. And, after awhile, you get down to where it’s the real thing.

And, boy, I’ll tell you what, brothers and sisters, let me tell you something. You can say what you want to. You can say it’s because I’m a dirty, rotten sinner that I’m going through what I’m going through. And I’ll agree with you; you won’t find any arguments with me there.

But I’ll tell you one thing. God says whom He loves He chastens. And, brother, sometimes that chastening gets right down to punishment. Sometimes it gets right down there, where it just kind of makes you wonder what it’s all about.

You better get this Book. I mean, you better have some verses in this Book.

And, listen to me. You better not wait until there are times and troubles and heartaches and heartbreaks on your life, before you get into this Book. You better get into this Book while the good times are here. You better get into this Book while your family is healthy. You better get into this Book while your family is straight. You better get into this Book; you better learn this Book.

I mean, I’m glad you’re here tonight; thank God for that. But let me ask you something: What are you going to do in the morning? When you get up, are you going to take time in the morning to open this Book and say, “God, I’m stupid. I’m ignorant. Please show me something from your Book that will help me today.”

And, brother, He’ll do it! He’ll do it!

You say, “Why does He do it?”

Because that’s how we’re fed–in the word of God. That’s how we’re strengthened–in the word of God.

Listen, our church may never double. This may be all we ever have. But, oh, man, wouldn’t it be good if we had a bunch of Bible students? Wouldn’t it be good if we had a bunch of people who believed God?

And, brother, they may not be any great spiritual giants, but, brother, they can go through the hard times, and they can come out on the other side and say, “You know what? It was worth it all! It was worth it all!”

Some things that God cannot shake. And He’s promised this Book will not be shaken. I don’t care what the scientists say; I don’t care what the medical profession says; I don’t care what any of those guys say! If this Book says it, then you ought to do it.

This Book ought to be the final authority in your life. Not the preacher, not the President, not your husband, not your wife. THIS BOOK right here! And, brothers and sisters, let me tell you something tonight. Is it your book tonight? Is it your book tonight? I mean, do you have some verses in this thing that will get you through? Listen, if you haven’t got them, then you had better hang on. Your phone hasn’t rung yet, but it will one day.

And I really believe that God allows some things to shake us up so we can find those things that are unshakeable.

And tonight, I found some things that are not going to be shaken.