Something For Nothing SOMETHING FOR NOTHING B8-18-5A Ho. 13:9

THEME: God can take our destroyed lives and change them

into something beautiful. I. ISRAEL WAS WRECKED III. GOD IS STILL CALLING MEN TO RESTORATION A. They refused God as their King A. “I will be thy king” (v.10) 1. Desired a man to be king – Saul (v.10) 1. Rule over them and save them 2. Northern tribes wanted a separate king 2. ONLY if He is our ONLY King – Jeroboam B. Do what no other king can do (v.14) B. They sinned against God (v.12) 1. RANSOM them from the power of the grave 1. Hidden from men–not from God 2. REDEEM them from death 2. Sins were many but especially, C. Read I Sam. 12:19-22 a. “Exalted himself in Israel” (13:1) b. “He offended in Baal” (“mumbled his ILLUSTRATION: prayers”) In Sir Walter Scott’s “Ivanhoe”, the story is told C. Sin destroyed his fruitfulness (v. 15) of Richard the Lion-hearted coming in disguise, upon a sheriff and his men who were about to execute a prisoner. II. LIVES TODAY ARE WRECKED Reining in his horse and raising his hand, Richard said, A. Our environment is being destroyed “Hold! I spare that man’s life.” By his very act of 1. Air, Land, Water mercy, he revealed his identity, for instantly the men 2. Jesus calmed the raging sea recognized that this one, with authority to pardon, must God “prepared” a great fish for Jonah be none other than Richard himself. Who is He that B. Our enconomy is in shambles forgiveth sins? It is the co-equal with the Father. 1. Inflation continues to eat away at buying – Sunday School Times power (Bolivia at 14,100%) 2. Elijah and widow of Zarephath (cake) Elisha and widow’s oil C. Drugs, alcohol, etc are taking over 1. Largest bust doesn’t make a dent 2. Legion sat at Jesus’ feet D. Crime – rape & murder is common 1. Father charged with r & m of 13 yr daugh. 2. Saul of Tarsus was a murderer E. Divorce & infidelity 1. One in three marriages end in divorce 2. Hosea’s wife was a harlot & God used him