Spiritualism, Sorcery and Witchcraft…..
what does the Bible say?
- Do you know that God commanded Israel that those who practice sorcery or witchcraft should not be permitted to live? Exodus 22:18
- Do you know that to seek to communicate with spirits or with the dead is to become defiled and unfit to appear before God to worship Him? Leviticus 19:31
- Do you know that God cuts off from among His people all who turn to mediums for help? Leviticus 20:6
- Do you know that capitol punishment by stoning was God’s sentence on any man or woman who calls up spirits? Leviticus 20:27
- Do you know that witchcraft, fortune-telling, crystal reading necromancy, and palmistry are related to spiritism and are strongly condemned by God? Deuteronomy 18:10,11
- Do you know that it was because of their black magic and related practices that God destroyed the Canaaites? Deuteronomy 18:10-12
- Do you know that Samuel’s most effective way of impressing upon Saul the enormity of the sin of disobedience was by likening it to witchcraft? 1 Samuel 15:23
- Do you know that King Saul of Israel, when he was faithful to God, cleared all the spiritistic mediums out of the land? 1 Samuel 28:3
- Do you know that when King Saul later consulted a medium, it was only after his sins had made communication with God impossible? 1 Samuel 28:6,7
- Do you know that Saul’s loss of his crown and his untimeley death were the direct judgement of God on him for his dealings in spiritism? 1 Chronicles 10:13
- Do you know that the list of wicked King Manasseh’s sins includes consulting with spirit-meduims, fortune-tellers, and sorcerers? 2 Chronicles 33:6
- Do you know that one of the reasons God rejected Israel was because they practiced magic and communicated with evil spirits? Isaiah 2:6
- Do you know that it is insulting to God to consult the dead when you can inquire of Him? Isaiah 8:19
- Did you know that a fortune-teller may be demon possessed, like the girl in Philippi out of whom Paul cast an unclean spirit in the name of Jesus? Acts 16:16-18
- Do you know that true Christians, like those at Ephesus, have nothing to do with black magic and its related practices? Acts 19:19
- Did you know that sorcery is included in the works of the flesh listed in the Bible, and that those who practice it cannot enter the kingdom of God? Galatians 5:19-21
- Do you know that those who engage in sorcery will be shut out of heaven and banished forever from God? Revelation 21:8 and 22:15
- Do you know that the teachings of spiritism are doctrines of demons? 1 Timothy 4:1
- Do you know that demons are subject to God’s greater power and tremble before Him? James 2:19
- Do you know that the increase in following after subversive doctrines inspired by devils is one of the predicted signs of the last days and of the near approach of judgement? 1 Timothy 4:1
The Salvation Online Network
From the S.O.N. BBS, WI