Spurgeon PS1007


Let us now hear the witnesses in court. Let the wretch speak for himself, for out of his own mouth he will be condemned. “_His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud_.” There is not only a little evil there, but his mouth is full of it. A three-headed serpent hath stowed away its coils and venom within the den of his black mouth. There is _cursing_ which he spits against both God and men, _deceit_ with which he entraps the unwary, and _fraud_ by which, even in his common dealings, he robs his neighbours. Beware of such a man: have no sort of dealing with him: none but the silliest of geese would go to the fox’s sermon, and none but the most foolish will put themselves into the society of knaves. But we must proceed. Let us look under this man’s tongue as well as in his mouth; “_under his tongue is mischief and vanity_.” Deep in his throat are the unborn words which shall come forth as mischief and iniquity.


Verse 7.–“_Under his tongue is mischief and vanity_.” The striking allusion of this expression is to certain venomous reptiles, which are said to carry bags of poison under their teeth, and with great subtlety to inflict the most deadly injuries upon those who come within their reach. How affectingly does this represent the sad havoc which minds tainted with infidelity inflict on the community! By their perversions of truth, and by their immoral sentiments and practices, they are as injurious to the mind as the deadliest poison can be to the body.–^John Morison.

Verse 7.–Cursing men are cursed men.–^John Trapp.

Verses 7-9. In Anne Askew’s account of her examination by Bishop Bonner, we have an instance of the cruel craft of persecutors: “On the morrow after, my lord of London sent for me at one of the clock, his hour being appointed at three. And as I came before him, he said he was very sorry of my trouble, and desired to know my opinion in such matters as were laid against me. He required me also boldly in any wise to utter the secrets of my heart; bidding me not to fear in any point, for whatsoever I did say within his house no man should hurt me for it. I answered, ‘For so much as your lordship hath appointed three of the clock, and my friends shall not come till that hour, I desire you to pardon me of giving answer till they come.'” Upon this Bale remarks: “In this preventing of the hour may the diligent perceive the greediness of this Babylon bishop, or bloodthirsty wolf, concerning his-prey. ‘Swift are their feet,’ saith David, ‘in the effusion of innocent blood, which have fraud in their tongues, venom in their lips, and most cruel vengeance in their mouths.’ David much marvelleth in the spirit that, taking upon them the spiritual governance of the people, they can fall into such frenzy or forgetfulness of themselves, as to believe it lawful thus to oppress the faithful, and to devour them with as little compassion as he that greedily devoureth a piece of bread. If such have read anything of God, they have little minded their true duty therein. ‘More swift,’ saith Jeremy, ‘are our cruel persecutors than the eagles of the air. They follow upon us over the mountains, and lay privy wait for us in the wilderness.’ He that will know the crafty hawking of bishops to bring in their prey, let him learn it here. Judas, I think, had never the tenth part of their cunning workmanship.'” ^John Bale, D.D., Bishop of Ossory, 1495-1563, in “_Examination of Anne Askew.” Parker Society’s Publications.