Spurgeon PS1832


Surveying all the armour in which he fought and conquered, the joyful victor praises the Lord for every part of the panoply. The girdle of his loins earns the first stanza: “_It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect_.” Girt about the loins with power from heaven, the warrior was filled with vigour, far above all created might; and, whereas, without this wonderous belt he would have been feeble and effeminate, with relaxed energies and scattered forces, he felt himself, when braced with the girdle of truth, to be compact in purpose, courageous in daring, and concentrated in power; so that his course was a complete success, so undisturbed by disastrous defeat as to be called “perfect.” Have we been made more than conquerors over sin, and has our life hitherto been such as becometh the gospel? Then let us ascribe all the glory to him who girt us with his own inexhaustible strength, that we might be unconquered in battle and unwearied in pilgrimage.


Verse 32.–“_It is God that girdeth me with strength_.” One of the few articles of Eastern dress which I wore in the East, was the _girdle_, which was of great use as a support to the body in the long and weary camel-rides through the Desert. The support and _strengthening_ I received in this way, gave me a clearer idea than I had before the meaning of the Psalmist.–^John Anderson, in “Bible from Bible Lands,” 1856.


Verses 32-34.–Trying positions, gracious adaptations, graceful accomplishments, secure abidings, grateful acknowledgement.