This itself will do much to aid you in
carrying out the last advice. If you labor
with Christians in the Church, and in every
good work, this itself will throw you among
the right kind of associates. Those that
constantly labor with Christ, are also in
each others’ company, to support each other
by mutual example and encouragement. In
every Church, those young Christians who
truly labor for its interests, are by that very
circumstance formed into a circle of friend-
ship, and affection for each other, in the
midst of which it is not easy to grow cold or

In every Church there is abundant room
to stand in such a circle of useful labors for
the Church. There is the Sabbath-School —
there are meetings for social improvement —
there are meetings for instruction and prayer
— there are meetings for cultivating the voice
and the heart in singing the high praises of
God. In some one or more of these circles
every young Christian can find a place in
which to be useful, and where he may culti-
vate his social nature without danger from
improper associates, and with great benefit
to himself.

How much safer, purer, and more elevat-
ing are such social circles, and such com-
panionships, than such as are formed outside
of the Church; and which have for their
end, not usefulness, but mere pleasure, and
that very often of the lowest and most eva-
nescent kind!

Moreover, there is nothing better calcu-
lated to keep us firm in the way of piety
than to be engaged in laboring for the
Church, and for souls. It is by watering
others that we are watered. As the body of
him who exercises freely is healthiest, so is
it also with the soul. The active Christian
grows most in grace.

Does not observation convince us of this?
Do not the idlers, the loiterers in Zion, mostly
backslide entirely? Are not, on the other
hand, the most active also the most perse-

O, we are kept from a thousand tempta-
tions and snares, by keeping ourselves in the
circle of those who labor in the Church, in
the Sabbath-School, and in all the various
enterprises of doing good. Be you not an
idler in the ranks of Jesus. Against this
we earnestly warn you!
