subscribewittenberg Project Wittenberg Announces Birth of WITTENBERG: An E-Mail List in the History of Lutheranism (Please Forward) Project Wittenberg and LutherNet are proud to announce a new electronic mail discussion list, WITTENBERG. The list will function as a forum for the discipline of Lutheran Church History, where discussion of issues in the discipline may take place, where news may be posted, where announcements of theses, dissertations and other research may be made, where book reviews may be circulated and discussed and where news about Project Wittenberg documents will be distributed. Project Wittenberg invites anyone interested in the history of Lutheranism to subscribe. At this time, the list is not edited. All messages sent to the list are posted. The moderator will function to keep the discussion going on the list. To subscribe, send an electronic mail message to: Mailserv@CRF.CUIS.Edu Leave the subject line blank. The body of the message should be: Subscribe WITTENBERG WARNING: This list is served by the MAILSERV software. It’s commands are slightly different than the software LISTSERV, which is used at many other hosts. Send a message to MAILSERV as soon as you’re subscribed, with the command, HELP as the body of the text. A list of commands will be sent to you. Project Wittenberg is an informal group of Lutherans and others dedicated to providing electronic versions of documents for distribution on the Internet. LutherNet is a computer network serving the congregations, institutions, church workers and staff of the Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod. All questions relating to this list should be referred to: Rev. Robert E. Smith, Concordia Theological Seminary Library, Ft. Wayne, Indiana; E-Mail: CFWLibrary@CRF.CUIS.EDU.
Faith is the flip side of repentance. While repentance speaks of turning from sin, faith is turning to the Savior. The object of saving faith is not a creed, not a church, not a pastor, not a set of rituals or ceremonies. Jesus is the object of saving faith.
John MacArthur