Most gracious and merciful God, to whom
alone belong the issues of life and death, I
Thy unworthy servant, who have been under
Thine afflicting hand, and am raised again
from the bed of sickness, do here present
myself before Thee, in a thankful sense of
Thy great mercy and goodness toward me.
Blessed be Thy holy Name, for supporting
me under the pain and anguish of my sick
bed, for the seasonable supplies of patience
and comfort which Thou didst graciously
afford me, and for restoring me in Thy good
time to the blessings of health and strength.

I adore the riches of Thy love, in giving
me a right knowledge of Thee and Thy
ways in these Thy dispensations to me, and
in making them the happy means to bring
me to a sense of the evil of my doings, and
to a serious consideration of my future state.
Before I was afflicted, I went astray; I for-
got my duty to Thee, and followed the
imaginations of my own heart; my thoughts
were taken up with business and entertain-
ments of this world, and the care of my
soul was too often neglected and forgotten.
But Thy chastisements, merciful Lord,
have brought me back into the right way;
and now, to my great comfort and happi-
ness, my affections are placed upon things
above, and the things that concern my ever-
lasting salvation.

To Thee, O my God, who hast not cut me
off in the midst of my sins, but hast in great
mercy given me space for repentance and
amendment: to Thee will I live in holiness
and righteousness all my days; forsaking
every evil way, and studying above all
things to do that which is well-pleasing in
Thy sight.

In a sense of my own weakness and
frailty, I earnestly implore the aid of Thy
Holy Spirit, to subdue all unholy desires,
to break the power of evil habits, and to
keep me steadfast in every promise and re-
solution that I made before Thee in the day
of my distress; all which I do now, in Thy
presence, most sincerely and heartily renew.
Let me never, I beseech Thee, be drawn to
forget or neglect them, either by the cares
and pleasures of this world, or by the hopes
of a long continuance in it; but give me
grace always to make eternity my chief care
and concern; and let Thy late warnings of
mortality teach me the uncertainty of my
abode upon earth, and oblige me to live in a
daily preparation to die. That so, having
duly profited by Thy fatherly chastisements,
and employing the remainder of my days to
Thy glory, and the salvation of my own
soul, I may be found watching whenever
my appointed time shall come, and thus be
ready to exchange this frail state of mor-
tality for an immortal crown. All which I
humbly beg of Thee, through the merits and
mediation of Jesus Christ, my blessed Sa-
viour and Redeemer. Amen.