The modern tactics to combat racism with more racism is an idol posing as God. Technically, it’s a new religion brought to us from zealous evangelists. Converts are brought to its side by fear and intimidation. Rational debate, examination of the beliefs or verification of the narrative is not tolerated as this religion demands blind faith. And the heretics of this new religion are those who do not agree wholeheartedly with its dogma. The yoke is heavy and its burden impossible to bear. You might surrender today, but more will be demanded of you tomorrow. Your profession will never be remorseful enough. Your financial offerings never large enough. There is nothing you can do to appease the wrath of this god. Most frightening, your greatest sin is your unchangeable skin color. Therefore, there is no opportunity to repent. Hence no forgiveness and no grace. You live the rest of your life in perpetual guilt with no lasting atonement. The god of this religion has condemned you for the race you didn’t ask for, the motives you’ve never imagined and the sins you never committed. Those are your original sins. There is no hope, but you still must bow to the demands or face the eternal wrath of being labeled a racist (some content adapted from Voddie Baucham).
Randy Smith