God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
Revelation is no usual book. It is a sweeping analysis of history from the first advent of Christ to the second. Jesus had promised that the Spirit would teach His apostles “all things” (John 14:26). The Spirit had come and fulfilled the promise. Apostles had communicated the authoritative word. The task of revelation was finished. The Book of Revelation is the last apostolic word to the church. The Almighty Saviour, seated at God's right hand, opens His sovereign lips personally to declare that nothing is to be added to what has been recorded. Beware of meddling with Christ’s revelation.
(Acts 10; 11:1-20.)
THE Master gave "the keys of the kingdom" to
Peter, or imparted to him the authority to open
the door of the church (Matt. 16:19). The "keys
of the kingdom " were the Scriptural terms of pardon
(Mark 16 : 16 ; Acts 2 : 38 ; 16 : 31) . Peter, acting upon
this delegated authority, opened the door of the church
to the Jews on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2). Three
thousand of them became charter members of the
church of Jesus Christ by obedience to the terms of
pardon which he stated through the inspiration of the
Spirit (Acts 2:4).
The Jews had been the chosen people of God.
But the eternal purpose of God had been to unite
Jews and Gentiles, in the fullness of time, in the one
body of Christ (Eph. 2:11-18; 3:1-6), and to pro-
claim salvation to all people through Christ (Isa. 49:
6; Luke 3:6). So the last commission included Gen-
tiles as well as Jews (Matt. 28 : 19 ; Mark 16 : 15) . But
the apostles, being Jews, could not grasp the full
import of this commission, and, for several years after
Pentecost, the gospel was preached only to Jews.
In this discourse we are studying the conversion
of Cornelius and his household, the first Gentiles ad-
mitted into the kingdom of God. This conversion
marked the completion of the remedial system. The
eternal purpose was consummated in the calling of
the Gentiles, recorded in the tenth and eleventh chap-
ters of Acts.
In the beginning, we note the character of Cor-
nelius (Acts 10:1, 2). He was a devout man, a
Roman centurion, yet a worshiper of the true and
living God. He was a charitable man. Moreover, he
was a man of prayer. Indeed, he was such a good man
that his goodness reflected over his entire household,
who were devout as a result of the influence of his
life. Would that fathers of to-day could be the same
sort of men as Cornelius!
But Cornelius, though a devout man, was not a
Christian. To be a Christian in fact, according to the
oracles of God, he had to be in Christ (1 Pet. 4:11;
Gal. 3:27; Heb. 5:9; Eev. 22:14). There can be
no salvation outside of the name of Christ (Acts 4:
12; Heb. 9:22; Eom. 5:9; 1 John 1:7). Cornelius
had not yet been cleansed by the blood of Christ,
through obedience to the gospel. He had to be recon-
ciled to God by complying with the law of restoration,
the same as any other person outside of Christ (Acts
2:38). The conversion of Cornelius and his house-
hold naturally divides itself into three parts.
1. The divine agency in bringing together the
preacher and the unsaved.
a. The angel first appeared to Cornelius. Angels
have always played an important part in the drama
of redemption (Acts 7:53; Gal. 3:19; Matt. 4:11;
Acts 8:26; Heb. 1:14). The angel told Cornelius
that his prayers had come up as a memorial before
God (Jas. 5:16; 1 Pet. 3:12; Heb. 13:16). Cor-
nelius was just as religious as his knowledge permitted
him to be ; he was a religious man, but not a Christian.
Because of his devoutness and manliness, no doubt, God
chose him to be the first Gentile of the household of
faith. But God could not do very much for him
until he had complied with the terms of pardon, and
become an heir of the new covenant.
So the angel told him to send to Joppa for Peter,
who would tell him words whereby he and his house-
hold might be saved (Acts 10:4-6; 11:13, 14). God
always plans to bring preacher and sinner together,
because sinners must find out what to do from the
preaching of the Word (Ps. 19 : 7 ; Eom. 1 : 16 ; 10 : 17).
Cornelius, being a God-fearing man, obeyed the angel
at once and sent for Peter.
b. In the meantime, Peter had a vision (Acts 10:
9-16). Hitherto, Peter had preached only to Jews.
He had no broader conception of the last commission.
The purpose of the vision was to show him that God
could cleanse a Gentile by the blood of Christ, as
well as a Jew. While Peter was thinking over the
vision, the men arrived from the household of Cor-
nelius and inquired for him. The Spirit commanded
him to go with them. He accompanied them on the
following day to Caesarea, where he found Cornelius
and his household ready to listen to the message (Acts
10:17-27). By this time he understood the meaning
of the vision (Acts 10:28).
As in the case of Philip and the eunuch, the first
thing necessary was to bring preacher and sinner
together (1 Cor. 1:21). This having been done, Peter
preached a short sermon rehearsing the facts of the
gospel — the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus
of Nazareth (Acts 10:34-43).
2. The miraculous manifestation of the Holy Spirit.
This was a new element entering into this particular
conversion. The apostles had been baptized in the
Holy Spirit on Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4). But there
had been no similar manifestation until now. So we
study this baptism of the Spirit from four points of
a. What persons were baptized? Those who heard
the Word — Cornelius and his household (Acts 10:44).
b. What were the characteristics of the baptism?
(Acts 11: 15.) The same sort of a manifestation as on
Pentecost (Acts 2:2, 3); something which they could
see and hear (Acts 2:33); an outward manifestation
which filled the entire house (Acts 2:2). It was a
sublime demonstration of God's benevolence and power.
c. What was the effect upon those baptized? They
spoke with tongues and glorified God as did the apos-
tles on Pentecost (Acts 2:4; 10:46). Were a man
baptized in the Holy Spirit to-day, he could talk
so that a Frenchman, German, Spaniard, Chinaman,
or a man of any other nationality, could understand
what he is saying.
d. What was the purport of this baptism? A
special miracle for a special purpose: To convince
Peter and the apostles that the gospel was for Gentiles
as well as Jews (Acts 10:45). In the eleventh chapter,
we find that Peter was compelled to explain to the
apostles and brethren at Jerusalem why he had eaten
with and preached to Gentiles. Then Peter rehearsed
the whole matter (Acts 11:1-17). As a consequence,
they understood that salvation through Christ was
for Gentiles as well as Jews (Acts 11:18).
3. The compliance, on the part of Cornelius and
his household, with the Scriptural terms of pardon, by
which they became Christians.
At the conclusion of his sermon Peter made a
concise statement that "through his name whosoever
belie veth in him shall receive remission of sins" (Acts
10:43). In other words, "whosoever believeth in him
[Jesus of Nazareth] shall receive remission of sins
through his name." But how do we get into His
name ? (Acts 2 : 38 ; Gal. 3 : 27.) Whosoever believes
in Christ, turns to God and is baptized into Christ,
is in Christ; his past sins have been washed away
by the blood of Christ.
There is no distinct mention of repentance. Re-
pentance is a complete turning from the evil way.
Cornelius, having been a just and devout man, along
with his entire household, practically needed no re-
pentance (Luke 15 : 7).
Having heard the gospel and believed, they were
then baptized in the name of the Lord (Acts 10:
47, 48). As all who were baptized had previously
spoken with tongues and magnified God, no infants
were included in the number. Thus we see that they
came into the one body in the same way as did all
others under the preaching of the apostles; and as
all must come who are really in Christ. They heard
the Word, believed, turned to God and were baptized
into Christ. There was only one way of salvation
ever revealed by the Spirit.
Cornelius was a religious man, yet he had to be
saved by the blood of Christ. There are many good
men in the world to-day outside of Christ; and, being
outside of Christ, they are outside of the church, for
the church is the body of Christ. To be in Christ
is to be in the church, and vice versa (Eph. 1: 22, 23).
As a man can not be a Christian outside of Christ,
he can not be a Christian outside of the church.
A brick lying in the street is of no use what-
ever, kicked about by every pedestrian, and run over
by every old vehicle that happens to come along.
Whereas the brick would be serving a useful purpose
if placed in a building.
"What good is a man outside of the church, buffeted
and tossed about by every temptation of the world?
He could make himself a useful spiritual stone in
God's building if he would only obey the gospel
(1 Pet. 2:5).
No man can hide behind his morality. No man
can live without sinning. And the only way those
sins can be remitted is through the blood of Christ
(1 John 1:7, 8). Why not be cleansed by that precious
blood which was poured out on Calvary for the re-
demtion of the world?