God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
Faith looks not for merit in the creature, but hath regard to the goodness of the Creator; and instead of being staggered by the demerits of sin it looks to the precious blood, and pleads all the more vigorously because of the urgency of the case.
(Acts 16:12-15.)
PAUL hears the Macedonian call, and crosses the
Aegean, landing at Neapolis. He is accompanied
on this second missionary journey by Silas, Luke and
Timothy. From Neapolis, the company proceeds to
Philippi (vs. 9-12).
Verse 13. It was the custom of Paul to go where
he could find the most people assembled. Frequently
he went into the synagogues on the Sabbath, because
he would always find the Jews assembled at that time,
and consequently could obtain a better hearing (Acts
13:42; 18:4). '
Again, it was always his custom to preach first to
the worshipers of the true God. It was just as neces-
sary for them to be cleansed by the blood of Christ
as the most ignorant heathen. He knew they were
accustomed to congregate along the river-side at
Philippi, on the Sabbath, for the purpose of worshiping
God. So he proceeded to this place of prayer.
With characteristic zeal, he proceeded at once to
tell them the story of Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
Paul never waited for a more convenient season.
He always found the harvest waiting, and proceeded
to the task of gathering in the sheaves.
Verse 14. Among the women to whom they
preached was one named Lydia, who was a native of
Thyatira, some three hundred miles distant, and who
was in Philippi at the time, on a mercantile mission.
This woman worshiped God, but not in the true
way. She had heard nothing of Jesus Christ. No
doubt she prayed directly to God, without any thought
of the mediation of Christ. Hence, she needed to be
saved by the blood of Christ through obedience to the
gospel. No man or woman has ever reached such a
standard of morality that he or she, whichever the
case might be, could be saved without the blood of
Christ (Heb. 9:11-15; 9:22; Col. 1:14).
As Paul preached unto Lydia and her household, the
Lord opened her heart. How? Quite a great deal of
controversy has been waged over this particular phrase.
How does the Lord reach the hearts of men? In some
mysterious way that they can not understand? Cer-
tainly not. Let these passages explain the question:
Rom. 1 : 16 ; 1 Cor. 1 : 21. The gospel is the power of
God unto salvation. Through preaching of the gos-
pel on the part of Paul, the Lord opened the heart of
Lydia so that she became obedient to the faith.
Verse 15. The usual thing occurred. There is no
mention of repentance. But we know that Lydia and
her household believed and turned to God, else they
never would have been baptized. Faith and repent-
ance must precede baptism (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38).
Lydia and her household were baptized. She at
once invited the company to abide in her house. Hos-
pitality is always a Christian work.
Here the way of salvation is just as clear as in all
other cases of conversion: Belief in Jesus Christ, turn-
ing to God, and baptism into Christ. The way is indeed
Many have attempted to get infant sprinkling out
of this conversion. But, in order to do so, we must
assume that Lydia was married; we must assume that
she had children; we must assume that she had brought
them all the way from Thyatira with her; we must
assume that some of these children were infants. Thus
we see that such a theory would be based on assump-
tions, and nothing more.
In fact, the indications are that Lydia was not
even a married woman, for several reasons: 1. Had
she had been married, she would not likely have been
in business for herself. 2. Had she been married,
she would not likely have been making mercantile trips
herself. 3. Had she been married, she would not
likely have been regarded as the head of the household.
It would have been considered crude and unwomanly
in the custom of that day for a woman to have been
the head of the house when the husband was living.
Lydia speaks of the household as "my house" (Acts
16:15). The writer also speaks of her as the head
of the house (Acts 16:40).
Thus we can see that there is no authority what-
ever for infant sprinkling, as all who were baptized
in the household of Lydia were old enough to be
comforted by the words of the apostle (Acts 16 : 40) .
The story of the conversion of Lydia and her
household fully illustrates the glory of small begin-
nings. People, as a rule, do not appreciate the value
of little things. Benjamin Franklin's discovery of
lightning was ridiculed by the people, who asked:
"Of what use will it be ? " To which Franklin replied :
"Of what use is a child? It may become a man."
The cackling of a goose is fabled to have saved
Rome from destruction by the Gauls. Gunpowder was
discovered from the falling of a spark in some materials
mixed in a mortar. Galileo noticed a lamp swinging
to and fro in a church, went away, and made a pen-
dulum. Galvani noticed that a frog's leg would twitch
when brought in contact with certain metals; and in
that discovery was contained the germ of the telegraph,
which has already put a girdle around the globe.
Sir Isaac Newton propounded the law of gravitation
from the falling of an apple.
Trifles are not to be despised. Drops make up
the sea. Every pea helps to fill the peck. He who
travels over a continent must go step by step and
mile by mile. He who writes a book must write sen-
tence by sentence. Acorns cover the earth with oaks,
and the oceans with navies. Little things in youth
accumulate into character in time, and destiny in
To the good apostle Paul, the vision of the man
from Macedonia meant the calling of a great continent;
yet when he had crossed the Aegean and come to
Philippi, he was content to sit down by the river-
bank and preach to a handful of women. The work
of Christianizing a continent began with a few women
— Lydia and her household. Paul, perhaps, did not
appreciate it at the time, but undoubtedly that was
the mightiest thing ever done in Europe when he
sat down by the bank of the river and talked to
that small assembly of women; it was mightier even
than the marches of Caesar, Charlemagne or Napoleon
— mightier than Verdun of to-day. It meant the
introduction of Christianity upon a new continent.
And, strange to say, that woman was the first to
embrace the true faith and follow in the Way. The
religion of Christ is for all, regardless of sex; it
knows no caste; it stipulates no conditions but obedi-
ence to the gospel.