THE EIGHT COVENANTS OF THE BIBLE The purpose of this series is to study one of several ways in which the bible can be divided. The most common way is by dispensations. The dispensations, however, are based upon scientific covenants, and knowledge of these covenants will help Bible readers to "rightly divide the word of truth." Although the dispensations may come to an end, the covenants themselves often continue. Since much of God's relationship to man is based upon conventional relationships, a study of the eight covenants is a very important aspect of correctly understanding scripture. DEFINITIONS The covenants are of two types: CONDITIONAL and UNCONDITIONAL. It is important that we distinguish between these two types of covenants so that we have a clear picture of what the Bible teaches. A CONDITIONAL covenant is a proposal of God to man conditioned by the formula "IF YOU WILL" whereby He promises to grant special blessings to man providing he fulfills certain conditions contained in the covenant. Man's failure to do so often results in punishment. An UNCONDITIONAL covenant is a sovereign act of God whereby He unconditionally obligates Himself to bring to pass definite blessings and conditions for the covenanted people. This covenant is characterized by the formula " I WILL " which declares God's determination to do as He promises. TWO CONDITIONAL-SIX UNCONDITIONAL COVENANTS Two of the eight covenants of the bible are conditional: the Edenic and the Mosaic. The other six are unconditional: The ADAMIC, NOAHIC, ABRAHAMIC, PALESTINIAN, DAVIDIC and the NEW COVENANTS. THE COVENANTS WITH ISRAEL Five of these eight covenants were made exclusively with Israel while the others were made with mankind in general. Only one of the five covenants made with Israel is conditional: The Mosaic. The four other covenants are all unconditional: The Abrahamic, Palestinian, Davidic and the New covenants. Four things should be noted concerning the nature of the unconditional covenants made with Israel. FIRST, they are LITERAL covenants and their contents must be interpreted literally as well.SECOND, the covenants that God has made with Israel are ETERNAL and are not conditioned by time. THIRD, it is necessary to reemphasize that these are unconditional covenants which WERE NOT ABROGATED because of Israel's disobedience. Because the covenants are unconditional and totally dependent upon God for fulfillment, they can be expected to have an ultimate fulfillment. The FOURTH thing to note is that the covenants were made with A SPECIFIC PEOPLE: Israel. This is bought out by Paul in Romans 9:4 "WHO ARE ISRAElITES; TO WHOM PERTAINETH THE ADOPTION, AND THE GLORY, AND THE COVENANTS, AND THE GIVING OF THE LAW, AND THE SERVICE OF GOD, AND THE PROMISES. This passage clearly points out that these covenants were made with the covenanted people and are Israel's possession. This is brought out again in Ephesians 2:11-12. WHEREFORE, REMEMBER THAT YE, BEING IN TIME PAST GENTILES IN THE FLESH, WHO ARE CALLED UNCIRCUMCISION BY THAT WHICH IS CALLED THE CIRCUMCISION IN THE FLESH MADE BY HANDS. THAT AT THAT TIME YE WERE WITHOUT CHRIST, BEING ALIENS FROM THE COMMONWEALTH OF ISRAEL, AND STRANGERS FROM THE COVENANTS OF PROMISE, HAVING NO HOPE, AND WITHOUT GOD IN THE WORLD. Five of the eight covenants belong to the people of Israel and as this passage notes, gentiles were considered "STRANGERS FROM THE COVENANT". 1. THE EDENIC COVENANT. The scriptures concerning the Edenic covenant are found in two places; first is Genesis 1:28-30. AND GOD BLESSED THEM, AND GOD SAID UNTO THEM, BE FRUITFUL, AND MULTIPLY, AND FILL THE EARTH, AND SUBDUE IT; AND HAVE DOMINION OVER THE FISH OF THE SEA, AND OVER THE FOWL OF THE AIR, AND OVER EVERY LIVING THING THAT MOVETH UPON THE EARTH, AND GOD SAID, BEHOLD, I HAVE GIVEN YOU EVERY HERB BEARING SEED, WHICH IS UPON THE FACE OF ALL THE EARTH, AND EVERY TREE, IN WHICH IS THE FRUIT OF A TREE YIELDING SEED; TO YOU IT SHALL BE FOR FOOD. AND TO EVERY BEAST OF THE EARTH, AND TO EVERY FOWL OF THE AIR, AND TO EVERY THING THAT CREEPETH UPON THE EARTH, WHEREIN THERE IS LIFE I HAVE GIVEN EVERY GREEN HERB FOR FOOD: AND IT WAS SO. More details are given in Genesis 2:15-17: AND THE LORD GOD TOOK THE MAN, AND PUT HIM INTO THE GARDEN OF EDEN TO TILL IT AND TO KEEP IT. AND THE LORD GOD COMMANDED THE MAN, SAYING, OF EVERY TREE OF THE GARDEN THOU MAYEST FREELY EAT; BUT OF THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL, THOU SHALT NOT EAT OF IT; FOR IN THE DAY THAT THOU EATEST THEREOF THOU SHALT SURELY DIE. The Edenic covenant was made between God and Adam, and Adam stood for the human race. Altogether there were a total of seven promises in the Edenic covenant. FIRST, man was to be fruitful, to multiply and to replenish the earth (1:28a). The earth was created for the purpose of being the habitation of man, and then man was created on the sixth day. Man was told to populate the earth; so the increase in population is part of his commission. SECOND, man was to subdue the earth (1:28b) Previously auth- ority over the earth had been given to Satan. But Satan had fallen and had lost his authority over this earth. That is the reason Genesis 1:2 describes the earth as being covered by water and darkness being over the face of the deep. Hence God began to form and fashion the earth anew to make it habitable for man, and this time He would give man the authority over the earth. Man was to subdue the Earth, and he was to use the natural resources and energies of the earth which God had provided for him. However, this did not mean he was allowed to pollute it! THIRD, man was given dominion over all living things (1:28c). The earlier provision gave man authority over the earth as far as nonliving things were concerned. This provision extended man's authority over all living creatures. The entire animal kingdom on the earth, in the air and in the sea was put under the authority of man. The FOURTH provision concerned man's diet (1:29-30; 2:16). At this point man was to be a vegetarian. There is nothing in this covenant that allowed him to eat of the animal kingdom although he was to exercise authority over it. No blood of any kind was to be shed. A FIFTH provision directed man to dress and to keep the Garden of Eden (2:15). Even in his unfallen state, man was not to lead a life of leisure--work was part of the human ethic even before the Fall. SIXTH, man was forbidden to eat of the Tree of Knowledge(2:17) This was the only negative commandment in the Edenic covenant. It was the one point that would measure mans obedience. He was free to eat of all other trees of the garden but was to refrain from eating of that one. The SEVENTH provision contained a penalty for -disobedience- death (2:17). The question that arises is: WHAT KIND OF DEATH IS MENT HERE? It cannot refer to physical death because man did not die on the very day that he disobeyed the commandment. So the death spoken of here must be SPIRITUAL DEATH. In the day that he eats of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, he will be separated from God and will DIE SPIRITUALLY. The Edenic covenant was conditional; and if it was broken, it would no longer be in effect. It was the basis for the Dispensa- tion of Innocence. The record of the Edenic covenant being broken is found in Genesis 3:1-8. Satan appeared in the Garden of Eden as a fallen creature this shows that man was not created in a perfect universe, for sin was already in existence. Although it was not yet existent in man, it was already present in Satan. The devil did his work of tempting man in the same three areas as set forth in 1 John 2:16: The lust of the flesh (AND WHEN THE WOMAN SAW THAT THE TREE WAS GOOD FOR FOOD); the lust of the eyes ("THAT IT WAS PLEASANT TO THE EYES") and the pride of life ("THAT THE TREE WAS TO BE DESIRED TO MAKE ONE WISE") Eve gave into the temptation and disobeyed the ONE NEGATIVE COMMANDMENT. Adam recognized what had happened, but he still chose to join his wife in disobience. Their first reaction was to attempt to hide from the presents of God, which only illustrated the truth of Genesis 2:17. Man at that very moment DIED SPIRITUALLY and could no longer share the same communion with God that he had experienced before the disobedience. With that act the Edenic covenant, being conditional, came to an end. 2. The Adamic Covenant The Adamic covenant is recorded in Genesis 3:14-19: AND THE LORD SAID UNTO THE SERPENT, BECAUSE THOU HAST DONE THIS, THOU ART CURSED ABOVE ALL THE CATTLE, AND ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD; UPON THY BELLY SHALT THOU GO, AND DUST SHALT THOU EAT ALL THE DAYS OF THY LIFE. AND I WILL PUT ENMITY BETWEEN THEE AND THE WOMAN, AND BETWEEN THY SEED AND HER SEED; HE SHALL BRUISE THY HEAD, AND THOU SHALT BRUISE HIS HEEL. UNTO THE WOMAN HE SAID, I WILL GREATLY MULTIPLY THY SORROW AND THY CONCEPTION; IN SORROW THOU SHALT BRING FORTH CHILDREN; AND THY DESIRE SHALL BE TO THY HUSBAND, AND HE SHALL RULE OVER THEE. AND UNTO ADAM HE SAID, BECAUSE THOU HEARKENED UNTO THE VOICE OF THY WIFE, AND HAST EATEN OF THE THEE, OF WHICH I COMMANDED THEE SAYING, THOU SHALT NOT EAT OF IT: CURSED IS THE GROUND FOR THY SAKE; IN SORROW SHALT THOU EAT OF IT ALL THE DAYS OF THY LIFE; THORNS ALSO AND THISTLES SHALL IT BRING FORTH TO THEE; AND THOU SHALT EAT OF THE HERB OF THE FIELD; IN THE SWEAT OF THY FACE SHALT THOU EAT BREAD, TILL THOU RETURN UNTO THE GROUND; FOR OUT OF IT WAST THOU TAKEN; FOR DUST THOU ART, AND UNTO DUST SHALT THOU RETURN. God and Adam are involved in this covenant, and Adam again represented the human race. God addressed the serpent, Satan himself, Eve and Adam. God told the serpent (verse 14) that he would be cursed above all creatures and would have to crawl on his belly.This indicates that perhaps the serpent originally had legs, but now crawling on his belly became his lot. The reason for this judgment was that the serpent was used as Satan's tool to bring about the fall of man. Four provisions are given in relationship to Satan (verse 14). There would be perpetual hatred between Satan and the woman, and this hatred was to continue and culminate between Satan's seed (Antichrist) and the woman's seed (Christ). Ultimately the serpent would ("BRUISE THE HEEL') of the woman's seed (Christ). This happened at the crucifixion. But this first prophecy of the Lord's victory over Satan goes on to say that the woman's seed will crush Satan's head. This occurred with the resurrection (Hebrews 2:14-15). Eve and all woman were made subject to three provisions (verse 16). First, there was to be multiplication of menstrual pains and conceptions. Apparently, the nature of conception before the Fall was quite different from what it was after the Fall. Since the Fall a woman generally is able to conceive at least once a month. Furthermore, a woman's "periods" are accompanied with discomfort and pain. Second, the woman was to give birth in pain. If perhaps Eve would have been able to conceive and give birth without pain before the Fall was no longer true. Third, the wife was now to be in total subjection to the husband, and this principal has remained in effect even up to the present time. The Adamic covenant became the basis for the Dispensation of Conscience. It was the unconditional covenant and therefore is very much in effect today. 3. The Noahic Covenant The full Noahic covenant is found in Genesis 9:1-17: AND GOD BLESSED NOAH AND HIS SONS, AND SAID TO THEM, BE FRUITFUL, AND MULTIPLY, AND REPLENISH THE EARTH. AND THE FEAR OF YOU AND THE DREAD OF YOU SHALL BE UPON EVERY BEAST OF THE EARTH, AND UPON EVERY BIRD OF THE HEAVENS; WITH ALL WHEREWITH THE GROUND TEEMETH, AND ALL THE FISHES OF THE SEA, INTO YOUR HAND ARE THEY DELIVERED. EVERY MOVING THING THAT LIVETH SHALL BE FOOD FOR YOU; AS THE GREEN HERB HAVE I GIVEN YOU ALL. BUT FLESH WITH THE LIFE THEREOF, WHICH IS THE BLOOD THEREOF,SHALL YE NOT EAT, AND SURELY YOUR BLOOD, THE BLOOD OF YOUR LIVES, WILL I REQUIRE; AT THE HAND OF EVERY BEAST WILL I REQUIRE IT: AND AT THE HAND OF EVERY MAN'S BROTHER, WILL I REQUIRE THE LIFE OF MAN. WHOSO SHEDDETH MAN'S BLOOD, BY MAN SHALL HIS BLOOD BE SHED; FOR IN THE IMAGE OF GOD MADE HE MAN. AND YOU, BE YE FRUITFUL, AND MULTIPLY; BRING FOURTH ABUNDANTLY IN THE EARTH, AND MULTIPLY THEREIN. AND GOD SPAKE UNTO NOAH, AND TO HIS SONS WITH HIM, SAYING, AND I BEHOLD, I ESTABLISH MY COVENANT WITH YOU, AND YOUR SEED AFTER YOU; AND WITH EVERY LIVING CREATURE THAT IS WITH YOU, THE BIRDS,THE CATTLE, AND EVERY BEAST OF THE EARTH WITH YOU; OF ALL THAT GO OUT OF THE ARK, EVEN EVERY BEAST OF THE EARTH. AND I WILL ESTABLISH MY COVENANT WITH YOU; NEITHER SHALL ALL FLESH BE CUT OFF ANY MORE BY THE WATERS OF THE FLOOD; NEITHER SHALL ANY MORE BE A FLOOD TO DESTROY THE EARTH. AND GOD SAID, THIS IS THE TOKEN OF THE COVENANT WHICH I MAKE BETWEEN ME AND EVERY LIVING CREATURE THAT IS WITH YOU, FOR PERPETUAL GENERATIONS: I DO SET MY BOW IN THE CLOUD, AND IT SHALL BE FOR A TOKEN OF A COVENANT BETWEEN ME AND THE EARTH. AND IT SHALL COME TO PASS, WHEN I BRING A CLOUD OVER THE EARTH, THAT THE BOW SHALL BE SEEN IN THE CLOUD, I WILL REMEMBER MY COVENANT, WHICH IS BETWEEN ME AND YOU AND EVERY LIVING CREATURE OF ALL FLESH;AND THE WATERS SHALL NO MORE BECOME A FLOOD TO DESTROY ALL FLESH. AND THE BOW SHALL BE IN THE CLOUD; AND I WILL LOOK UPON IT, THAT I MAY REMEMBER THE EVERLASTING COVENANT BETWEEN GOD AND EVERY LIVING CREATURE OF ALL FLESH THAT IS UPON THE EARTH. AND GOD SAID UNTO NOAH, THIS IS THE TOKEN OF THE COVENANT WHICH I HAVE ESTABLISHED BETWEEN ME AND ALL FLESH THAT IS UPON THE EARTH. This covenant was made between God and Noah. Like Adam, Noah stood as the representative for the entire human race. Man was to repopulate the earth (verses 1,7). The entire human race, with the exception of eight people, was destroyed by the Flood. Man had vastly increased in numbers, but"THE WICKEDNESS OF MAN WAS GREAT IN THE EARTH" (GENESIS 6;5). Thus God brought universal judgment upon the earth. After the Flood the earth was essentially empty again.Only eight people populated the entire earth. So as with the Edinic covenant, man was again commissioned to repopulate the earth. The fear of man was put into the animals and man was to dominate them (verse 2).This time man was told to subdue the earth and to exercise dominion over it. He had lost that right at the Fall. Satan had usurped that authority. However man was still to have authority over the animal kingdom and for this reason the fear of man was placed in animals. Man's diet was to consist of vegetables and animals (verse 3). Previously he had only eaten vegetables. But now all animals were included in his diet. No limitations whatsoever are given in the passage; thus all animals were fit for food. However, man was forbidden to eat blood (verse 4). All creature life, both man and animal, is blood sustained. Blood is the symbol of life, and the shedding of blood is the symbol of death. Because blood is the symbol of life God commanded that it not be eaten or drunk. Capital punishment became part of the human economy for the first time (verse 5,6). When Cain killed Able, Cain was not executed because capital punishment had not yet been instituted. With the Noahic covenant came the provision for capital punishment and all murderers were to be executed. Then came a promise (verse 8-11): humanity would never again be destroyed by worldwide flood. While there would be local floods that would destroy portions of humanity, never again will there be worldwide flood that will destroy all humanity. There is going to be a passing away destruction of the present earth system in the future, but it will not be by means of a universal flood. The token of this promise in the covenant was the rainbow (verse 12-17). This was the first time the rainbow ever appeared in human history. There is a strong indication that rain did not exist before worldwide flood, and of course rainbows come in conjunction with rain. So for the first time the rainbow appeared in human experience. And God's promise that humanity will not be destroyed by a flood again should come to our remembrance every time we see a rainbow. The Noahic covenant became the basis for the Dispensation of Human Government. Although the dispensation has been superseded, the unconditional Noahic covenant is still very much in effect. 4. THE ABRAHAMIC COVENANT There are six different passages of Scripture that pertain to the Abrahamic covenant. First in Genesis 12:1-3: 12:1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will show thee: 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Second, Genesis 12:7: 12:7 And the Lord appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land; and there builded he an altar unto the Lord, who appeared unto him. Third, Genesis 13:14-17 And the Lord said unto Abram, after Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes and look from this place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward, For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed forever. And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth, so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered. Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it unto thee. The forth and fifth passages dealing with the Abrahamic covenant are Genesis 15:1-21 and Genesis 17:1-21, and these more lengthy segments of Scripture, while not quoted in this study contain many of the Abrahamic covenant provisions. The emphasis of Genesis 15 is (1) Abraham would father a nation in particular, (2) he would father many nations in general, and(3) God signs the Abrahamic covenant and spells out the exact borders of the Abrahamic covenant as extending from the river of Egypt in the . south to the great river Euphrates, in the north. The emphasis of Genesis 17 is on the token of the covenant: physical circumcision on the eighth day of the boy's life. Just as the rainbow was the token of the Noahic covenant. A sixth passage is Genesis 22:15-18: And the Angel of the Lord called out of heaven the second time, And Said, By myself have I sworn, saith the Lord; for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son; That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sands which is upon the seashore; and thy seed shall posses the gate of his enemies; And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because thou hast obeyed my voice. The persons involved are God and Abraham. In this covenant Abraham stood, not for all humanity, but for the whole Jewish nation. A list gleaned from these passages shows a total of 13 provisions in this covenant: (1) A great nation was to come out of Abraham, namely, the nation of Israel. (12:1,7; 13:14-15,17; 15:17-21, 17:8) (2) He was promised a land, specifically, the land of Canaan (13:14-15,17, 15:17-21, 17:8.) (3) Abraham himself was to be greatly blessed (12:2) (4) Abraham's name would be great (12:2) (5) Those who bless Israel will be blessed (12:3) (6) Those who curse Israel will be cursed (12:3) (7) In Abraham all will ultimately be blessed (12:3, 22:18) (8) Abraham would receive a son through his wife Sarah (15:1-4, 17:16-21) (9) His descendants would undergo the Egyptian bondage. (15:13-14) (10) Other nations as well as Israel would come forth from Abraham (17:3-4,6); the Arab states are some of these nations. (11) His name was to be changed from Abram to Abraham (17:5) (12) Sarai's name was changed to Sarah (17:5) (13) There was to be a token of the covenant---circumcision (17:9-14);thus according to the Abrahamic covenant, circumcision was to be a sign of one's Jewishness. These provisions of the Abrahamic covenant can be categorized in three areas: to Abraham, to the seed (Israel) and to the Gentiles. CONCERNING Abraham. Abraham was to be the father of a great nation (Israel).He was to possess all of the promised land. Other nations (including the Arab states were ultimately to descent from Abraham. Many of his descendants would become kings (both Jewish and non-Jewish kings). Abraham was to receive personal blessings. Abraham was to be a blessing to others. His name was to become great--and so it is among Jews, Moslems and Christians. CONCERNING the SEED Israel. The nation was to become great. It was ultimately to become innumerable. It was to possess all of the promised land. It was to receive victory over its enemies. The fact that the promises were to both Abraham and his seed shows that these blessings have not yet received a complete fulfillment but await the messianic kingdom. CONCERNING the GENTILES. The Gentiles also were to receive blessings, but ultimately these were to come through one specific Seed of Abraham--Christ. Reducing the Abrahamic covenant to its very basics, it can seen that it contained three aspects: the land, the seed, and the blessing. The land aspect is developed in the Palestinian covenant. The seed is covered in the Davidic covenant. And the blessing is presented in the New covenant. Abraham had several sons by three different woman, and the question rose: Through which son would the Abrahamic covenant be confirmed? God revealed that it was to be through Sarah's son Isaac. His appearance to Isaac is recorded in Genesis 26:2-5. AND THE LORD APPEARED UNTO HIM,, GO NOT DOWN INTO EGYPT; DWELL IN THE LAND WHICH I SHALL TELL THEE OF. SOJOURN IN THIS LAND, AND I WILL BE WITH THEE, AND I WILL BLESS THEE; FOR UNTO THEE, AND UNTO THY SEED, I WILL GIVE ALL THESE COUNTRIES, AND I WILL PREFORM THE OATH WHICH I SWORE UNTO ABRAHAM THY FATHER; AND I WILL MAKE THY SEED TO MULTIPLY AS THE STARS OF THE HEAVEN, AND I WILL GIVE UNTO THY SEED ALL THESE COUNTRIES; AND IN THY SEED SHALL ALL THE NATIONS OF THE EARTH BE BLESSED; BECAUSE THAT ABRAHAM OBEYED MY VOICE, AND KEPT MY CHARGE, MY COMMANDMENTS, MY STATUTES, AND MY LAWS. The covenant was later reconfirmed to Isaac in Genesis 26:24. Isaac had two sons, and God chose to confirm the covenant with Jacob in Genesis 18:13-15 AND, BEHOLD, THE LORD STOOD ABOVE IT, AND SAID, I AM THE LORD GOD OF ABRAHAM, THY FATHER AND THE GOD OF ISAAC: THE LAND WHEREON THOU LIEST, TO THEE WILL I GIVE IT,AND TO THY SEED; AND THY SEED SHALL BE AS THE DUST OF THE EARTH, AND THOU SHALT SPREAD ABROAD TO THE WEST, AND TO EAST, AND TO THE NORTH, AND TO THE SOUTH: AND IN THY SEED SHALL ALL THE FAMILIES OF THE EARTH BE BLESSED. AND, BEHOLD, I AM WITH THEE, AND WILL KEEP THEE IN ALL PLACES TO WHICH THOU GOEST, AND WILL BRING THEE AGAIN INTO THIS LAND; FOR I WILL NOT LEAVE THEE, UNTIL I HAVE DONE THAT WHICH I HAVE SPOKEN TO THEE OF. After that it was confirmed through all of Jacob's twelve sons The Abrahamic covenant became the basis for the Dispensation of Promise. because the Abrahamic covenant is unconditional, it is still very much in effect though it has remained unfulfilled. But the ultimate fulfillment will come during the kingdom age. 5. The Mosaic Covenant The Mosaic covenant contains very extensive detailed information, and the Scriptural account of the covenant extends from Exodus 20:1 through Deuteronomy 18:68. The parties involved in this pact were God and Israel. The covenant was made with Israel and not merely with Moses acting as a representative of Israel. This is clearly brought out in Exodus 19:3-8: AND MOSES WENT UP UNTO GOD, AND THE LORD CALLED UNTO HIM OUT OF THE MOUNTAIN, SAYING, THUS SHALT THOU SAY TO THE HOUSE OF JACOB, AND TELL THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL: YE HAVE SEEN WHAT I DID UNTO THE EGYPTIANS, AND HOW I BORE YOU ON EAGLES' WINGS AND BROUGHT YOU UNTO MYSELF. NOW THEREFORE, IF YE WILL OBEY MY VOICE INDEED, AND KEEP MY COVENANT, THEN YE SHALL BE A PECULIAR TREASURE UNTO ME ABOVE ALL PEOPLE; FOR ALL THE EARTH IS MINE: AND YE SHALL BE UNTO ME A KINGDOM OF PRIESTS, AND AN HOLY NATION. THESE ARE THE WORDS THAT THOU SHALL SPEAK UNTO THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL. AND MOSES CAME AND CALLED FOR THE ELDERS OF THE PEOPLE, AND LAID BEFORE THEIR FACES ALL THESE WORDS WHICH THE LORD COMMANDED HIM. AND ALL THE PEOPLE ANSWERED TOGETHER, AND SAID, ALL THAT THE LORD HAS SPOKEN WE WILL DO. AND MOSES RETURNED THE WORDS OF THE PEOPLE UNTO THE LORD. The key provision was the Law of Moses which contained a total of 613 commandments. Involved in these provisions of the Law were the blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience. The key element of the entire Mosaic Law was the blood sacrifice, brought out in Leviticus 17:11:. FOR THE LIFE OF THE FLESH IS IN THE BLOOD; AND I HAVE GIVEN IT TO YOU UPON THE ALTAR TO MAKE AN ATONEMENT FOR YOUR SOULS; FOR IT IS THE BLOOD THAT MAKETH AN ATONEMENT FOR THE SOUL. The Hebrew word for "atonement" does not mean the removal of sin but merely the covering of it. The blood of animals covered the sins of the Old Testament saints but it never took those sins away. Only the blood of Christ can remove sin. The Mosaic covenant imposed a restriction upon one of the provisions of the Noahic covenant: no longer would Israel be allowed to eat all animals without limitation. The Mosaic covenant prescribed that the Jews could eat: seafood had to have both fins and scales, and animals had to both chew the cud and be cloven hoofed. Circumcision now became more than merely a sign of Jewishness as was true of the Abrahamic covenant. It signified submission to the Law and obligated the Jews to keep the whole Law. The Mosaic covenant was the basis for the Dispensation of the Law. It was the one Jewish covenant that was conditional and ultimately came to an end with the death of Christ(Romans 10:4; II Corinthians 3:3-11; Galatians 3:19; Ephesians 2:11-18; Hebrews 7:11-12,18). Hence the Mosaic Law is no longer in effect. Prophetically, it was already considered broken even before Christ died to free the Jews from the penalty of the Law (Jeremiah 31:32). 6. The Palestinian Covenant The content of the Palestinian covenant is found in Deuteronomy 29:1 through 30:10. Although this covenant is within the fifth book of Moses, Deuteronomy 29:1 clearly shows that the Palestinian covenant is distinct from the Mosaic covenant: THESE ARE THE WORDS OF THE COVENANT, WHICH THE LORD COMMANDED MOSES TO MAKE WITH THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL IN THE LAND OF MOAB, BESIDE THE COVENANT WHICH HE MADE WITH THEM IN HOREB. Deuteronomy 30:1-10 states the key provision of the Palestinian covenant. Verses 5 through 10 of this passage relate some of the Lord's precious promises to his people, Israel: AND THE LORD THY GOD WILL BRING THEE INTO THE LAND WHICH THY FATHERS POSSESSED, AND THOU SHALT POSSESS IT; AND HE WILL DO THEE GOOD, AND MULTIPLY THEE ABOVE THY FATHERS. AND THE LORD THY GOD WILL CIRCUMCISE THINE HEART, AND THE HEART OF THY SEED, TO LOVE THE LORD THY GOD WITH ALL THINE HEART, AND WITH ALL THINE SOUL, THAT THOU MAYEST LIVE. AND THE LORD THY GOD WILL PUT ALL THESE CURSES UPON THY ENEMIES, AND ON THEM WHO HATE THEE, WHO PERSECUTED THEE. AND THOU SHALT RETURN AND OBEY THE VOICE OF THE LORD, AND DO ALL HIS COMMANDMENTS WHICH I COMMAND THEE THIS DAY. AND THE LORD THY GOD WILL MAKE THEE PLENTEOUS IN EVERY WORK OF THINE HAND, IN THE FRUIT OF THY BODY, AND THE FRUIT OF THY CATTLE,AND IN THE FRUIT OF THY LAND, FOR GOOD; FOR THE LORD WILL AGAIN REJOICE OVER THEE FOR GOOD, AS HE REJOICED OVER THY FATHERS. IF THOU SHALT HEARKEN UNTO THE VOICE OF THE LORD THY GOD, TO KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS AND HIS STATUTES WHICH ARE WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF THE LAW, AND IF THOU TURN UNTO THE LORD THY GOD WITH ALL THINE HEART, AND WITH ALL THY SOUL. The covenant was made between God and Israel. Seven provisions can be gleaned from it. First, Moses prophetically spoke of Israel's disobedience to the Mosaic law and subsequent scattering over all the world (29:2,30:1) All remaining provisions speak of various facets of Israel's final restoration. Second, Israel will repent (30:2). Third, the Messiah will return (verse 3). Forth, Israel will possess the promised land (verse 5). Sixth, Israel will be regenerated (verse 7). And finally, Israel will receive full blessing, specifically the blessing of the messianic age (verse 8-10 ). The special importance of the Palestinian covenant is that it reaffirms the title deed to the land as Israel's. Although she would prove unfaithful and disobedient, the right to the land would never be taken from her. Furthermore it shows that the conditional Mosaic covenant did not lay aside the unconditional Abrahamic covenant. It might be taken by some that the Mosaic covenant displaced the Abrahamic covenant, but the Palestinian covenant shows that this is not true. The Palestinian covenant is an enlargement of the original Abrahamic covenant. It amplifies the land aspect and emphasizes the promise of the land to God's earthly people in spite of Jewish unbelief. The Palestinian covenant received its confirmation centuries later in Ezekiel 16:1-63. In this very important passage concerning God's relationship to Israel, God recounts His love of Israel in her infancy (verses 1-7). Later, Israel was chosen by God and became related to Jehovah by marriage and hence became known as the wife of Jehovah( verses 8-14). However, Israel played the harlot(verses 15-34); therefore, it was necessary to punish Israel by means of dispersion (verses 35-52). However, this dispersion was not final, for there will be a future restoration on the basis of the Palestinian covenant (verses 53-63). The Palestinian covenant being an unconditional covenant, is still very much in effect. 7. The Davidic Covenant Two passages of Scripture set forth the teaching on the Davidic covenant; and though they sound almost the same, there are variations in the point they make. The first passage is 11 Samuel 11-17, where the emphasis is on Solomon: ALSO THE LORD TELLETH THEE THAT HE WILL MAKE THEE AN HOUSE. AND WHEN THY DAYS BE FULFILLED, AND THOU SHALT SLEEP WITH THY FATHERS, I WILL SET UP THY SEED AFTER THEE, WHICH SHALL PROCEED OUT OF THINE OWN BODY, AND I WILL ESTABLISHED HIS KINGDOM. HE SHALL BUILD AN HOUSE FOR MY NAME, AND I WILL ESTABLISH THE THRONE OF HIS KINGDOM FOREVER. I WILL BE HIS FATHER, AND HE SHALL BE MY SON. IF HE COMMIT INIQUITY, I WILL CHASTEN HIM WITH THE ROD OF MEN, AND WITH THE STRIPES OF THE CHILDREN OF MEN; BUT MY MERCY SHALL NOT DEPART AWAY FROM HIM, AS I TOOK IT FROM SAUL, WHOM I PUT AWAY BEFORE THEE. AND THINE HOUSE AND THY KINGDOM SHALL BE ESTABLISHED FOREVER BEFORE THEE; THY THRONE SHALL BE ESTABLISHED FOREVER. ACCORDING TO ALL THESE WORDS, AND ACCORDING TO ALL THIS VISION, SO DID NATHAN SPEAK UNTO DAVID. The second account is found in 1 Chronicles 17:10-15, where the emphasis is on the Messiah: MOREOVER I WILL SUBDUE ALL THINE ENEMIES. FURTHERMORE, I TELL THEE THAT THE LORD WILL BUILD THEE AN HOUSE. AND IT SHALL COME TO PASS, WHEN THY DAYS ARE ENDED, THAT THOU MUST GO TO BE WITH THY FATHERS, THAT I WILL RAISE UP THY SEED AFTER THEE, WHO SHALL BE OF THY SONS; AND I WILL ESTABLISH HIS KINGDOM. HE SHALL BUILD ME AN HOUSE, AND I WILL ESTABLISH HIS THRONE FOREVER. I WILL BE HIS FATHER, AND HE SHALL BE MY SON; AND I WILL NOT TAKE MY MERCY AWAY FROM, AS I TOOK IT FROM HIM THAT WAS BEFORE THEE, BUT I WILL SETTLE HIM IN MINE HOUSE AND IN MY KINGDOM FOREVER, AND HIS THRONE SHALL BE ESTABLISHED FOR EVERMORE. ACCORDING TO ALL THESE WORDS, AND ACCORDING TO ALL THIS VISION, SO DID NATHAN SPEEK UNTO DAVID. This covenant was made between God and David, who stands as the head of the Davidic house and dynasty, the only rightful claimant to the Davidic throne in Jerusalem. Careful study of both biblical accounts brings out the main provisions of the Davidic covenant. David is promised an eternal dynasty (II Samuel 7:11,16; 1 Chronicles 17:10). Nothing could ever destroy the house of David,,,it will always be in existence. Although it is unknown who they are, to this day somewhere in the Jewish world members of the house of David still exist. One of David's own sons, specifically Solomon was to be established on the throne after David (II Samuel 7:12). Absalom and Adonijah, David's other sons tried to usurp the throne; but Solomon alone was to be established on David's throne. Solomon would build the temple (II Samuel 7:13). Although David had greatly desired to build God's temple, his hands had shed much blood and he was guilty of murder at on point. Hence he was forbidden to build the temple, and the job would rest with his son Solomon. The throne of David's kingdom was to be established forever (II Samuel 7:13,16). It was not Solomon himself who was promised to be established forever but rather the throne upon which he would sit. Solomon would be disciplined for disobedience, but God would not remove His lovingkindness (II Samuel 7:14-15). Earlier God did remove His lovingkindness from King Saul because of disobedience. But the promise is made that although Solomon may disobey and require God's discipline, God's lovingkindness will never depart from him. The Messiah and His Throne, house and kingdom will be estab- lished forever (I Chronicles 17:11-15). The emphasis in the II Samuel passage is on Solomon, but in the 1 Chronicles passage it is on the Messiah. In the 1 Chronicles passage God is not speaking of one of David's own sons to be established upon the throne forever but the Seed of one of his sons coming many years later. Furthermore, in this passage it is the Person Himself that is established upon David's throne for ever and not merely the throne. Clearly the emphasis in the 1 Chronicles passage is not on Solomon but on the Messiah. That is why this passage does not mention the possibility of sin as the II Samuel passage did, for in the case of the Messiah no sin would be possible.So the Messiah as well as His throne, house and kingdom are to be established forever. The unique importance of the Davidic covenant is that it amplifies the seed aspect of the Abrahamic covenant. According to the Abrahamic covenant, the Messiah was to be the seed of Abraham. This merely stated that He was to be a Jew and could be of the twelve tribes. Later in the time of Jacob the seed aspect was limited to a member of the tribe of Judah only (Genesis 49:10) Now the seed aspect is further narrowed to one family within the tribe of Judah, the family of David. In a number of other passages the Davidic covenant recieved further confirmation. These are II Samuel 23:1-5; Psalm 89:1-52; Jeremiah 23:5-6; 30:8-9; 33:14-17; 19:27; Ezekiel 37/;24-25; Hosea 3:4-5 and Amos 9:11. The Davidic covenant is also an unconditional covenant and is still very much in effect as an eternal covenant. 8. The New Covenant The content of the New Covenant is recorded in Jeremiah 31:31-34: BEHOLD THE DAYS COME, SAITH THE LORD, THAT I WILL MAKE A NEW COVENANT WITH THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL, AND WITH THE HOUSE OF JUDAH, NOT ACCORDING TO THE COVENANT THAT I MADE WITH THEIR FATHERS IN THE DAY THAT I TOOK THEM BY THE HAND TO BRING THEM OUT OF THE LAND OF EGYPT, WHICH, MY COVENANT, THEY BROKE, ALTHOUGH I WAS AN HUSBAND UNTO THEM, SAITH THE LORD. BUT THIS SHALL BE THE COVENANT THAT I WILL MAKE WITH THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL. AFTER THOSE DAYS, SAITH THE LORD, I WILL PUT MY LAW IN THEIR INWARD PARTS, AND WRITE IT IN THEIR HEARTS, AND WILL BE THEIR GOD, AND THEY WILL BE MY PEOPLE. AND THEY SHALL TEACH NO MORE EVERY MAN HIS NEIGHBOR, AND EVERY MAN HIS BROTHER, SAYING, KNOW THE LORD FOR THEY SHALL ALL KNOW ME, FROM THE LEAST OF THEM UNTO THE GREATEST OF THEM, SAITH THE LORD; FOR I WILL FORGIVE THEIR INIQUITY, AND I WILL REMEMBER THEIR SIN NO MORE. This covenant is made between God and Israel, and it receives further conformation in other passages including Isaiah 55:3 59:21,61:8-9; Jeremiah 32:40; Ezekiel 16:60; 34:35-41; 37:26-28 and Romans 11:26-27. From the original covenant and its various conformations, a total of eight provisions can be found, First, it is an unconditional covenant involving God and both houses of Israel (Jeremiah 31:31). It is not merely made between Judah and God or between Israel and God but included both houses of Israel,and hence it includes the entire Jewish nation-- the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Second, it is clearly distinct from the Mosaic covenant (Jeremiah 31:32). It is not merely a further elaboration of the Mosaic covenant but it is distinct from it; Third, it promises the regeneration of Israel (Jeremiah 32:33; Isaiah 59:21). The key aspect of this entire covenant is the blessing of salvation; so included in this covenant is Israel's national regeneration. Forth, the regeneration of Israel is to be universal among all Jews (Jeremiah 31:34; Isaiah 61:9). The national salvation is to extend to every individual Jewish person, and it is to be true through succeeding generations from the time that the initial regeneration of Israel occurs. Thus during the kingdom, the unregenerated people will all be Gentiles. In the entire period of the kingdom, there will be no unsaved Jews. That is the reason there will be no need for one Jew to say to another, "KNOW THE LORD," for they shall all know him. Fifth, there is provision for the forgiveness of sin (Jeremiah 31:34). The New Covenant will do that very thing which the Mosaic covenant was unable to do. The latter was only able to cover the sins of Israel, but the New Covenant will take them away. The sixth provision is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (Jeremiah 31:33; Ezekiel 36:27). The reason Israel failed to keep the law under the Mosaic covenant was that the people lacked the power to comply with the righteous standards of God. The Mosaic law did not provide the indwelling of the Holy Spirit; that was not its purpose. But the New covenant will do just that, and every Jew will be able to do the righteous work of God. Seventh, Israel will be showered with material blessings (Jeremiah 32:41; Ezekiel 34:25-27). The Mosaic law did not provide material blessings for obedience.But for the most part Israel was in disobedience because of her failure to keep the law. However, such failure will not exist under the New covenant. Along with Israel's regeneration and empowerment to keep the law, material blessings will be given by the Lord Eighth, the sanctuary will be rebuilt (Ezekiel 37:26-28). The Davidic covenant did provide for the building of the first temple by Solomon; the New covenant will provide for the building of the messianic or millennial temple. This temple will be a continual reminder to Israel of all that God has done. The importance of the New covenant is that it amplifies the blessing aspect of the Abrahamic covenant, especially in relationship to salvation. It is at this point that some confusion has arisen as to the church's relationship to the New covenant because according to Jeremiah the covenant is made, not to the church, but with Israel. Nevertheless, a number of Scriptures connect the New covenant with the church (Matthew 26:28; Mark 14:24; Luke 22:14-20 I Corinthians 3:6; Hebrews 7:22; 8:6; 9:15; 10:16,29; 12:24;13:20 Some writters teach that there are two New Covenants--- one made with the church and one made Israel. This view is not supported by the teachings of Scripture. Others have said that there is only one covenant but that it has two aspects--one related to Israel and one related to the church. Yet nothing in the covenant seems to teach that there are two completely different aspects. Furthermore, even those who hold this view are unable to say which aspect relates to the church and which relates to Israel. Actually the solution is not so difficult, for it is clearly explained in Ephesians 2:11-16: WHEREFORE,REMEMBER THAT YE BEING IN THE PAST GENTILES IN THE FLESH, WHO ARE CALLED UNCIRCUMCISION BY THAT WHICH IS CALLED THE CIRCUMCISION IN THE FLESH MADE BY HANDS--THAT AT THE TIME YE WERE WITHOUT CHRIST, BEING ALIENS FROM THE COMMONWEALTH OF ISRAEL, AND STRANGERS FROM THE COVENANTS OF PROMISE, HAVING NO HOPE, AND WITHOUT GOD IN THE WORLD. BUT NOW IN CHRIST JESUS YE WHO WERE FAR OFF ARE MADE NEAR BY THE BLOOD OF CHRIST. FOR HE IS OUR PEACE, WHO HATH MADE BOTH ONE, AND HATH BROKEN DOWN THE WALL OF PARTITION BETWEEN US, HAVING ABOLISHED IN HIS FLESH THE ENMITY, EVEN THE LAW OF COMMANDMENTS CONTAINED IN ORDINANCES, TO MAKE HIMSELF OF TWO ONE NEW MAN, SO MAKING PEACE; AND THAT HE MIGHT RECONCILE BOTH UNTO GOD IN ONE BODY BY THE CROSS, HAVING SLAIN THE ENMITY THEREBY; Along with the above, Ephesians 3:5-6 should be taken into account: WHICH IN OTHER AGES WAS NOT MADE KNOWN UNTO THE SONS OF MEN, AS IT IS NOW REVEALED UNTO HIS HOLY APOSTLES AND PROPHETS BY THE HOLY SPIRIT: THAT THE GENTILES SHOULD BE FELLOW HEIRS, AND OF THE SAME BODY, AND PARTAKERS OF HID PROMISE IN CHRIST BY THE GOSPEL. The point of this passage is that God made with Israel four unconditional covenants: The Abrahamic, the Palestinian, the Davidic, and the New Covenants. All of God's spiritual blessings are mediated by means of these four covenants. However, there is also a fifth covenant, the conditional Mosaic covenant. This was the middle wall of partition. Essentially it kept the gentiles from enjoying the spiritual blessings of the four unconditional covenants. For a Gentile to begin recieving the blessings of the unconditional covenants, he had to totally submit to the Mosaic law, take upon himself the obligations of the law and for all practical purposes live as a son of Abraham. The Gentiles as Gentiles were not able to enjoy the spiritual blessings of the Jewish covenants and hence were strangers from the commonwealth of Israel. They did not recieve any of the spiritual benefits contained in the covenants. However, when Christ died, the Mosaic law, the wall of partition, was broken down. Now Gentiles as Gentiles can by faith enjoy the spiritual blessings of the four unconditional covenants. That is why Gentiles today are partakers of the Jewish spiritual blessings. The relationship of the church to the New Covenant is not the same as the church's relationship to the Abrahamic, the Palestinian, the Davidic covenants. The land aspect of the Abrahamic covenant as amplified by the Palestinian and the Davidic covenants were promised exclusively to Israel. But the blessing aspect amplified by the New Covenant was to include the Gentiles. The church is enjoying the spiritual blessings of these covenants, not the material and physical benefits. The physical promises still belong to Israel and will be fulfilled exclusively with Israel, especially those involving the land. However, all spiritual benefits are now being shared by the church. This is the relationship to these four unconditional covenants between God and Israel. In relationship to the church, then, the New Covenant is the basis of the Dispensation of Grace. In relationship to Israel the New Covenant is the basis for the Dispensation of the Kingdom. The New Covenant itself is an unconditional covenant and therefore eternally in effect. All spiritual blessings are ours in Christ whether we are Jews or Gentiles. And through His death on the cross for our sins we reap spiritual benefits that would never be ours otherwise. The eight covenants of the Bible are very explicit in their provisions and are valuable for proper understanding of Scripture. #
God does not commit evil, but He ordains that it exists. The prophet Isaiah recorded, “I form light and create darkness, I make well-being and create calamity, I am the Lord, who does all these things” (Isaiah 45:7). Evil exists by God’s permission and through the foreordained choice of those whom He created. Otherwise, we’d end up with a separate power that causes evil, in which case God would no longer be sovereign. However, evil is not a glitch in God’s plan but rather an integral piece of God’s plan!
Steve Swartz