God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
We have numerous passages of Scripture which both command and give us God’s directives on the how, why, when, and where of church discipline. Again, a failure to exercise this responsibility demonstrates a lack of obedience and belief in the authority of the Bible.
J. Hampton Keathley
Iraq (Apr. 15, 2004) - U.S. Navy Chaplain, Lt. Cmdr. Lulrick Balzora, assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion Fourteen (NMCB-14), prepares to baptize Construction Mechanic Kyle Ellis. Balzora baptized several members assigned to NMCB-14 and NMCB-74 using a 2.5 cubic yard front-end loader bucket as an improvised baptismal. NMCB-14 and NMCB-74 are currently deployed in Iraq supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). U.S. Navy photo by Builder 2nd Class Jerome Kirkland (RELEASED)
(Matt. 3:11, 12; Acts 1:4, 5; 11:1-4; 2:38-42; 8:36-
39; 10:44-48; 19:1-5)
THERE was no such thing as Christian baptism pre-
vious to the inauguration of the new institution on
the day of Pentecost. There is only one Christian bap-
tism in the entire New Testament (Eph. 4:5). It be-
hooves us to find out just what this baptism is, in
order to know whether or not we have fulfilled all
There is but one body — the body of Christ ; but one
Spirit animating the one body; but one Lord over the
one body; but one faith characterizing the one body;
but one baptism inducting the individual into the one
body; and one God and Father of all who are in the
one body, and in all who are members of the one body.
Notice the wonderful unity expressed in these passages
(Eph. 4:4-6).
What is the one baptism? Is it the baptism of
John? Is it the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Is it the
baptism in water? Or is it the baptism of fire, that
makes us members of the one body, which is the church ?
Let us allow the Scriptures to answer our questions.
It can not be any two of these — it must be one only
— for there is but one baptism. Religious organizations
are inconsistent and unscriptural that maintain that
people to-day are baptized in the Holy Spirit — and, at
the same time, will not allow membership except to
those who submit to an ordinance which the said insti-
tution calls baptism, whether it be a few drops sprin-
kled upon the forehead, a small quantity poured upon
the head, or a complete burial of the entire body in
water. It can not be that both baptisms are in force
to-day — because there is only one baptism. If so, which
is it?
1. Baptism of John. It was before the cross — and
consequently under the Jewish institution, as the church
was not established until after the coronation of Christ.
It was not valid after the institution of the baptism
commanded by Peter on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:
38; 19:3-5).
a. The administrator. John the Baptizer (Matt. 3:
5, 6; Mark 1:4, 5; Luke 3:3; John 1:28).
6. The element. Water (Matt. 3:11; Mark 1:8;
Luke 3:16; John 1:26). The King James' Version,
having been produced under the authority of the Epis-
copal Church, was naturally rendered to support sprin-
kling and pouring instead of immersion, as the substi-
tution had been made by the church previous to the
translation of the New Testament. However, all mod-
ern translations, and all recognized students of original
Greek, translate the above passages, "I baptize you in
water," instead of "I baptize you with water."
John baptized in the Jordan ; he did not baptize the
Jordan upon any person (Matt. 3:6; Mark 1:5). In
like manner Jesus was baptized in the Jordan — the
Jordan was not baptized upon him (Mark 1:9).
John's baptism required much water (John 3:23).
Naturally so ; because baptism is immersion.
c. The subject. Those Jews who confessed their
sins, and believed in Him who was to follow John, or
Jesus Christ (Matt. 3:6; Mark 1:5; Luke 3 : 7, 8 ; Acts
13:24; 19:4).
d. The design. Eepentance unto remission of sins
(Matt. 1:11; Mark 1:4; Luke 3:3; Acts 13:24; 19:
4). He bore witness of Christ (John 1: 15). The pur-
pose of his baptism was to prepare the Jews for the
advent of the Messiah. Hence it was not binding after
the establishment of the church.
2. Baptism of the Holy Spirit. See the sermon on
this subject. The baptism of the Holy Spirit was not
a command. It was a promise made to the apostles only
(John 14 : 16, 17 ; 16 : 7 ; Acts 1 : 4, 5) . All the apostles
could do was to wait for the fulfillment of the promise
(Acts 2:1-4).
a. The administrator. Jesus Christ (John 16:7;
Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4, 5). It was the promise of the
Father and was administered by Jesus Christ.
b. The element. The Holy Spirit (Matt. 3 : 11 ; Acts
1:4, 5). It was an outward manifestation — the sound
of a mighty wind, cloven tongues like as of fire — some-
thing which they could see and hear (Acts 2:2, 3, 33).
It filled all the house — consequently, the apostles were
completely submerged, or immersed, in this wonderful
power (Acts 2:2).
c. The subject, d. The design. The baptism of the
Holy Spirit was a special miracle for a special pur-
pose. It occurred only twice in the divine record. The
apostles were baptized on the day of Pentecost in the
Holy Spirit, to endow them with power to confirm the
message which they preached with signs and wonders
(Luke 24:49; Heb. 2: 3, 4) ; also to bring all things to
their remembrance, and to guide them into all truth in
proclaiming the gospel and establishing churches (John
15 : 26, 27 ; 16 : 13 ; 14 : 26) . The object of this baptism
was to qualify the apostles for their special work (Acts
Cornelius and his household were baptized in the
Holy Spirit in order to convince the Jews that the gos-
pel was for Gentiles as well as Jews (Acts 10:44-46;
In each case it was the same sort of a miraculous
outward manifestation (Acts 11:15). These are the
only two instances on record of the baptism of the
Holy Spirit. As miracles were needed only in the
infancy of the church, no one is baptized in the Holy
Spirit to-day.
3. Baptism of the commission. This was not a prom-
ise, but a specific command which the apostles were to
obey (Matt. 28 : 19 ; Mark 16 : 16) .
a. The administrator. The preacher of the gospel
(Matt. 28:19; Acts 8:36-39). History confirms the
fact that all members of the early churches adminis-
tered the ordinances of baptism and the Lord's Supper.
We do not read of a "regularly ordained" adminis-
trator in the New Testament. Any Christian has the
right to baptize and administer the Lord's Supper.
b. The element. Water (Acts 8:36-39; 10:47, 48).
It is a burial in water, symbolical of the death, burial
and resurrection of Christ (Bom. 6:3-5).
c. The subject. A penitent believer in Christ (Acts
2:38; 8:12, 36, 37; 18: 8). This excludes unknowing
infants, who can neither believe nor repent.
d. The design. Remission of sins (Acts 2:38; 1
Pet. 3 : 21). It is the ceremony whereby we are brought
into relationship with Christ. It is the ceremony where-
by we are adopted into the kingdom. It puts us into
Christ (Gal. 3:27).
4. Baptism in fire (Matt. 3:11, 12). Here John is
talking to a mixed audience — some of whom were to
be baptized in the Holy Spirit and some of whom were
to be baptized in fire. Remember that John's ministry
was to the Jews only (Acts 13: 24). Of this assembly,
the apostles were later baptized in the Holy Spirit
(Acts 1:1-5). Who, then, are to be baptized in fire?
a. The administrator. Jesus Christ (Matt. 3 : 11,
32). He shall burn up the chaff with unquenchable
b. The element. Fire.
c. The subject. The wicked at the end of the world.
"Water is a symbol of purification. Fire is not a bless-
ing, but a symbol of destruction (1 Cor. 3: 13; 2 Thess.
1:7, 8).
d. The design. Punishment for disobedience (2
Thess. 1:7, 8). Those Jews to whom John was talking,
that rejected Jesus of Nazareth, will be among the dis-
obedient who will be immersed in fire when Jesus comes
again with His mighty angels (Eev. 20:10-15).
The baptism of John was to prepare the Jews to
receive Christ, and was not valid after the institution
of Christian baptism (Acts 19:1-5). The baptism of
the Holy Spirit was a special miracle for a special pur-
pose in each of the two instances when it occurred, to
qualify the apostles for their special work and to con-
vince them that the gospel was for Gentile as well as
Jew. Baptism in water is a positive command to which
the penitent believer must submit in order to enjoy
remission of sins and to become a member of the body
of Christ. The baptism of fire will be administered to
the wicked at the end of the world.
Thus we see that the one baptism of the Christian
dispensation is that of the commission: baptism in
water, of the penitent believer, for remission of sins.
We urge all to be obedient to this law.