(Acts 20:7.)
ALTHOUGH there is much controversy upon this
subject, the Scriptures are very clear when studied
as a whole. Our discussion of the matter is not to
perpetuate controversy, but to ascertain the truth.
Nothing is settled until it is settled right.
1. The first mention of the seventh day. The eve-
ning and the morning were the first day (Gen. 1:5).
The evening and the morning constituted each suc-
ceeding day. The evening and the morning also con-
stituted the seventh day. Hence the Jews reckoned a
day from sunset to sunset.
We will now study Gen. 2:1-3. This is a case
of prolepsis, or the joining together of two distant
events to make it appear as if they happened at the
same time. God rested in the seventh day of creation,
thus ending the first week. But He did not sanctify
the seventh day until the giving of the law on Mount
In Gen. 3 : 20 we have another case of prolepsis.
Adam named his wife Eve when she was created; but
she was not the mother of a race for several centuries
following that time.
In Matt. 10 : 2-4 is another case of prolepsis. ' 1 And
Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him." Matthew wrote
this over thirty years after the calling of the twelve
apostles. In this passage, he connects the sending out
of Judas and the betrayal of Christ by Judas in one
passage, as if the two events happened at the same
time; when, in reality, they happened some three years
So, in Gen. 2:2, 3, we read that "he rested on the
seventh day from the work which he had made. And
God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it." This
account was written by Moses hundreds of years after
the creation. In writing it, Moses connects two distant
events as if they happened at the same time. God
rested on the seventh day of the world's existence.
He sanctified it, or set it apart as a special day, by
positive law after the Jews were led out of Egyptian
bondage. Absolutely there is no record of any observ-
ance of the seventh day during the patriarchal dis-
2. The setting apart of the seventh day as the Sab-
bath for the Jews.
a. Neh. 9 : 13, 14. The Lord came down and made
known unto them from Mount Sinai His holy Sabbath.
b. Ex. 20 : 8-11. The giving of the Ten Command-
ments. We note that they are commanded to "re-
member" the Sabbath. Evidently they had known
something about it previous to that time. If so, when?
c. Exodus 16. The first observance of the seventh
day as the Sabbath. We can see at a glance, from the
reading of this chapter, that they had known nothing
about the Sabbath previously. Here is mentioned a
period of eight days — or a day of eating meat, fol-
lowed by six days of eating bread, followed by a day
of rest, the first observance of the Sabbath. On the
first day of the eight, quails came down "at even"
and covered the camp, and they ate meat. Then for
six days they ate bread. And on the following day
they rested. This is all very plain. This occurred
about the middle of the second month after they had
passed the Red Sea. In the following month they
came to Mount Sinai, where the law was given; and
the command to observe the Sabbath was written upon
tables of stone. Hence it was stated, "Remember the
sabbath day to keep it holy." This was the setting
apart of the seventh day as the Sabbath, by positive
written law.
3. The purpose of observing the Sabbath.
a. Deut. 5 : 1-3. Here Moses refers to the giving of
the law and states expressly that the law was not given
to their fathers, but to those to whom he was talk-
ing at that time.
b. Deut. 4:10-13. This covenant consisted of the
Ten Commandments, written upon tables of stone.
c. Deut. 5 : 4-22. Here he repeats the covenant.
Included therein, as one of the Ten Commandments,
was that of keeping the Sabbath (5: 12-15).
d. Deut. 5 : 15. The purpose of the Sabbath — that
they might remember their Egyptian bondage and
their deliverance therefrom "through the mighty hand
and stretched-out arm" of God. Hence, as it was to
commemorate the deliverance of the Jews from Egyp-
tian bondage, it has no meaning whatever to a Gentile.
4. The Sabbath was a sign between the Lord and
one nation — the Jews (Ex. 31:12-17).
5. The duration of the Sabbath.
a. Ex. 31 : 16. It was to be a sign between the
Lord and the Jews "throughout their generations. ' '
Whenever this phrase is used, it refers to the days of
the Jewish dispensation. The Passover was also insti-
tuted as a feast to be kept forever throughout their
generations (Ex. 12:3-14). But as the slaying of the
paschal lamb in Egypt merely pointed forward to the
slaying of the Lamb of God (John 1:29; 1 Cor. 5:7),
when Christ had been put to death as a sin-offering for
all humanity, the significance of the Passover ceased
and it was no longer observed. A slave is bound to
his master forever — that is, as long as the master lives.
b. Hos. 2 : 11. God says that He will cause her
Sabbaths to cease. If so, when?
c. Col. 2:13-17. They ceased with the death of
We summarize the first part of the discourse as fol-
lows: (a) The Lord blessed the seventh day because
that was the day on which He rested at creation; (6)
He sanctified the seventh day, or set it apart as the
Jewish Sabbath, to commemorate the deliverance of
the children of Israel out of Egyptian bondage; conse-
quently, it had no meaning, previous to the passage of
the Red Sea, whatever; (c) it was a sign between the
Lord and the children of Israel, and did not affect the
Gentile world in the least; (d) it was first observed
while the Israelites were wandering in the wilderness,
following the first six days of the miraculous supply
of manna from heaven; (e) its observance was incor-
porated in statute when the law was given from Mount
Sinai ; (/) together with the entire old covenant, it was
nailed to the cross by the death of Christ.
IN this discourse we take up the question of the
observance of the first day of the week. Some
contend that Constantine made the change from the
Sabbath to the first day by imperial edict. History
proves that Constantine merely issued a decree com-
pelling the cessation of manual labor on the first day.
Others maintain that the change was made by the
Pope. If so, in what year and by what Pope? This
evidence can not be produced.
We propose to show that, since the Sabbath was a
sign between the Lord and the Jews to commemorate
their deliverance from Egyptian bondage, and had no
significance to the Gentile world whatever, with the
passing of the Jewish economy a new day was insti-
tuted by Scriptural authority for the Chrisitan world
to keep as a memorial day.
1. This day in type (Lev. 23:10-12). The first-
fruit of the harvest was to be waved on the morrow
after the Sabbath. Christ is the first-fruits of the
spiritual harvest (1 Cor. 15:22, 23). He became such
when He was resurrected. Hence it follows that His
resurrection had to occur on the morrow after the
Sabbath, or the first day of the week.
2. This day in prophecy (Ps. 118:22-24).
a. What is the day which the Lord has made?
The day in which the stone, rejected by the builders,
became the head of the corner.
b. Jesus Christ is the stone and the Jews were the
builders (Acts 4:10-12; Matt. 21:42; Eph. 2:19, 20).
c. His rejection was consummated by His resurrec-
tion from the dead (Mark 8:31). The end of the
whole matter was when he "rose again." His resur-
rection is the underlying evidence of Christianity.
d. By His resurrection He became the head of the
corner, or the chief corner-stone (Rom. 14:9; 5:18; 1
Cor. 15:12-19). The entire Christian system depends
upon the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb.
e. Hence the day on which He was resurrected was
the day in which He became the head of the corner,
and is the day which the Lord has made. What day
was that? (Mark 16: 9.) The first day of the week.
3. Jesus arose from the tomb on the first day of
the week; thus the type becomes reality, and the
prophecy is fulfilled. This is the day which the Lord
hath made.
4. The prominence of the first day of the week in
the New Testament.
a. The day in which Jesus arose from the dead
(Mark 16:9).
b. On the same day He appeared unto Mary
Magdalene, and unto the two, and unto the eleven
disciples while they sat at meat (Mark 16 ; Luke 24 ;
John 20).
c. One week later He appeared unto the twelve and
convinced Thomas that He was the risen Christ (John
d. Seven weeks later the Holy Spirit descended
and the church was established on the first day of the
week (Acts 2).
e. The early disciples met on the first day of the
week for the Lord's Supper and preaching of the gos-
pel (Acts 20:7). As this was the custom of the early
Christians, under direct guidance of the apostles, it
should be the universal custom to-day.
f. Paul tells us not to neglect this worship (Heb.
g. The offering was also included in the regular
worship of the first day (1 Cor. 16:1, 2).
h. John received his wonderful revelation on the
isle of Patmos on the first day of the week, or the
Lord's Day (Rev. 1: 10).
5. What is it called? As it is the day which the
Lord hath made, it should be called the Lord's Day
(Rev. 1:10).
Conclusion. The Sabbath was a type or shadow
of the Lord's Day (Col. 2:16, 17). As the Sabbath
was commemorative of the deliverance of the children
of Israel from Egyptian bondage, so the Lord's Day
is a memorial of the deliverance of mankind from the
bondage of sin by the resurrection of Christ.
The Sabbath was a day of rest. The Lord's Day is
a day of worship. It is a day dedicated to the wor-
ship of the Lord, and should not be desecrated by idle
pleasures and pursuits.