God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
If we only knew how bad we are, we would welcome chastening because this is God’s way of getting rid of sin and its habits. But chastening is resented because we cannot believe that we have done anything worthy of it (John Sanderson).
(Acts 5:1-11)
THERE were two classes of miracles in the divine
economy: those that evinced God's approval of the
right, and those that evinced His disapproval of the
An example of the former class is that miracle
which occurred at the death of Stephen (Acts 7 : 55,
56). He was allowed to look into heaven and see Jesus
seated at the right hand of God. This miracle showed
God's approval of the man who withstands all enemies
of the gospel (Matt. 28: 20), and is placed on the divine
record as an example for all subsequent ages of the ulti-
mate blessing that will come to those who preach the
truth as revealed in the New Testament.
An example of the latter class is the death of Ana-
nias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11). The judgment that
came upon them evinced God's disapprobation of their
conduct, and is placed on the divine record as an ex-
ample of the ultimate punishment that will come upon
all who withhold from God a portion of that which
rightfully belongs to Him.
This sermon will deal with Christian liberality. In
stressing the restoration of primitive Christianity, this
one essential item has been neglected. We have over-
looked the preaching of liberality as one of the essen-
tial fruits of the Christian spirit. This neglect on the
part of the eldership has resulted in disaster to many
congregations. Lack of business administration has
been the cause of the failure of hundreds of churches,
especially those that are termed " rural.' ' A successful
administration of the business side of Christianity will
pave the way for missionary and evangelistic accom-
plishments. The problem of finance is the first problem
that must be met and solved. It can be solved by the
faithful teaching and practice of the New Testament
plan of Christian giving. We are essentially a Bible
people. Then, let us carry out the Bible instructions
regarding the financial department of the Lord's work.
1. The parable of the unjust steward (Luke 16 : 1-
13). The explanation of the parable is found in verse
12. The application is very clear. All the material
possessions that we are using in this world belong to
God. We can take nothing with us into the world to
come. We are merely stewards of God for an ap-
pointed time upon earth, and will ultimately be called
upon to render an account of our stewardship. What
He gives here is His; what He gives us hereafter will
be ours forever. Hence if we are not faithful here in
taking care of what belongs to Him, how can we ex-
pect to be judged worthy of anything hereafter? If
you were to leave a son to take care of your property
while you were away on a visit, and were to return and
find the property devastated, you would certainly not
be very liable to give that son any property for himself
until he has proved himself capable of taking care of it.
All that we have in this world belongs to God. Even
we who are in Christ have been bought with the price
of His blood; therefore we are not our own, but we
belong to Him (1 Cor. 6:19, 20; 7:22, 23; 1 Pet. 1:
18-20). Therefore we should feel our responsibility as
servants and stewards of God (Rom. 12: 1, 2).
2. The example of the church at Jerusalem (Acts
2 : 44, 45 ; 4 : 32-37) . This community of goods was the
result of the application of the above-named parable.
The church at Jerusalem, under the guidance of the
Spirit-filled apostles, thus became the example for all
future ages. No man in that congregation regarded
what he had as his own, but they had all things in
common. This came about as a result of the spontane-
ous outburst of Christian love. Conversion 'means
absolute surrender to God. It is a passing from the
selfishness of this world, in which the law of existence
is the " survival of the fittest'' into the glorious un-
selfishness of the kingdom of God (John 3:3). Either
Christ or mammon predominates in the individual
heart (Luke 16:13). The question as to which pre-
dominates decides whether or not those who have been
baptized are really Christian. When modern congre-
gations are brought to realize that they themselves, as
well as all they have, belong to God, they will emulate
the financial liberality of the Jerusalem church. Hence
the duty of the ministry!
3. The New Testament plan of Christian giving (1
Cor. 16:1, 2). This is outlined just as plainly as the
gospel plan of salvation. While this was written to the
church at Corinth, it becomes just as authoritative to
all churches of Christ. Let us analyze this plan.
a. Who should give? To whom was the letter ad-
dressed? (1 Cor. 1:2). Unto the whole church of God
at Corinth, those sanctified in Jesus Christ. This in-
cluded all the members of the church — men, women
and children. The command was to each and every
member. It makes the offering a part of the regular
service, and something in which every Christian should
participate. A man can not be baptized for his family,
neither can he give for his family. The divine plan
teaches the children, as well as the adults, to give.
"When the children of to-day are educated in this man-
ner, giving will become a necessary factor in their
worship as they grow up into men and women.
b. How often? Upon the first day of the week, or
the Lord's Day (Rev, 1:10). Thus the offering be-
comes a part of the Lord's Day worship, along with
the praise service, communion and sermon (Acts 20: 7).
"We can see the wisdom of such a plan. The offering
becomes a factor in bringing the Christian to the
Lord's Day worship (Matt. 6:21). The man who in-
vests in the extension of the kingdom of God naturally
enjoys seeing the results of his investment. Every
Christian giving upon each first day of the week
establishes a systematic plan of giving. This money is
paid into the Lord's treasury for the extension of
the kingdom, and should continue to be paid year
after year regularly, whether the congregation has
a minister or not. By following the divine plan, there
will always be plenty of money to meet all current
c. How much? Every one should give as God has
prospered him. In estimating this, man should take
into account his spiritual, as well as his material, bless-
ings. Men, as a rule, do not appreciate the goodness
of God, and are liable to underestimate their responsi-
bility. Hence the value of the assessment plan by
which the weekly assessments are made by the board
of deacons acting in consultation with each individual
member. "As God hath prospered us" establishes the
measure of giving. It merely increases the responsi-
bility of the wealthy member in proportion to his
riches. It establishes an equality between all members.
If I am a steward of what God has given me, it fol-
lows that I should give back to Him in proportion to
what He has given to me.
Let us emphasize the tithe. God expected one-tenth
from the Jews. The Christian is blessed infinitely more
than the Jew. If God expected a tenth from the Jew,
He undoubtedly expects even more from the Christian.
Let us never be guilty of giving less than one-tenth of
our income to the Lord.
4. The manner of Christian giving. What we give
must be given freely, cheerfully and humbly (2 Cor.
9:6, 7). If not cheerfully given, better not be given
at all. Giving for the sake of respectability, or to be
seen of men, is an abomination in the sight of God
(Luke 16:15; Matt. 23:5). Every Christian, giving
to the Lord's work cheerfully, regularly, as God hath
prospered him, would soon solve the financial problem
of many congregations.
5. The Bible condemnation of covetousness (Luke
12 : 15 ; 1 Cor. 6:9, 10 ; Eph. 5 : 3-5) . There is no evil
in material wealth, if honestly gained, and dedicated
to the glory of God. Wealth, however, has a tendency
to develop covetousness, and covetousness will damn
the soul (Luke 18:18-25). The person who is funda-
mentally selfish at heart has never been "born again."
A covetous man is more unlike Christ than any other
person in the world (1 Cor. 5:9-11). The church has
greatly sinned in dealing with covetous members.
Ananias and Sapphira tried to keep back a portion
of their possessions. They suffered the consequences of
their folly, Many Christians to-day are withholding
from God a portion of that which rightfully belongs to
Him. The fate of Ananias and Sapphira should be a
most solemn warning to all that it is impossible to
steal from God without just retribution. People must
be warned to flee covetousness as a pestilence. Because
ministers have failed to live up to their duty along
this line, hundreds of professed Christians are going
straight to the perdition of ungodly men (2 Pet, 2:
Christianity is pre-eminently a religion of sacri-
fice. The story is told that Phillips Brooks once called
upon Cornelius Vanderbilt, the multimillionaire, to ask
for money to carry out a certain benevolent project.
Mr. Vanderbilt wrote a check for two thousand dollars,
then reached in his pocket, secured a two-dollar bill,
and laid it upon the check, offering the amount to the
preacher. The latter was somewhat puzzled. Said he:
"I do not understand why you have given me this bill
along with such a generous check. " To which Mr. Van-
derbilt replied: "That check amounts to nothing. It
does not even represent a small fraction of my income.
But I sat up all the way from Buffalo to New York the
other night, instead of buying a Pullman berth, to save
this two dollars. It represents a sacrifice, and I want
you to accept it as such''
A congregation that represents thousands of dollars
in bank accounts, real estate, farm land, live stock, etc.,
but lingers along with half or quarter time preaching,
without any sense of missionary obligation whatever,
is not a congregation of Christians, but a congregation
of heathen.
Men must learn and apply the Bible principles of
Christian giving. Because they have depended upon
human wisdom instead of the wisdom of God, the
church has often been brought into disrepute in many
communities. In such manner, church fairs, bazaars,
oyster suppers, public dinners, and so on, have origi-
nated, which have done more to destroy the power of
the church over the world than any other cause. The
Lord's business should be financed by the Lord's peo-
ple. The church lowers her prestige by making indis-
criminate appeals to men of the world for financial
assistance. When we begin to teach the Bible prin-
ciples of liberality, and warn people to flee covetous-
ness, the business side of Christianity will soon adjust