The testimony of Tom Reed
“the angel extended his arm and placed his hand over my grandfather’s head”
On October 10, 1979 God revealed himself to me in a wonderful way at mygrandfather’s funeral. My grandfather was a Christian man who was dying inthe nursing home at the age of 89. When I would visit him he would alwaystell me to pray to God. I was 25 years old, and didn’t know God. In spiteof his pain, he seemed to be more concerned for me than for himself. In hispain, he would cry out to God for mercy.
I attended his funeral in October, 1979. His pastor asked everyone to bowtheir heads and pray as he read from the King James Bible. When I closedmy eyes and began to listen to the word of God, I felt the power of the HolySpirit pour through the top of my head and flow all through me. Next, I sawa crimson red fire flow over the pastor’s head. I opened my natural eyesand saw nothing extraordinary. I immediately closed my eyes and continuedto see what God was doing. The fire left the pastor and then sprung up outof the Holy Bible like a mighty fountain. The Holy fire poured out in frontof my grandfather’s coffin until all the fire was in front of his coffin.At this point, the fire grew and then clarified itself into the form of aman. The angel was praying as the word of God continued to be read. As thelast words left the pastor’s mouth, the angel extended his arm and placedhis hand over my grandfather’s head. I then opened my eyes and did not seethe angel and immediately closed them and saw nothing more.
God later showed me from His Bible that the angel was sent to seal or toplace God’s name on my grandfather’s forehead for the first resurrectionwhen Jesus returns. Several months later, I was testifying to my great-uncle.He told me he believed in a higher power, but rejected Jesus Christ. I wenthome and began to pray to God, I said, “Father, I believe Jesus Christ isyour son, but I don’t know it; let me know it.” God spoke plainly to me throughthe Holy Spirit, “I’ve given you everything, go back to your vision”. I obeyedand went over the vision in my mind. When I considered the Holy fire flowingout of the Bible, God said, “There, yes the Bible is my inspired word; yesJesus Christ is my son.” I have always known that Jesus is the Son of theliving God Jehovah from that moment.
Additionally, the angel looked very Semitic, wore a robe that went to hisankles and belled sleeves that extended to the middle of his forearms. Hehad a type of beard I’ve never seen before. The beard was a six inch columnof hair on his chin (the kind you see on statues of the ancient Pharaoh’s.
He was composed entirely of red fire, and was not transparent. His form wasnot fuzzy, but was clear and defined (Just like someone you see with thenatural eye only fire). The only thing in the vision that differed from thenatural decor of the funeral parlor was a three-chambered backdrop (1 John5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, The Word,and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.) and the angel himself.
The vision lasted about 40 seconds.
If anyone wishes to correspond with Bro. Reed, they can contact him