God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
Remorse, regret, sorrow, and the pain provoked by sin will only increase and intensify the longer we are Christians. Maturity in the faith does not lead to less sorrow over sin, but more. The pain does not diminish; it deepens.
(Acts 11:14.)
IN this century of the world's existence science con-
tradicts itself. Ideas that were advanced as scientific
fifty years ago have been altogether changed in the
light of modern discoveries. Science, at its best, is
merely man's attempt to fathom the laws of God.
As man grows in the understanding of natural law,
the Bible and science harmonize more and more. When
man approaches a full knowledge of natural law, if
that thing is possible, science and the Bible will be
At this time we are studying the word power of
God. A careful scrutiny of the Scriptures will reveal
the fact that God has always done things through
the agency of His word.
Words are expressions of ideas. Taken together,
they constitute the intelligible expression of thought.
The word of God is the expression of infinite thought
in terms of human comprehension. Let us see what
God has done by means of His word.
1. The worlds were brought into existence through
the agency of the Word. We find the phrase "And
God said" nine different times in the first chapter
of Genesis; and always the thing said came to pass.
By the power of His word He brought the universe
out of chaos (Ps. 33: 6-9).
2. The universe is sustained by the same power.
Things do not move by chance. Note the marvelous
regularity and symmetry of the solar system. What
maintains all of this order in nature? (Heb. 1:1-3;
2 Pet, 3:7.)
3. The miracles of the Old Testament were per-
formed by the same Word power.
a. Moses speaks to the rock (Num. 20: 8).
h. Joshua speaks to the sun (Josh. 10:12).
4. The Word became flesh (John 1:1-14). Christ
as the Word of God. There is nothing so close to a
man as his own thoughts. Christ was the ideal of
God. He was the exponent of God's word. He bore
the same nearness to God as God's own thoughts
(John 14:9; 1 John 1:1). The babe in the manger
was God's power clothed in flesh and blood. No wonder
that he received the adoration of the Magi!
5. Jesus performed miracles by the same Word
a. Feeding the multitudes (Matt. 14:19).
b. Stilling the tempest (Matt. 8:26).
c. Healing the sick (Matt. 8:3; 8:8; John 4:50).
d. Casting out demons (Matt. 8:32; Mark 1:25).
e. Raising the dead (Luke 7:14; John 11:43).
6. When Christ returned to the Father, the Spirit
brought this Word power to the apostles, on the day
of Pentecost (Luke 24:49; John 16:13; Acts 2:4).
Peter's sermon (Acts 2:14-36). The effect of this
Word preached by Peter upon the multitude (Acts
7. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation.
He has embodied this Word power in the gospel.
a. Ps. 19 : 7. It converts the soul.
b. Isa. 2:3; Mic. 4:2. This Word was to go forth
from Jerusalem.
c. Mark 16 : 15. The gospel to be preached, and
to be preached first at Jerusalem (Luke 24:47).
d. Rom. 1 : 16. Not a power, nor one of the powers,
but the power.
8. The apostles performed miracles through the
same power.
a. The lame man at the Beautiful Gate (Acts 3:6).
b. Aeneas at Lydda (Acts 9:34).
c. Tabitha in the city of Joppa (Acts 9:40).
9. The Word, whether written or spoken, makes
believers (John 2:22; 6:63; 17:20; 20:30, 31).
10. All conversions resulted from the preaching
of the Word.
a. The three thousand (Acts 2:14-37).
b. The Samaritans (Acts 8:5-12).
c. The eunuch (Acts 8:30-35).
d. Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9: 6; 22: 10).
e. Cornelius and his house.(Acts 11:14; 10:
f. Lydia and her household (Acts 16: 14, 15).
g. The jailor and his household (Acts 16:32).
h. The Corinthians (Acts 18:8).
The Word is irresistible by material things (John
1:1; Heb. 1 : 3 ; 2 Pet. 3:5). The control of mind over
But the Word can be resisted by man (Eom. 13:
1, 2). It can be neglected by man (Heb. 2:1-4). To
resist the Word is to nullify the power of God. The
fate of those who resist the Word (2 Thess. 1:8;
1 Pet. 4:17). Let us obey the gospel of our Lord
Jesus Christ, and enjoy its wonderful promises (Heb.