The Basic Unit Of Life

The Basic Unit Of LIfe

by Dr. S.H. Tow

Darwin’s hypothesis of “spontaneous generation” of life was founded on the belief that at that time a cell (the basic unit of life) was a simple structure and lifeless chemicals coming together, “when conditions were just right” could form a tiny one-celled organism, a protozoa or amoeba. From this one-cell organism all life forms have evolved, so goes the evolutionary make-believe.

The National Geographic Society of America has published a “geography of the living cell,” showing it to be an immensely complex and exquisitely organized system, something hidden from human view until the invention of the electron microscope. The cell membrane alone was a marvel of creation and function, acting like a city wall or sentinel guardpost, screening all comers with uncanny selectivity.

Within the cell are elaborate systems for power production, communications, garbage disposal, and life sustaining processes. The nucleus of the cell or the “brain” is in the DNA with encoded genetic information which when decoded would fill a hundred volumes of an encyclopedia, each of ten thousand pages. This genetic information is passed on unerringly from one generation to the next, determining a hundred thousand features and characters in the offspring.

Evolutionists would like us to believe that all this happened by chance, and not by design; that every human being and his sixty trillion cells organised into dozens of marvellously efficient systems came by chance. Let them ponder the Psalmist’s words, “for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works, and that my soul knoweth right well . . . in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned …. ” —RPG Pubs., Singapore