The Beauty Of Our Mountain Title: The Beauty of Our Mountain Text: Heb. 12: 18-29 Tracing: Preached 6/17/90 P.M. at SDCC. Topic: Theme: Comparison of Covenants
Prim Goal :
Intnd Aud.:
Intro.: I Love Mountains! – Kiamichis, Queen Wilhemena Mt., Rockies, etc. Mountains play a big role in Scripture: Ark on Ararat, Law on Sinai, Sac. of Isaac, Temple on Mt. Zion, Elijah & prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel, Transfiguration of Jesus, etc. In Heb. 12, as an encouragement to perseverance and holiness v.12- 17., the writer uses the Mountains of Sinai and Zion to illustrate the difference between the Old Covenant and the New. The Old Covenant was represented by Mt. Sinai, where Moses saw the burning bush and later the Law of Moses was given. Read v. 18- 21. Compare Dt. 4:10-12, Ex. 19:9-25 20:18-21. The New Covenant was represented by Mt. Zion, the temple mount (actually meaning the church). Read v. 22-24 In these two descriptions, ÿthere are four specific ÿcontrasts between ÿthe covenants that should motivate us to perseverance and holiness. Body: I. WE COME NOT TO A DESERT MOUNTAIN BUT TO A CITY! Some joke that the reason God didn’t allow the bush to burn up was that there were no more around or that the real miracle was in finding a bush there available to burn. Sinai was desolate, barren – Zion was beautiful. This ÿpoints ÿto ÿa different view of ÿGod ÿin ÿthe ÿdifferent covenants. ÿNo longer a vengeful God, destroying all who approach but one who has built a city, and wants us to join Him. How is this? God is unchanging! –> ÿcleansing power of Jesus’ blood! II. WE COME NOT TO AN EARTHLY MOUNTAIN BUT TO A HEAVENLY ONE. They went to a physical mountain which, ÿhad they dared, ÿthey could have touched. ÿThe mountain to which we come is a ÿheavenly one, ÿÿimmaterial ÿto ÿour present senses. ÿJesus said “I ÿgo ÿto prepare ÿa place for you” ÿbut while this is still future in ÿsome sense, ÿit is also a present reality “You have come!” ÿThe Church is that mountain! ÿThe “Church of the Firstborn”. “Firstborn” is plural – referring to us! We will have a favored position! 2 III. ÿWE COME NOT TO A MOUNTAIN FULL OF DEATH BUT TO ONE FULL OF ABUNDANT LIFE! Mt. ÿSinai full of death, ÿthreats, ÿand fear! ÿPeople didn’t want to hear but “begged off”. Illus. wrestler. “Tell Moses, ÿnot us!” Even animals killed. Mt. ÿÿZion ÿthough ÿis inhabited by the LIVING ÿGod, ÿÿAngels, Firstborn, spirits of righteous men made perfect, etc. The ÿBlood of Abel and that of the Sacrifices said, ÿ”This man deserves to die!” ÿThat of Christ says, ÿ”This child of God ÿmust Live!” IV. WE COME NOT TO AN EMPTY AND UNNATTAINABLE MOUNTAIN BUT TO ONE WITH OPEN ACCESS TO GOD. Only Moses (& later Aaron) on Mt. Sinai. Later, only the High Priest in the Holy of Holies. The whole covenant characterized by the inaccessibility of God! God’s Presence – Veil – only H.P. Holy Place – wall – only Priests. Court of Israel – wall – only Jewish men. Court of Women – wall – only Jews! Eph. 2:14 – Jesus destroyed the dividing wall of hostility! “Gentiles come on in, Ladies follow me, Men what are you waiting for?, Priests get with it, WE ALL ENTER GOD’S PRESENCE! Conc.: What accounts for the difference? Only the blood of Jesus! To approach without cleansing is arrogant presumption! Doesn’t mean that you must be perfect to approach God but you must know Jesus – He makes you perfect. Because of the glory of our covenant, let us not “beg off” (refuse him) v.25 and let us show gratitude by serving Him v. 28.
Comments: Prepared by Scott L. Purcell Minister of Stokelan Drive Christian Church 1501 Stokelan Drive Malden, MO 63863 (314) 276-2343 Reproduce, modify, and use freely for the glory of God and the Growth of the Kingdom! If these outlines are of some benefit to you, a note, postcard, or phone-call would be most welcome!