The Boundaries Of Christianity THE BOUNDARY OF CHRISTIANITY B2-09-6A Prov. 23:10-12 INTRODUCTION: III. THE BOUNDRY IS HOLINESS OF THE HEART A. “Other Christians can, why can’t we?” A. Legalism will not change the heart B. Desire to know, “How far can I go?” 1. “Thou shalt nots” are “not sufficient” 2. “You will split hell wide open” only widens I. THERE IS A BOUNDRY ESTABLISHED the gap of emnity (want to but can’t) A. There ARE restrictions and rules B. Love for God is the boundry B. “Which ones?” 1. “If ye love me, you will obey…” 1. Those practiced by our forefathers 2. “His commandments are not grevious” 2. Those recognized today C. Don’t try to ride the fence of wordliness C. It is only through walking with God 1. “Shun the very appearance of evil” 1. “Liberals” vs. “conservatives” 2. Then hear Him say, “Well done….” 2. Jere 31:21, “set thee up way marks” 3. A difference between God’s way and others’ CONCLUSION: TRUST GOD AND LIVE–DOUBT HIM AND DIE 4. The boundry defines that difference A. Prov. 3:5-6 a. “A way that seemeth right…” 1. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart” b. “The way, the truth & the life” 2. “Lean not unto thine own understanding” c. Jesus will call us “AWAY” 3. “In all thy ways acknowledge Him” 4. “And He shall direct thy paths” II. THE BOUNDRY MAY NOT BE SEEN OR UNDERSTOOD B. Prov. 4:18, “But the path of the just is as A. Mary “pondered” the shepherd’s story the shining light that shineth more and more 1. Whether she believed or not, Jesus is same unto the perfect day.” 2. Even if she did not see, He is still same B. Apostles only understood AFTER His ascension C. Jeremiah 6:16 1. “Stand ye in the ways and see” 2. “Ask for the old paths, where is the good way,” 3. “Walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.” 4. “But they said, We will not walk therein.” D. We are headed for doom if we fail 1. Criminals released after short time 2. Morality changes to excuse “live-togethers” 3. Dope in our public schools 4. Pornography & liquor in every grocery store 5. Swearing & taking God’s name in vain on TV and even practiced by so-called “Christians”