by Connie on 2002-06-30 00:01:05


Proverbs 13:6 – “…wickedness overthroweth the sinner.”

Psalm 140:11 – “…evil shall hunt the violent man to overthrow him.”

Proverbs 5:22 – “His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he
shall be holden with the cords of his sins.”

Wickedness distorts the Truth, perverts the thinking, twists the
mentality, turns upside down every good venture in one’s life, and ruins
every relationship that one could possibly enjoy. It destroys, while
plunging the sinner into a pit of no return, and overthrows him, leaving
him with a feeling of utter despair and hopelessness.

As a blood-hound hunts down a murderer and as a lion hunts his prey to
then tear him to pieces – evil, calamity, and disaster eagerly, keenly,
and speedily hunt down the “violent man” – the evil doer, the unrighteous
and cruel man – in order to destroy him.

A man’s own perversity, iniquity, and depravity ensnares him. It
captures, seizes, and catches him in a type of net, trap, or pit. It
grasps, holds down, and closes in on its victim.

Most people who “play with SIN” are under the false impression that they
can quit at any time that they choose. NOT SO! They find out before long
that they are trapped; they are ensnared. They cannot get free. They
discover that their own Sin becomes like ropes, cords, or bands about
their soul and body. They realize in due time that Sin becomes as a noose
that gets tighter and tighter around their neck until it chokes the very
life out of them. It becomes as a band or strong company that overtakes
and holds its victim captive.

Satan wants nothing more than for all of us to believe lies concerning
Sin and its horrible consequences in our lives. So many have eaten the
“fruit of lies”, thinking that a certain action would bring great
pleasure and enjoyment, only to find that it brought great damage and
devastation instead.

Perhaps there is someone today who is reading this message who has given
place to Sin and its enticements. Now you find yourself trapped and
ensnared. You got more than you bargained for – ruin, calamity,
destruction, and disaster. You feel as though you are in a pit of some
sort out of which you cannot find your way out. The guilt and
condemnation of your wrongdoing has you bound with heavy spiritual cords.
You feel like an animal that is held fast in a trap – the more you try to
get free, the more pain you suffer.

So many today are bound by pornography – the lusts of the flesh and the
lusts of the eyes. Many are involved in adultery and homosexuality. They
feverishly try to keep their wrongdoing a secret, but they have no idea
how much longer they can go on living this “hidden life.” Some are bound
by cigarettes and cannot get free; while others are bound by alcohol.
Others are bound by unclean thoughts; a vicious temper; a loose,
gossiping tongue that wreaks havoc in every relationship; a prideful and
arrogant disposition which looks down upon others with contempt; an
insanely, covetous spirit that has to have everything that he or she
sees; a lying tongue which conjures up stories to impress others and
hides the truth about oneself to avoid rejection from others; or a
bitter, hateful attitude toward those who hurt, used, or abused them in

Where can deliverance be found? Is there a way out of such bondage? Who
has the power to set men free this day?

Man certainly does not! All that he can come up with are time-consuming
one-step, two-step, three-step, etc. programs which cost exorbitant
prices and offer no relief whatsoever. One leaves these programs being
told that they will be this way the rest of their life. Once this way –
always this way! The only thing that man offers is a silly program of Sin

But there is ONE today Who can change you from the inside out! He can
take that Sin that is within, cleanse you of it, breaks its oppressive
power over you, and TOTALLY set you free from it. You don’t need
one-step, two-steps, or three steps. In the twinkling of the eye, this

The ONE I am talking about is JESUS!

He is the Mighty Deliverer!

He has ALL Power in heaven and in earth.
He died on the Cross to pay the price for men’s sins.
His Blood can wash away the stain of any and every SIN.
His Word can bring down any stronghold that Satan and his demon hordes
can conjure up.

His Spirit can quicken any soul that has experienced death through SIN.
His Resurrection Power can destroy any work of the devil in one’s life.

There is POWER in the NAME of JESUS!
There is VICTORY in the NAME of JESUS!
There is DELIVERANCE in the NAME of JESUS!
There is HEALING in the NAME of JESUS!
There is SALVATION in the NAME of JESUS!
There is FREEDOM in the NAME of JESUS!





You don’t have to be bound by Sin any longer.
Jesus Christ this day makes you every whit whole.
Just call on His name in repentance for your wrongdoing and Sin.
Admit it and then through His Mighty Power – quit it!

You don’t have to be enslaved any more.
The GOOD NEWS is that you can be FREE – FREE INDEED!

John 8:36 – “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free

The songwriter said it this way –

“Jesus breaks every fetter,

Jesus breaks every fetter,

Jesus breaks every fetter,

And He sets men free.”

How Wonderful, How Glorious is this Mighty Savior!
He can and will set you free!

Just believe when you call on His name!


In the name of Jesus I lift up every one this day who is
struggling with some kind of bondage. Lord Jesus, You told us in Your
Word that we were to look unto You to be saved. We know that that word
“saved” includes deliverance and healing for our souls.

There are some today who are reading this message who have been
ensnared by Sin. They have tried so hard to be free, only to find that
they fell deeper and deeper into its trap and snare.

This day I am asking You that You would set every captive free by
Your Mighty Holy Ghost Power. I ask that You would release Your ANOINTING
through this message and prayer. Touch each one with Your nail-scarred
hands from the top of their heads to the bottom of their feet. Send Your
Word and heal them and deliver them from all destruction. Cause every
yoke of Bondage to be destroyed through Your Awesome Anointing.
Satan, I bind, rebuke, and cast out every spirit that is

tormenting, trapping, ensnaring, destroying, stealing from, and killing
these precious people. Loose them RIGHT NOW and let them go free! I
command your works to cease in these people’s lives.
Lord Jesus, be glorified in each person’s life who is reading

this message today. Have Your Way and work your mighty works in each one.

And we will be careful to give You ALL of the Praise, Honor, and


May God Bless His Word.

Connie Giordano