The Exorcist the movie



Many articles written about “The Exorcist” make mention of the many “mishaps” which occurred during production of the movie.

The following are just a few of the strange things which happened: Fires broke out on the set. The large object that the star worships in the film disappeared and ended up somewhere in the East, thousands of miles away. Almost everyone in the film had a serious illness, accident or death in their families. Heart attacks, a broken back, death of a member of their family of everyone who had any part of the acting or filming of this movie.

One star’s child was on the beach and from out of nowhere a car ran over him and he almost died. All the stars in the film said they will never be the same again. People have committed suicide after seeing this film. Many physical disorders, depression, despondency and other effects.

God clearly warns against anyone delving into Satanic witchcraft and devil worship, even out of a curious nature. God’s warning to those who allow themselves to be opened to witchcraft and satanic activity is found in Leviticus 20:6, “And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.” See also Deuteronomy 18:10, 11.


By F.W. Thomas

There is an ever-growing interest in our day concerning psychic phenomena. Occult book stores, a recent attraction to many cities, are kept busy trying to cope with the demand for books on black magic and witchcraft. Public libraries also report that many people are showing a keen interest in books on “demonology” and the “occult. The evil scourge of “occultism” has trapped many an unwary soul by its bewitching wiles.

The dark practices of occultism are many and varied, covering the whole field of astrology, fortune-telling, necromancy (consulting the dead), ghosts, hauntings, spiritualism, clairvoyance, magic power of charms, white and black magic, amulet-pacts, and the unholy bloodpact (selling of one’s soul to the devil).

We are well aware that many so-called intelligent people completely reject the occult and brand it as superstitious nonsense. Such persons are the victims of a rationalistic age and have no understanding concerning the spiritual forces which transcend man’s reason. Not everything that is done in the occult realm is swindle and humbug as some suppose. Abundant evidence does exist to support the claim that the “dark powers” of the occult are indeed real.


In May 1953, the newspapers of Manila, and around the world, gave sensational front page reports of a seventeen year old girl who was BITTEN BY DEVILS in Bilibid Prison, Manila, Philippines. The Manila Chronicle newspaper of May 13, 1953 wrote:

“Police medical investigators last night failed to give a convincing explanation to the puzzling case of the girl who claimed she was attacked by demons, and who substantiated the claim with marks on her skin. At least twenty-five competent persons including Manila’s chief of police, Col. Cesar Lucero, say that it is a very realistic example of a horrified woman being bitten to insanity by `invisible persons’! She displayed several bite marks all over her body, inflicted by nobody as far as the twenty-five witnesses could see. Villanueva writhed in pain, shouted and screamed in anguish whenever the `invisible demons’ attacked her.”

It is interesting to note that a group of “spiritualists” tried to exorcise the tormenting demons from the poor girl, but failed. (See Manila Chronicle of May 16, 1953 for the full story). However, God did use a Bible believing Protestant minister to pray the prayer of deliverance. This demon possessed girl was set completely free in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Here we have an authentic case of modern day demon possession. This case of demon possession made the second biggest newspaper story in Manila for 1953.


The casting of horoscopes is big business today. It is estimated that in the United States 170 newspapers and magazines carry daily horoscopes. We are told that there are several thousand well paid astrologers. There is a lot of swindle and superstition connected with astrology. Nevertheless, the fact remains that there are many cases recorded where detailed horoscopes came true, even in the smallest details.

The following usually happens to those who begin to pattern their decisions and life by the horoscope. Behind the scenes demon forces begin to manipulate events and circumstances in order to make a person’s horoscope come true. The life of the horoscope victim (unbeknown to himself) THUS BECOMES CONTROLLED BY DEMONS! Astrology, therefore, is actually just another fortune-telling art. It has been observed that serious psychic disorders often afflict those who dabble in astrology. The Bible declares: “Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee. Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame…” Isaiah 47:13, 14.


The Bible clearly teaches that genuine fortune-telling powers do exist. In Acts 16:16 the apostle Paul met a fortune-telling woman at Philippi. In the Name of Christ he commanded the spirit of divination to come out of her. It was through the power of the Name of Christ that this fortune-teller was set free.

Genuine fortune-tellers, at the moment of fortune-telling, whether they read tea leaves , cards, or the palm, usually have a strange power come over them. Another spirit seems to take control, and the fortune-teller says things which she has no knowledge of herself. Those who have anything to do with fortunetellers are playing with destructive forces that will damn their soul. It is a known fact that fortune-telling (and every other occult practice) develops an uncanny inner resistance against all divine things. Sinister forces seem to immunize the soul of the one dabbling in the occult from making a decision to accept Christ.


There is a deep longing in man to know about life beyond the grave. Instead of believing what the Bible teaches about eternity, spiritualists have given themselves over to seek after “spirits” in order to learn about life after death. Many mediums are indeed able to make contact with spirits. But the spirits they communicate with are certainly not the spirits of deceased loved ones. Rather, they are evil spirits, or demons, WHO IMPERSONATE THE DEAD. It is distinctly stated in Scripture that Satan can transform himself into an angel of light AND SO CAN HIS MINISTERS, THE DEMONS (2 Cor. 11:14).

Not many people are aware that there are various kinds of spiritualists. We have the “rational spiritualists” who deny the inspiration of the Bible, the fall of man, the existence of hell, the divinity of Christ and His atoning work on the Cross. Secondly, there are the so-called “Christian spiritualists”. This group has embellished their “Spiritualism” with Christian accessories and trimmings. In their “churches” can be found statues of Christ and the Virgin Mary along with altars and crucifixes. This type of thing has a certain appeal for those who like to remain orthodox. Christian spiritualists claim to believe in the Leadership of Christ and His redemptive power. However, Christ’s redemptive power, they say, IS NOT IN HIS SHED BLOOD but rather in His example of love. This brand of spiritualism is indeed subtle and dangerous BECAUSE IT TRIES TO HIDE BEHIND A CHRISTIAN FRONT. Thirdly, we have the “spiritists” who openly admit they are not Christian in any sense of the word. Spiritists do not believe in prayer or hymn singing (as do some spiritualists), and many of them deny the existence of God. Some spiritists will even confess that they are controlled by evil spirits.

Spiritualists and spiritists, regardless of their various beliefs, all have one thing in common, THE SAME SPIRIT MANIFESTATIONS ARE FOUND IN ALL THEIR MEETINGS! Demons do not always appear with the face of evil; sometimes they pose as angels of light. God’s curse is on those who dabble in the black arts and spiritualism. The Bible declares: “There shall not be found among you… a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord.” (Deut. 18:10- 12)


Charmers who use white magic are merely camouflaging their demonic work with religious words and Christian symbols. White magic is Satan transforming himself into an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14). The number “three” plays an important part in white magic. Charming is usually done by making three crosses or in the three highest names. victims of white magic relate that after they have been charmed, psychic disorders would invariably set in. Some would see fearful apparitions at night and hear voices. Others would experience a terrible unrest. Even Christians, who have foolishly allowed themselves to be charmed, have found they could no longer pray! They confess that a spirit of disgust sweeps over them for God’s Word and all divine things! It is well to remember that one must pay a high price for magic help.


More terrible than white magic is the art of Black Magic. It is only in black magic that enchantments for persecution and revenge appear. Black magic also has charms for defense and healing. Those who resort to black magic are known as black magicians and have sold their souls to the devil. They have done this by making a pact with the devil in their own blood. In Paris and Rome, and also in the United States, there are occult churches where one can only become a member by subscribing himself to the devil.

There are occult books which are as important to the magician as the Bible is to the Christian. Many occult practitioners use the charms found in the Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses. Actually Moses had nothing to do with these books. The occult has simply elevated Moses as their patron saint because of his victory over Pharaoh’s magicians. In the Sixth Book of Moses (chapter 6) the devil makes the following promise: “To whatever person possesses this book at any given time, Lucifer makes promise to help and to carry out his commands but only as long as he possesses the book”. In all homes where these and other occult books are kept psychic disorders of every kind appear.

Case histories of occult practitioners tell of fearful death-bed scenes. Upon dying they have been known to plead for weeks: “Take the gift away from me so I can find rest”. Relatives of occult practitioners have told of actually seeing dreadful looking devils – with sneering faces – hovering over their dying victim and waiting for him to take his last gasping breath.

The Scriptures teach that God has set certain laws and boundaries which man must not transgress. Any unlawful trafficking in the occult often brings an immediate punishment. Case histories show that those who dabble in the occult are often troubled at night by spook phenomena. Untold numbers of these poor souls often end up in insane asylums.

It appears that within man there is a protective barrier sheltering him to a certain extent from the baneful influence of demons. Once a person begins dabbling in the occult this protective fence is broken down. The victim henceforth becomes the prey of wicked spirit forces. Occultly subjected people often confess that it was not too difficult for them to make contact with the spirits. However, once they became aware of the diabolical nature of spirit intercourse and sought to renounce this evil, they found to their dismay that no power on earth could free them. Many who have tried to break free, by their own power, relate that such a decision succeeded only in inflaming the hellish rage of the controlling spirits. When the Spirits see that a victim is trying to escape their grasp, they will incessantly torment him until he well nigh loses his reason.


Neither psychology, psychiatry or medicine can cure occultly disturbed people. Only the power of the living God can set these poor captives free. The Bible declares: “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.”(I John 3:8). Regardless of what oaths you might have taken, or how deeply you are enmeshed in Spiritualism and the black arts – CHRIST DIED TO SAVE YOUR SOUL. You can be set completely free by the Power of the Risen Savior. Jesus has promised: “Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out”.(John 6:37). The precious shed Blood of Christ can cleanse your soul and make you whiter than the driven snow. The Bible declares: “…the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” (I John 1:7). Believe these promises in God’s Word, act upon them, and deliverance and salvation will be yours,


Bible References Forbidding the Following:

  1. Divination (the practice or act of foreseeing or foretelling the future or the unknown by occult means). Deut. 18:10-14. Please note: Only Jesus can heal a demon possessed soul. See Acts 16:16-18
  2. Magicians. Exodus 7:10-13; 8:16-19; 9:8-12. Please note that the power of God is greater than the power of magicians.
  3. Necromancy (black magic, communication with the dead). Forbidden by God – See Deut. 18:10, 11.
  4. Witchcraft (the power or practices of witches; black magic; sorcery). Leviticus 19:31, 20:6, Exodus 22:18.

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