The Power Of Romans 828

The POWER of Romans 8:28

“We know that all things work together for good to them that love God” (Romans 8:28).

“John, I am afraid you don’t love me any more,” said his wife wistfully.

“Don’t love you? Why, my dear, I love you more than life itself!” he exclaimed. “Now will you let me read my paper?”

And do we not sometimes express our love for God in about the same manner? Certainly we love Him, more than life itself, as John put it; but how often do we take the time to tell Him so? Our God could say to us, as He did to the church at Ephesus, “Thou hast left thy first love” (Revelation 2:4); and few of us could deny it.

Let us consider how a young man can love the girl of his choice. He thinks of her all day and dreams of her at night. He must see her or talk to her at every opportunity. He does everything in his power to please her and make her happy.

But do we love the Lord Jesus like that? We ought to. When we love Him enough to keep our minds stayed on Him, He keeps us “in perfect peace” (Isaiah 26:3). We must remember too that in His “presence is fullness of joy” (Psalms 16:11).

When we have received such an astonishing manifestation of God’s great love for us, it does seem like we ought to let His divine love so control us, that we will return His love in some little measure at least.

What a wonderful lesson a parent can learn from his child. Suppose your little girl crawled up in your arms and kissed you. You would be likely to ask, “What do you want now?” But she says, “I don’t want anything, Daddy. I just want to be with you and to love you.” Would you not appreciate such affection more than anything else in the world? I am sure that you would. Then why can we not be like that with our loving heavenly Father, after all His lovingkindness to us?

Let us get alone with Him more often and tell Him that we’ love Him. Let us say with the little girl, “Not anything this time, Lord; I just want to be with you and to love you.” Perhaps you do not feel very much affection for Him. But you do have a little, don’t you? Then tell Him about what little you have, and you may find – to your surprise – that your affection for Him will go up a dozen degrees in a very short time.

We may see very little love manifested in this world today, but we can always come into His presence and love Him, and understand His love for us until our whole being is filled and thrilled with a joy we have not known before.

I remember once when I was expecting some very serious difficulties, that suddenly everything began working out for my good in the most surprising and unexpected ways. I just couldn’t account for it at all. Then the truth of Romans 8:28 came to my attention. I was spending a great deal of time alone with Him, loving Him in a way I had never known before. And as a result, all things were now working together for my good in a way I had never know before.

It dawned on me that if we only love Him in a general sort of way, that things will work out for our good in a general sort of way. But if we love Him in a very special way, we can expect things to work out for us in a very special way.

Then let us love Him more and really delight ourselves in Him. Let us draw from Romans 8:28 some of the divine power locked up in that verse. Remember that Jesus says, “he that hath My commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me: and he that loveth Me shall be loved of My Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him” (John 14:21).

“Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart” (Psalm 37:4).

C. D. Carter

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