The Teachers Prepares
- Introduction
- Do our pupils know what the church believes?
- Survey given to 150 freshmen at a Christian College (Upper half of class, 15 yrs of SS)
- “Name one Israelite judge?” None knew Samuel, etc.
- “It was ______, who, in obedience to God, took his son ________, to Mount Moriah in order to sacrifice him?” 7 knew Abraham – 11 knew Isaac
- “Name Isaac’s wife?” 60 knew Rebecca
- Have Christian teachers captured the interest of pupils?
- Hindrances to Effective Teaching
- Too busy to prepare adaquately
- Don’t know how to prepare
- Think too small (one lesson at a time)
- Teacher Needs to Study the Bible
- Long range preparation
- Familiar with the Bible as a whole
- Historical background of Biblical stories
- Teacher Needs Other Tools
- Concordance, dictionary, atlas, commentary
- Book of illustrations, book on methods, age groups, worship & social ideas.
- Long-Range Preparation
- Read lesson materials for the quarter
- Note the particular units for the full year or cycle
- Make a file folder for each unit of the quarter & watch for ideas, etc on these varied subjects
- Search for visual teaching aids (toys, pictures, objects, puppets, etc.
- Know your pupils & their interests
- Plan activities that involve the students (ideas?)
- Plan for Weekly Lessons
- Read Scripture
- Read lesson helps–Teacher’s Manual
- Read Pupil’s Manual
- Check aim, adapt if necessary
- Keep pupils in mind
- Do research
- Check idea file
- Organize material
- Plan to use visual aids
- Plan for participation
- Plan for total class period
- Pray
- Value of Lesson Period Plan
- Plan all that you will do during the period
- Help visualize ways of involving each member of class
- Gain variety in class procedure
- Insure that you have best possible materials at hand
- Releases from “spur-of-the-moment” imagination blanks
- Teach with confidence due to preparation
LESSON PERIOD PLAN FOR CLASS ON _________________(date)
Lesson Topic: ________________________________________________________
General Theme for Quarter: ___________________________________________
My Aim for This Class: _______________________________________________
My Procedure for This Class: (Materials I need for teaching, such as Bibles, pupils’ quarterlies, pictures, maps, chalk board, chalk, eraser, etc.) ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
What I will do first during the class session: _______________________
How I plan to get every member of my class actively involved in the learning situation:
The main points I will emphasize: ____________________________________
How I plan to close the class session: _______________________________
NOTES: _______________________________________________________________