The Teachers Prepares



  1. Introduction
    1. Do our pupils know what the church believes?
    2. Survey given to 150 freshmen at a Christian College (Upper half of class, 15 yrs of SS)
      1. “Name one Israelite judge?” None knew Samuel, etc.
      2. “It was ______, who, in obedience to God, took his son ________, to Mount Moriah in order to sacrifice him?” 7 knew Abraham – 11 knew Isaac
      3. “Name Isaac’s wife?” 60 knew Rebecca
    3. Have Christian teachers captured the interest of pupils?
  2. Hindrances to Effective Teaching
    1. Too busy to prepare adaquately
    2. Don’t know how to prepare
    3. Think too small (one lesson at a time)
  3. Teacher Needs to Study the Bible
    1. Long range preparation
    2. Familiar with the Bible as a whole
    3. Historical background of Biblical stories
  4. Teacher Needs Other Tools
    1. Concordance, dictionary, atlas, commentary
    2. Book of illustrations, book on methods, age groups, worship & social ideas.


  1. Long-Range Preparation
    1. Read lesson materials for the quarter
    2. Note the particular units for the full year or cycle
    3. Make a file folder for each unit of the quarter & watch for ideas, etc on these varied subjects
    4. Search for visual teaching aids (toys, pictures, objects, puppets, etc.
    5. Know your pupils & their interests
    6. Plan activities that involve the students (ideas?)
  2. Plan for Weekly Lessons
    1. Read Scripture
    2. Read lesson helps–Teacher’s Manual
    3. Read Pupil’s Manual
    4. Check aim, adapt if necessary
    5. Keep pupils in mind
    6. Do research
    7. Check idea file
    8. Organize material
    9. Plan to use visual aids
    10. Plan for participation
    11. Plan for total class period
    12. Pray
  3. Value of Lesson Period Plan
    1. Plan all that you will do during the period
    2. Help visualize ways of involving each member of class
    3. Gain variety in class procedure
    4. Insure that you have best possible materials at hand
    5. Releases from “spur-of-the-moment” imagination blanks
    6. Teach with confidence due to preparation


LESSON PERIOD PLAN FOR CLASS ON _________________(date)

Lesson Topic: ________________________________________________________

General Theme for Quarter: ___________________________________________

My Aim for This Class: _______________________________________________

My Procedure for This Class: (Materials I need for teaching, such as Bibles, pupils’ quarterlies, pictures, maps, chalk board, chalk, eraser, etc.) ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

What I will do first during the class session: _______________________

How I plan to get every member of my class actively involved in the learning situation:

The main points I will emphasize: ____________________________________

How I plan to close the class session: _______________________________

NOTES: _______________________________________________________________