God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
Today Christians spend more money on dog food than missions.
Leonard Ravenhill
Then and Now – a Church Anniversary Sermon
Post published:October 24, 2017
by Hugh McLellan
For with my staff I passed over this Jordan; and now I am
become two companies. — Gen. 32: 10
WHEN Jacob fled from his home, spurred on in
haste by the anger of a deceived father and a
robbed brother, he passed in his flight one of the fords
of Jordan. As he said, he passed it with his staff. All
he had was the stick within his hand. The past was
full of terror and the future full of uncertainty.
Still he was rich, for he carried in his heart the mem-
ory of the bestowed blessing, and through the birth-
right he had become the priest and mediator between
God and his people. Also he had the memory of a
vision, the sweetest dream of all the ages, and he could
construct again in thought the golden ladder, and
again summon the troops of angels. His material as-
sets consisted of a wooden stick, but his spiritual as-
sets were a blessing, an office and an experience.
When he returned to the Jordan after his years
with Laban, he was in a different case. God had
blessed him abundantly and his family was a tribe.
His flocks and herds moved in vast numbers over the
desert; his servants were numerous as the servants
of a king. The blessing had worked. It was without
boast and with profound reverence to God that, stand-
ing again at the ford of other days, he said, ''I passed
over this Jordan with my staff; and now I am become
two companies''
It was a time for retrospection, for meditation, and
for resolve. The return to the Jordan marked the
moment for a review of the past and a resolve for the
future. Indeed, it was on the foundations of the past
that he built his plans for the future. The crossing
of the river again was the suggestive occasion for
memories and resolves. And this is true with all of
us. The anniversaries of critical experiences create in
us exalted moods — moods of great gratitude and moods
of high purpose. He is a dull man who can return
in place or time to a life crisis and not rise in grati-
tude or resolve nearer to God. In such a moment we
stand on a ridge in the way of life. The past stretches
back, seen from this height in true perspective; the
future is hidden around the mountains, but as good-
ness and mercy followed us in the way we have come,
so shall they "follow us all the days of our life."
Such a moment is this to which we have returned —
a moment full of meaning to this congregation. This
is our anniversary; it is a Jordan of time rather than
of place. Once more we stand at the moment of our
small beginnings, the days of our staff; and, like Jacob,
we have become two bands. It is a time for retro-
spection, for introspection and for purpose. It is not
a time for idle boasting or hypocritical self-commenda-
tion, all of which would but weaken our hands for
future tasks and cloud the path for our feet.
That we should rejoice in past success in God's
work is natural and proper, but the glory is His,
whose we are, whom we serve. That this band of dis-
ciples surrounds this altar, our Ebenezer, is but proof
that ''hitherto the Lord hath helped us'' and that we
have been ''kept by the power of God." An anniver-
sary which leaves God out is but a ''tinkling brass
and clanging cymbal." Adjusting our hearts thus to
a proper recognition of God, we can now take up some
questions which naturally arise at every church an-
I. What has the past year meant to ourselves?
To Jacob the return to the Jordan meant the dif-
ference between a staff and two bands. We, too, can
rejoice that the past year has not been unfruitful.
Knowing well that it is not the mission of any con-
gregation to make itself materially important, it is
still a matter for congratulation and gratitude that
we are stronger as a group than we were a year ago.
And this is seen in three ways.
1. Financially. We all remember the struggles of
the past when we were a feeble folk. When those,
who passed, mocked like Sanballat, and wondered what
this feeble group would do. There were days when
the only way in which the Lord 's work was kept mov-
ing was by the sacrifices of a faithful few. Debt hung
like a millstone around our neck, and expenses
loomed like high mountains in our path. We thank
God that to-day we can look the world in the face,
and point to an honorable discharge of our obliga-
tions. And it must not be forgotten that a congre-
gation, like an individual, has a name to keep. The
world is closely scrutinizing us, and, in the funda-
mentals of honesty and integrity, we are judged of
all men.
So it is with a reasonable pride that we point to
a year's record in which this church has stood up to
all its obligations and has earned the respect of right-
thinking people. In this experience we have learned
again the great truth that he who sows sparingly
shall reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully
shall reap bountifully. The greatest reaping of joy
and satisfaction comes to those in this congregation
who in the darker days sacrificed. Theirs now is the
joy and victory, and God pours into their bosoms an
overflowing blessing.
2. In numbers. Numerically we are a stronger
congregation than we were a year ago. This build-
ing is rich in the traditions of souls born into the
kingdom. The church has seen the power of the sim-
ple gospel working the great change in the lives of
men and women. Our ears have heard men confess
with the mouth the Sonship of Christ, and our eyes
have seen them buried with their Lord in the waters
of baptism. And this to the Christian is his richest
experience. He lives over again his own conversion
in the conversion of others.
Indeed, the high moments, after all, in the last year
were not those of paid debts or big offerings, but of
the great congregation in gospel revival, the fervid
appeal, the welling song of invitation, and the walk-
ing to the front of those who came to Christ. These
were the scenes that stirred our hearts and these
give us joy to-day. And would not this anniversary
be meaningless were it otherwise? The living church
is always an evangelical church, always a gospel
church, always a witness for Christ and His truth.
Back of the living church is the undying commission
of the Master, and He is ''with us'' only as we carry
out its terms. The church may have many functions,
but one is chief. It is the herald of the kingdom. It
is the voice in the wilderness. It is the moving lip
through which the Spirit calls to sinners. If it is
not this, it is nothing.
3. In grace. Well might we ask ourselves in this
anniversary if we have ''grown in grace.'' A year
older should see us a year better. Have we moved
up from the milk of the Word to the strong meat?
These questions reveal a profound necessity which is
laid on the church that it grow in grace. To be
older and not nearer to God is like walking in a
circle; it is motion without progress. The great func-
tion of teaching is laid on the church with the same
imperative as that of preaching. The truth within
this Bible on the desk is still chained and powerless
unless it has entered our lives.
As we look back over the year we rejoice in the
growth of the Bible school. Here the church may
function as the teacher of the Word upon minds
ready to receive. It is regrettable that not all the
members of the church are engaged in this service.
To know Christ ought to mean that we teach Him.
Never before has the way been so open for this ser-
vice. The work is organized, the literature is abun-
dant and available, schools of methods instruct us in
the art, and millions of young people wait on our
words. A church which is not definitely and serious-
ly engaged in teaching the will of God has little to
celebrate in any anniversary. We put the emphasis
on this teaching function because it is the secret of
growth. A Christian can no more grow without the
Word than a man can grow without food. It wiU be
found that the weak and sickly are those who have
substituted the husks of man's wisdom for the bread
of life. This growth in grace is seen in the maturing
holiness and the strengthening faith of the congrega-
tion. We rejoice in our strength, and in our numbers,
but we rejoice rather in the fact that we live closer
to God than we did one year ago.
II. What has our past year meant to others?
Apart from the financial, numerical and spiritual
growth of the congregation itself there is the broad-
ening work to be considered on the outside. A con-
gregation may become big in size and small in spirit.
A true congregation of Christ is always awake to its
duties to the whole world. Its horizon is not limited
to its own church walls.
In a word, a real church is a missionary institu-
tion, full of the missionary spirit, and glowing with
missionary zeal. The church at Antioch, where the
disciples first received the divine name, still stands
as an example to all Christian churches in its action
in choosing out Paul and Barnabas with John Mark,
and later Silas, and laying hands on them and send-
ing them out to preach the gospel in heathen lands.
There is nothing more apostolic than the missionary
enterprise. An unmissionary church is neither Scrip-
tural nor humane. It has no favor with God or man.
It is an anomaly in the world.
In any anniversary of a church one of the highest
experiences should be the report of the work of the
church among the heathen. If the church is repre-
sented by an actual missionary, his presence at the
anniversary would mean more than anything else. If
that may not be, then his report should be read. In
this anniversary it is a matter of congratulation that
we hold hands with a missionary across the seas, and
that through him we are preaching the gospel to those
who sit in darkness. The question that should arise
in our hearts to-day is, ''Are we fully represented
there?'' Does one missionary on the foreign field
measure our spirit and ability, or are we keeping
back ''part of the price''? Let us hope that when
the next anniversary arrives we shall be able to re-
port another field occupied in the name of Christ and
of this congregation.
In addition, it is a matter for congratulation that
our missionary zeal recognizes the importance of
preaching the truth in the homeland. A Christian
America is itself a missionary influence in the world,
and it should be our aim to save our own land for
Christ that through it the world may see what God
hath wrought. In addressing ourselves to this work,
we should remember that America needs the simple
gospel. Like the Laodiceans, the people of the United
States are rich and increased in goods, and think they
have need of nothing, but, like the Laodiceans, in the
true riches they are naked and blind. Our country
needs the unadulterated gospel of Christ to save its
soul. Being saved, it becomes a base of operations for
the salvation of the whole world. This saving work
is in circles. First the individual, then the family,
then the city or community, then our own land, then
the whole world. The ever-widening waves of gospel
truth should not rest until they wash up against the
shores of the farthest land.
III. A time for reconsecration.
Benjamin Franklin, when speaking before the Con-
stitutional Convention, urging that the convention ask
divine guidance in its deliberations, said: ''If it be
true that a sparrow can not fall without His notice,
how can it be that an empire shall rise without His
aid?" It was a word fitly spoken. We would do
weU to ponder it, and in this anniversary ask, "How
can we succeed without God?" We have indicated
that this anniversary is a season for recapitulation;
it is more a season of reconsecration. "We set the
watch in vain if we watch without Him; we build
the walls in vain if we lay a stone without Him. On
this occasion this church should open its soul to God.
If He enters our lives, we must succeed. We shall be
the speaking mouth, but He shall be the voice; we
shall be the moving hand, but He shall be the strength ;
we shall be the visible body, but He shall be the life.
The apostolic power shall be ours only as the
apostolic indwelling of the Spirit is ours. We ought
to be able to give the apostolic secret of the victorious
life, ''I live, yet not I, for Christ liveth in me.'' It
was said of Stephen's persecutors that '^they were
not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit with which
he spake." And this wisdom and this spirit were of
God. Our own wisdom and our own spirit are easily re-
sisted, but the Spirit of God in us is mighty and will
prevail. So let us open our hearts to the Spirit of
God, that as we move forward from this anniversary
day we may do so in His wisdom and power.
This kind of consecration will solve all the difficul-
ties and problems confronting us in the year ahead.
If we are consecrated, so are our money, our time,
our energy, our talents and our wills. There are no
financial or missionary problems unsolved by a con-
secrated congregation. In giving itself it gives all.
If the subjective problem is solved, the objective prob-
lem ceases to exist. The giants which the spies saw
in Canaan were mere men distorted by cowardice.
There were no giants to Joshua and Caleb. Canaan
lies before us, and we are weU able to go up and
possess the land.
Conclusion. It would be a sad mistake if in this
anniversary we failed to remember those who were
with us one year ago, but are not here to-day. Some
of those who worked with us, and bore the heat and
burden of the day, have entered into rest. So is this
congregation represented in heaven. And this teaches
us that with each anniversary we, too, are nearing the
temple which is eternal in the heavens. The church
which we now see is a meeting-place and a parting-
place. The tides flow in, then flow out. It is like the
story told of the old Arab who, one day at evening,
after traveling across the desert, came to a pretentious
building on the edge of an oasis. He tethered his
camel at the gate and went into the hall, and, spread-
ing his carpet, lay down to rest. Soon a noble-looking
Arab entered and demanded of the traveler what he
was doing in the king's palace. The Arab replied that
he took the building for a caravansary. *'No,'' said
the other, ''it is the king's palace, and I am the king.''
The traveler then asked the king how long he had
lived there; and he told him. He then asked who
lived in it before he did. He answered, ''My father."
"And who before him?" "His father," and so on
back through many generations. "Then," asked the
traveler, "who shall live here after you?" "My
son," he answered. "And after him?" "His son,
and so on down to the end of time." "Well," said
the traveler, "any house which receives and sends out
such a continuous succession of guests is not a palace,
but a caravansary." Such in one aspect is the church
with its passing congregations. We come into this
sweet fellowship only to pass out sooner or later into
the fellowship on high. These anniversaries reveal the
silent movement of these tides of life, and the names
of those who have rolled up the carpet and moved
away beyond the horizon are in our hearts. If it
be that people come and go through this church, we
should see to it that while they rest thus in the earth-
ly caravansary, they are touched with grace to fit them
for the eternal home.